Chapter 829 Safe

After a while, when the beautiful oriental writer had just learned how to steer, and was yelling excitedly that she was going to steer for a while, suddenly, suddenly, a cannon landed on the left front side of their ship...


Following such a sudden explosion, the water wave was suddenly raised several feet high, and suddenly, the three people in the cockpit were frightened and shivered all over...


Then the screams of the two women started.

When Li Chen reacted, he suddenly felt that the situation was not right, so he panicked and said with a dark face: "Then what... you two... stay in the cockpit! Just steer the rudder well, understand?"

While talking, he was about to turn around and get out of the cockpit...

After the two women reacted in a daze, they saw that he had already left the cockpit.

So, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly asked: "Sister Huiqiao, what did Li Chenjun... say just now?"

Quan Hye Kyo continued to be stunned for a moment, and then said: "He wants the two of us to stay in the cockpit and take the helm!"

"Then he..." Ito Chuanxiang was suddenly worried.

Quan Huiqiao said: "It's fine. Don't worry about it. He has his own way."

The two of them were talking, when suddenly another turbulent wave came over, and the boat shook violently...

The hearts of the two women trembled involuntarily——

However, subconsciously, Jeon Hye Kyo panicked and steered the rudder steadily...

Relatively speaking, at critical moments, the H country actress is the most useful.


After Li Chen cautiously escaped from the cabin, he was shocked to see a speedboat chasing after him...

Li Chen, who had already left a gun outside the cabin, was shocked to see what happened, so he had no choice but to crawl over in a panic, and took the gun...

Immediately, I saw him crawling towards the stern side of the ship in a panic with a gun.

When the whole person was at the stern of the boat, he looked up again, and saw that the speedboat chasing behind was getting closer...


Now, the rear.

The guy named David who drove the speedboat was extremely excited.

Especially when he saw that he was about to catch up with the fishing boat, he was even more inexplicably excited.

According to this guy's crazy idea, he wanted to catch up and block that fishing boat.

Then board that fishing boat and have a duel.

Because as an underground boxer, Le is loyal to the refreshing feeling of KO opponent.

For him, the current guns are only used to intimidate the opponent.

Therefore, he did not intend to directly sink the fishing boat.

Of course, he also came with a mission.

After all, the boss told me, is there any treasure on the fishing boat that needs to be searched?

If the fishing boat was sunk directly, what kind of treasure would it be?

In this ocean, if the ship sinks, nothing can be fished out.


It's just that the speedboat was approaching from behind, and Li Chen was already aiming at the fuel tank of the speedboat...

As far as he was concerned, he didn't care what crazy ideas that swarthy nigger had.

Because he has only one thought, and that is to kill Ya and finish the job.

And the guy named David who was about to catch up started shouting loudly in awkward English...

It means to stop the fishing boat.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the gun in Li Chen's hand rang out immediately...

'Da da da da da...'

The guy named David instantly looked confused: "???"

Just when he reacted angrily and was about to start fighting back, unexpectedly, there was a sudden explosion...


With such a sound, a group of flames exploded.

The speedboat has disappeared in the ocean.

The guy named David also disappeared completely.

On the other hand, Li Chen spat gloomily: "Fuck! Damn it! Let you pretend to be a fool!"

Then, when he put down his gun, he couldn't help but light a cigarette depressedly...

After he stayed at the stern of the boat and observed for a while, he saw that there was no abnormality in the rear, and there was no more speedboat chasing after him, so he breathed out a long and gloomy breath...

In fact, he still understood something in his heart.

Is it the big ship that is causing the trouble?

Guess... the group of people on the big ship had already realized something, and then suspected that they might have taken the treasure by the way?

But, that group of people... Who is it, he can't figure it out for the time being?
It's just that he vaguely felt... that group of people should have a lot of background?
Thinking about it, he couldn't help but hurried back to the cabin again.


After a while, when the two women in the cockpit suddenly saw that Li Chen had returned, they couldn't help being surprised...

And at this moment, Li Chen, holding a can of beer in his hand, couldn't help but poured a big gulp of beer into his mouth gloomily.

Ito Chuanxiang looked at it, but couldn't help asking: "Is it... already solved?"

Li Chen said: "It's all right. It's safe."

Hearing what he said, the two women couldn't help being overjoyed...

But then, when Li Chen came to the side of the two women and looked at the vast waters ahead, he felt an inexplicable worry in his heart...

After all, in this kind of ocean of Tamar, unknown dangers may come at any time?

Maybe in the next second?
Thinking about it, he couldn't help but poured a big gulp of beer into his mouth...

Then, in his mind, he kept flashing back to those six women and the last shipwreck last year.

In fact, he didn't know what day it was until he boarded the ship, went to the cockpit, and looked at the calendar.

It started in July last year and it is now April this year.

Today is April 4th.

Thinking about it, he didn't seem to want to remember the specific day anymore, he was just thinking about when he would be able to return home......

Now the stupid thing is that there is no wireless communication equipment on this ship.

Otherwise, he would naturally want to send out a distress signal.

Because... who the hell really wants to float in this ocean by himself?

If a distress signal can be issued, it will naturally be the first step to send it out.


After a while, because Jeon Hye Kyo was anxious and wanted to relieve herself, Ito Chuanxiang was replaced at the helm.

Suddenly seeing that this little girl was replaced at the helm, Li Chen was also watching from the sidelines...

Generally speaking, this little girl... is not bad, and her brain is quite bright.

Taking the opportunity, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but smile at him: "Li Chenjun, it alright to take the helm?"

Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled happily, and replied: "Not bad, I learn relatively quickly."

It wasn't until he replied such a sentence that he was completely stunned...

Then, taking this opportunity, he took some time to take a rough look at this beautiful oriental writer...

That charm... is really a bit like Qin Xiaowan in the past...

(End of this chapter)

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