Chapter 828
About this moment, looking along the island, the small fishing boat has disappeared in the ocean.

It has long disappeared at the sea-sky junction in the eastward sea area...

When the forty-year-old curly-haired man on the big white boat stood at the bow and took a look through the binoculars, he saw that the small fishing boat had disappeared in the ocean, and he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed...


In this annoyance, he said something to the blond girl next to him, which meant: go and call David.

After a while, I saw a tall, strong and tough guy coming out of the cabin...

This guy is David.

The former special arms, after retiring, has been fighting black boxing in the underground boxing arena.

Just this guy, with infinite strength, a born savage, can knock down a calf with one punch.

David came forward and called the boss respectfully.

Then, the curly-haired man in his forties also said to him, meaning: You drive a speedboat to chase that fishing boat in the ocean just now!
Suddenly hearing such a simple task, David smiled and said: OK!


Right now, on the island.

The dozen or so people, each wearing a crown and holding a long spear, were about to head towards the hole under the stone wall.

But facing that deep and pitch-black hole, the dozen or so people were still a little inexplicably wary.

Each one is cautious.

Under more than ten lights above the head, the entrance of the cave {d} was finally gradually illuminated...

It seems to be a large natural stone cave, but there are still some traces of excavation on the cave wall...

The cave is deep, dark, and humid, and you can even feel an obvious cold wind blowing in front of you...

The blow made the dozen or so people chill and shy.

Some guys are cursing, meaning: Grass, what the hell is this place in Tamar?

When he was about to approach the entrance of the cave {d}, one of the less courageous guys, holding the long gun in his hand, fired randomly into the cave...

'Da da da da da...'

One of the guys was yelling, meaning: Hold the grass, you fucking, don't break the treasure!

However, at this moment, there was a sudden 'puff' sound in the cave...

Like something is spreading its wings...

Then, to the surprise of the dozen or so guys, countless big eagles flew out of the cave with a bang...

Come to meet them.

When the dozen or so guys came to their senses, and each of them had expressions of panic, it seemed that it was too late.

Just as they were about to shoot at each other, there were bursts of howling ghosts and wolves...

More than a dozen people screamed and howled fiercely...

Because, more than a dozen people had their eyes pecked out in an instant...

A few guys suddenly went blind and fell from Shifeng beside the corridor.


At this moment, the sea.

When the curly-haired man in his forties suddenly used his binoculars to see movement on Shifeng, his eyes suddenly frightened...

Fuck...! ?

But at this moment, the sky above the big ship was suddenly filled with darkness.

The blonde girl next to him looked up in panic, and immediately let out a terrified cry: "Ah——"

At the same time, with a bang, the blonde immediately peed.

When the forty-year-old curly-haired man next to her reacted, he was also dumbfounded...


Because the blonde's eyes were gone.

Then I saw him turn around angrily, ready to turn around to pick up a long gun, and shoot at the group of big eagles...

Unexpectedly, just as soon as he touched the gun, he was completely dazed...

Because he also suddenly felt a moment of darkness in front of his eyes, and then a piercing pain...


In the end, after the group of big eagles disappeared in the sky, all that was left was the sound of wailing everywhere.

At the same time, it was also a burst of inexplicable tragedy and desolation...

All the people who landed on the island had their eyes pecked out.

The two people on the boat also had their eyes pecked out.

For the time being, death is inevitable, but it is also impossible to leave the island.

Of course, it won't be long before they all die here.

The big ship that seems to be moored by the sea can only express a moment of silence.

Because there is no one to drive it, it will be parked here forever.


The only survivor was the guy named David.

He had already driven a speedboat to chase the small fishing boat.

He didn't know what was happening on the island right now.

Feeling the free swimming and speed of the speedboat in the ocean, this guy named David was very excited, screaming like a madman...

It seems that surfing in this kind of ocean is very cool.

At the same time, thinking about killing that fishing boat, he was even more excited.

Because this is his forte.

Especially at the moment when the opponent is knocked down with a heavy punch, he will have a super cool feeling.

Apparently that's what he's living for.

Just keep KO each other!


Right now, in the ocean, on that fishing boat.

inside the cockpit.

I saw that Li Chen was temporarily teaching the two women some skills and tricks of steering...

Because they had to be taught.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to survive that long in the cockpit alone.

Because he remembered that he had to cross four islands before reaching the last island in the center of the ocean.

As long as you leave the last island in the center of the ocean, you will be getting closer to country G...

But for the four weeks of islands that cross the center of the ocean, there is no such thing as ten days and half a month, which is enough.

The most difficult thing is actually yet to come, that is the distance to country G after leaving the last island in the center of the ocean...

There are no islands in the middle where you can temporarily stop and rest, and you can only float in the ocean all the time.

At the very least, it will take half a month to go up.

That is to say, if everything goes well, it will take at least a month to finally arrive in country G and complete the first stage of self-help.

Of course, as long as you arrive in country G, you will see the light of day...

But for now, we can't be too optimistic.

However, there is nothing else, just worry about encountering bad weather or harsh ocean environment.

Other than that, there's nothing to worry about for now.

Because there is plenty of food on board.

The group of treasure hunters had prepared enough food and water on this ship.

Such as, canned luncheon meat, and beef jerky.

There are also a lot of canned corn.

And some potatoes.

There are also two barrels of fresh water for drinking.

In short, these are enough for the three of them to last for a month.

And for Li Chen, there is still a lot of spiritual food for him on this boat, that is smoke...

There are still a dozen sticks of three to five sticks.

There are still two cases of whiskey, and four or five cases of cans of beer.

This time, it was rich enough for the three of them...

(End of this chapter)

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