The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 838 What is there to be afraid of?

Chapter 838 What is there to be afraid of?
The next day, in the morning light, Li Chen, who was the first to wake up next to the fire, still looked around in a daze, in this strange environment he was in now...

He was really tired of this new island.

Frankly speaking, he really didn't want to spend any more time getting acquainted with this new island.

At this moment, only a few words floated in my heart, that is... Fuck, damn it!

In desperation, he could only light a cigarette depressedly...

Then he saw that the two women beside the fire hadn't woken up yet, so he couldn't help but get up, turned around and walked a few steps aside, then couldn't help but hiss.

After finishing the work, I looked at the general outline of the southwest corner of the island in a daze, and could only frown again...

Although it feels like this is another big island, I really don't want to go to the island to toss about anything.

It's just... I don't know if I'm staying here in the southwest corner now, can I have something to look forward to?

After a while, when the two women by the fire woke up, they saw Li Chen squatting by the sea and simply washing up.

But at this moment, the two women who just woke up looked at the back of the one squatting by the sea, they were still a little sleepy.

However, the two of them knew in their hearts that they were now on a strange island again.

It's just that I don't know what will happen next... how will that Huaguo man lead the two of them?


It wasn't until after a while that they turned their heads and looked east, and suddenly saw that the sun was already rising in the east, the two women got up from the fire.

Standing here now, looking at the red sun, it is quite a sight, but at the moment the two women are not in the mood to watch the red sun.

Therefore, Jeon Hye Kyo couldn't help but said in Ito Chuanxiang's ear: "Let's go, let's go."


Seeing the two women getting up together, they turned around and walked towards the green forest, Li Chen understood in his heart what they were going to do.

So, he had no choice but to light a cigarette again, preparing to wait for the two women to have breakfast together.

After a while, after the two women finished their busy work, they saw them return to the fire, so Li Chen also said: "It's done, let's prepare breakfast."

It's just that the two women frowned inexplicably...

After squatting down and looking at Li Chen again, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help asking: "Then... shall we stay here all the time?"

Li Chen said: "Let's talk after breakfast."


Next, when the three of them were still eating breakfast, suddenly, they heard the roar of planes over the ocean...

"???" The three of them were somewhat confused at the moment, and at the same time, they also felt a little inexplicably uneasy.

Suddenly, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to get up in a panic...

Seeing this, the two women stood up in panic and vigilance...

Then, the two of them followed Li Chen and cautiously walked towards the south side...

When the three cats were on the southwest corner, they looked up and saw three more helicopters flying over the ocean.

Those three helicopters are flying from east to west...

I don't know if the three helicopters found the three of them?
I saw that they all went directly to the west...

However, Li Chen was still guessing in his heart, maybe he still went to the last island where they stayed?
I don't know what ghost treasure is there?

After a while, watching the three helicopters fly away, Quan Hye Kyo asked timidly: "Could it be that he is with those people from yesterday?"

Li Chen also replied: "Is it possible?"

So, Ito Chuanxiang asked in a panic: "Then what should we do?"

Li Chen thought about it calmly, and then said: "Are you afraid of hair? What is there to be afraid of in such a wild place?"

Then, he said: "As long as we are on the island, there is nothing to be afraid of."

As he spoke, he changed the topic: "Come on. Let's go back and continue with breakfast."


In fact, regarding the three helicopters just now, this time, the chief executive (Charlie) of the John family led the team in person.

Even so, at present...they have not noticed some abnormalities in the ocean.

In fact, for them, coming to this ocean, everything is still strange and ignorant.


About two hours later, go to an island, the beach just south.

I saw three helicopters were slowly landing...

Then a group of people got off the plane.

It's just that the dozen or so people who came down suddenly, although well-equipped, were dumbfounded when faced with everything in front of them: "???"

Regarding the big white boat, it is still moored in the waters ahead of the shallows.

Actually, it wasn't a cruise ship either.

To be precise, it was just a small cargo ship.

At this moment, Charlie looked at the scene in front of him, and he could only frown blankly...

Then, a guy whispered in his ear, meaning: That's a small freighter from one of John's ports.It is estimated that Master Juezhi is going to drive it here to store treasures?

Charlie listened, and frowned again...

In fact, Charlie knew what was going on without him reporting it.

Afterwards, Charlie interjected, meaning: Don't say these things are useless.Quickly check, what's the matter?Then look where those people have gone?Remember, the focus is on Master Juezhi.

Hearing what Charlie said, the group got busy...

In short, various inspections, observations, inferences...

Finally, after the opinions were collected, one of the guys hurriedly came to report the situation to Charlie...

It means: There are only two skeletons on the boat. According to the characteristics of the skeletons, they are a man and a woman. It should be possible that they are Master Juezhi and Miss Rice?

Hearing such a situation suddenly, Charlie immediately looked confused: "???"

Looking at the skeleton by the sea again, the guy said again, meaning: The one by the sea should be homicide?

Immediately, another guy came over to report the situation, meaning: There were traces of helicopters landing on the beach. Those three helicopters should have been here yesterday?

Hearing such a situation suddenly, Charlie, the chief manager, suddenly became a little dizzy: "???"

Then, Charlie suddenly guessed, meaning: Could it be that those guys came here yesterday to kill Master Juezhi and others, and then those guys flew away with the treasure?

In fact, this possibility is not ruled out at all.

Just looking at the island again, Charlie was saying again, meaning: What the hell!Is there any treasure on this island?Where will the treasure be hidden?
Then, next, this group of people were also a little bit big-headed: "???"

They were all thinking, how to explain this kind of thing to Lord John when they go back?

Then, one by one couldn't help but ask Charlie, how would he explain this when he went back?

Charlie said, meaning: to hell!I don't even know how to explain when I go back?

Then, he was furious again, meaning: Luofu that bastard!
As for Luo Fu, he was the one who led the team yesterday to find Master Jue Zhi in the ocean...

Next, they were all extremely angry, meaning that they must find that bastard Luo Fu...

(End of this chapter)

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