Chapter 837 John Family
At this moment, in the twilight, Country G, John's family, one of the four major families.

I saw a guy in his forties reporting something to a silver-haired old man...

As for the silver-haired old man, he is naturally the ruler of the family.

As for the guy in his forties, his name is Charlie, he can be regarded as the chief executive of John's family, and the celebrity next to the silver-haired old man can be regarded as a confidant.

Right now, Charlie is reporting to Lord John...

It roughly means: the three helicopters that were sent to search for Master Jue Zhi in the ocean have not yet returned, have lost contact for the time being, and their whereabouts are unknown.

Anyway, that means, this thing is very strange.

Those three helicopters should have encountered accidents?

Listening to such a situation, the silver-haired old man (Lord John) has been complaining about his son...

How should I put it specifically... Because it is called Master Juezhi, but he is actually in his forties, and he is not mature at all.

To put it bluntly, even the kind of gnawing old man can be regarded as a prodigal son.

It seems to be quite busy, and I have been tossing around all the time, but all I do are loss-making things.

If it weren't for the family's strong foundation, it would have been ruined long ago.

Even so, this Lord John... still wants to train Young Master Juezhi to be the heir of the family.

That's why Sir John was very angry when he heard that Master Juezhi had gone to the ocean to hunt for treasure without telling the truth...

It just feels like fooling around.

However, although John's family is superior in country G, they are helpless in the face of such an oceanic environment.

Even a little helpless.

After Sir John complained and resented, he asked Charlie, meaning: Are you sure Master Sir George went to such a damned, damned island in the ocean?
Charlie nodded, meaning: OK.

"???" Lord John was a little confused.

Then there was another big whine, which meant: Damn it!

But, in the end, Lord John could only look at Charlie with a serious face, and said, to the effect: Charlie, this matter is not trivial!We are not familiar with the ocean environment!Also, there are those damn pirates in the ocean!
As he was talking, Sir John changed the subject, meaning: No matter what method you use, you must find Master Sir John, OK?

Charlie could only nod: OK.



As for now, Li Chen and the other three were still in the ocean, but they didn't know that they had offended one of the most powerful families in country G.

Of course, for the three of them, the future fate is also unknown?

After a while, the three of them under the night were still staying on the beach at the southwest corner of the island...

The three people sitting around the fire were all indescribably gloomy.

Although I don't have to worry about food and drink now, the problem is... how long I will stay on this island now is still unknown?

I already had a fishing boat, and it sailed well in the ocean, but suddenly it got stuck here.

It was as depressing as it could be!
After a while, I saw Li Chen couldn't help lighting a cigarette again...

Frowning gloomily, puffing on his cigarette, he couldn't help but look up at the night sky...

Tonight, there is no moonlight, but the sky is full of stars.

Under the night, everything is dark and quiet...

Only the sound of the waves from time to time sounded on the side of the sea...

The three of them who didn't speak, sitting around the fire, looked a bit like lost dogs.

Although they also realized how insignificant they are in this kind of nature, they had to struggle hard...

Because after all, I still want to strive to live and live!

The belief in my heart is still... I will definitely be able to go back!

After a while, Li Chen, who didn't want to talk much, got up suddenly, couldn't help but took advantage of the dark night, and walked towards the seaside in the southwest corner...

Then he looked at the fishing boat that was sinking in front of him, and could only frown...

In the dark night, the top of the cabin was still visible out of the water.

Grass, damn it...

At this moment, the two women sitting in front of the fire turned their heads and looked at the shadowy figure by the sea. Suddenly, they couldn't help but get up...

Quan Huiqiao, who walked slowly to Li Chen's side first, turned her head to look at him, and couldn't help but said, "Uh, Li Chen...this fishing boat...can we fix it?"

Li Chen frowned again: "Without tools, how can I repair it?"

Then, he said: "I've seen that there is more than one place where water has entered. Without professional tools, it is impossible to repair it at all. At least, we have no way to have a welding machine. Moreover, now that it is soaked in water, those motors It doesn’t work anymore. Even with professional tools, it will take several days to repair it.”

Then, he added: "Also, the fuel tank is also leaking now. The fuel tank also needs to be repaired. The point is... After the repair, we now have no fuel. In short, it is useless to count on this ship. count on."

Hearing what he said, and it was a lot of professional things, suddenly, this H country actress could only be confused for a while: "???"

But look at this Huaguo man... She believes that he understands everything.

It's just that many conditions cannot be met now.

In desperation, she had no choice but to frown her beautiful eyes again...

At this moment, Ito Chuanxiang came to the right side of Li Chenjun...

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Li Chenjun, and then said: "Is there really no way to fix this fishing boat?"

"No." Li Chen shook his head sincerely.

Then there was Ito Kawaka's long silence...

Seeing that the women on the left and right sides were speechless and silent, after Li Chen frowned, he lit another cigarette...

Then, he said, "Okay. It's getting late. If you're sleepy, go and take a nap by the fire."

However, Quan Hye Kyo suddenly curled her lips gloomily: "Hmph! How can I sleep?"

After Ito Chuanxiang looked at the dark ocean scene under the night, she said: "It's really depressing! Hmph! If it weren't for those guys on the three helicopters... we might... go to the next island soon gone?"

Seeing the two women like this, Li Chen suddenly flicked the cigarette butt in his hand into the ocean, and said: "Let's think about the future. It is impossible to change the existing facts."

Then, he continued: "If it's really that easy to save ourselves and go home, then we wouldn't still be on this broken island, would we?"

Hearing what he said, the two women could only frown with their beautiful eyes...

Next, the two of them didn't know what to say?

It's just that the two of them knew in their hearts that in the future, facing new challenges, they might still have to rely on this Huaguo man...

(End of this chapter)

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