The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 830 Dreaming that the captain wants a chapter!

Chapter 830 Dreaming that the captain is coming back!

Next, under the afternoon sun, I saw the fishing boat in the ocean sailing east.

On board were three survivors of the air crash who were rushing home.

Although the three are from three different countries, their beliefs are the same.

Although in the vast ocean, a fishing boat is like an insignificant lonely boat, but the three people on the boat still firmly believe that they will be able to go back!

In the afternoon, Li Chen could only safely and boldly hand over the cockpit to the two women, and then he went to sleep in the cabin for a while.

Because he knew in his heart that he still had to endure it.

Especially at night, it is even more difficult.

Therefore, it is appropriate to know how to recharge your batteries.


After sailing this day, in the cockpit, Ito Chuanxiang suddenly felt a little exhausted. Only then did she realize that floating in the ocean like this is the most uncomfortable thing.

As for Jeon Hye Kyo, she naturally already had this kind of psychological preparation.

Now she's at the helm again...

Ito Chuanxiang, who was standing by the side, suddenly saw that it was getting late, she couldn't help but frown her beautiful eyes...

"Uh, Miss Hye Kyo, it's getting dark, what should I do?"

Jeon Hye Kyo replied, "Of course we must continue sailing, otherwise what else can we do?"

"Ah!?" Ito Chuanxiang felt a little startled in horror.

Then, she said: "'s dark and I can't see, how do I sail?"

Quan Hye Kyo said: "It's okay. There are navigation lights."

However, Ito Chuanxiang said again: "''s dangerous is it in the ocean? What if we hit something...wouldn't the three of us be finished?"

So, Quan Hye Kyo also asked: "Then what do you say?"

Ito Chuanxiang frowned again, thought for a while, and then said: "Can't we find a place to park and wait until dawn?"

Hearing what she said, Quan Hye Kyo said: "Do you think Li Chen and Ouba and I don't want to? But there are no islands in this ocean. Where do you think we should anchor now?"

"???" Ito Chuanxiang was completely dumbfounded.

After she frowned again, she looked at the ocean scene under the twilight. She didn't seem to know what to do?
Worrying is all about worrying, but right now, there is really no solution.

There is no way to solve this problem.

It's just that she knew in her heart that... this... is so dangerous!


But, generally speaking, at present, the ocean environment is fairly mild.

Haven't had a big storm yet.

Sailing along the way is also considered smooth.


After a while, when it was almost twilight, Li Chen came to the cockpit with a bunch of food and drink.

Now the three of them can only use the cockpit as a battlefield.

Eat and drink here.

After putting down the food and drink, he said, "Okay. You two eat first. I'll take the helm."

Immediately, he added: "By the way, after you two have finished eating, come over and steer for a while, and then I will take over after I finish eating, and you two will go to rest for a while and sleep for a while."

Taking the opportunity, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly asked: "By the way, Li Chenjun, how long are we... going to sail in this ocean?"

Li Chen said very relaxedly: "About a month. After about a month, we will reach country G."

"???" Ito Chuanxiang suddenly looked terrified.

Seeing Ito Chuanxiang like that, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but said: "What's so frightening? For you, it's just the beginning? Do you know how Li Chenopa and the others survived before?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen said: "That's enough. Let's not talk about the past. We... as long as we persevere, we will definitely be able to go back."

Quan Hye Kyo seemed to understand what Li Chen meant, so she didn't say anything more about it.


Next, after Li Chen took the helm, the two women rested for a while, and then went to the bathroom on the ship first.

When they came back, the two women stopped being polite and squatted in the cockpit, starting to eat something.

At this moment, it was completely dark, and Li Chen had turned on the navigation lights.

At the same time, he was thinking in his mind that the fishermen from country G returned yesterday, so it seemed to prove that... the recent ocean environment shouldn't be too bad?



Tonight, Huaguo Yanjing.

The second child, Su Qian'er, suddenly happily called the eldest Tan Jixia.

On the phone, she happily told the elder Tan Jixia that she finally had a good dream last night.

Meaning, she dreamed that the captain was coming back.

It's just that Tan Jixia on the other end of the phone listened, but was startled——

Because she was thinking, dreams are always reversed.

At the same time, she was also a little worried about whether the second child really couldn't get out at all?

Because it's always been... the second child never stopped mentioning everything about the captain.

However, listening to the second child talking about dreams so happily, Tan Jixia couldn't bear to hurt anything.

Therefore, she could only say on the phone: "Last time... that Captain Liu told me that as long as you believe in miracles, there will be miracles. It seems... maybe there really are miracles?"

Taking the opportunity, Su Qian'er couldn't help asking: "By the way, last time... what else did Captain Liu tell you?"

Suddenly hearing this, Tan Jixia couldn't help but smile: "You want to hear it?"

Su Qian'er hurriedly said, "Say it quickly!"

Tan Jixia smiled again: "Do you know... why did the captain cry inexplicably when listening to the song "Today Is Your Birthday"?"

"Why?" Unexpectedly, this beautiful Su beauty suddenly became gossipy.

So, next, Tan Jixia began to tell her the story of the captain and a hair salon girl...

According to what Captain Liu said, she also told the truth...

It's just that after hearing this story suddenly, I didn't expect that this beautiful CEO of Su would suddenly act like an angry little girl...

"Hmph! No wonder! It turns out... that Li... so he... He even had a story with such a woman?"

This made Tan Jixia on the other end of the phone couldn't help but smile: "What? Are you jealous?"

Unexpectedly, this beautiful CEO from Su denied it like a duplicity girl, "No! I'm not jealous! Hmph, besides...why should I be jealous?"

Tan Jixia could only smile, and then said: "Okay. Actually... that captain Liu also said that the captain Zeng and that hair salon girl are actually pure, and there is actually no such substance between them. relation."

Then, Tan Jixia added: "Besides, at that time, the captain was still serving in the army, and he didn't have the guts to have anything to do with that hair salon girl."


(End of this chapter)

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