Chapter 840 Hiding
About an hour later, around noon, the three helicopters finally decided to take off and return...

With the whirling of the propellers, the three helicopters are slowly taking off...

It's just that Charlie, who was sitting in the helicopter that took off first, still looked helpless.

He hasn't figured out how to explain this matter when he goes back?


After waiting for almost two hours, I saw three helicopters returning to the next island, and it seemed that two sharp-eyed guys among them suddenly discovered the anomaly in the southwest...

Over there, it seems like a ship is sinking?

Next, they were busy talking with Charlie and reporting the situation...

Originally, the three helicopters had already flown in diameter, but after a while, all of a sudden, the three helicopters turned back from the sky.


In fact, right now, Li Chen and the other three are hiding in the green forest to the west...

Originally, the three of them planned to walk north along the west side of the island, but when they reached the middle of the west side of the island, there was no way.

In the middle there is a col.

Moreover, the span of the mountain pass is very large, and it is impossible to pass through the waters of the pass, so the three of them had no choice but to turn back.

Suddenly, they heard the roar of a helicopter in the air, so the three of them quickly flashed into the green forest beside them...

Originally, the three helicopters had already flown over, and the three of them were about to come out of the green forest, but suddenly they heard the movement from the south, as if the three helicopters had turned back again. Dazed for a moment: "???"

In desperation, subconsciously, the three had no choice but to retreat into the green forest...

Then, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help trembling in Li Chen's ear: "Li Chen-jun, this... what's going on?"

However, Li Chen didn't answer her, but just held the gun silently...

It can be seen that this time, these two women are really strong, I saw that they also held the gun silently...

After taking a rough look at it, Li Chen finally felt a little happy in his heart.

Then, he whispered next to the two women's ears: "I will play by ear later. Pay attention to my movement. If my gun goes off, you two will respond immediately, understand?"

"En!" This time, the two women finally nodded hurriedly.


After a while, three helicopters were seen circling over the southwest corner...

Those guys seem to be thinking, should they land?
However, in the end, it depends on what Charlie means.


At this moment, in the green forest.

Li Chen, wearing a straw ring on his head, was secretly watching the situation of the three helicopters...

The two women next to him were also secretly looking around...

After a while, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but whispered again: "It seems...not...not like a rescue machine?"

Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly whispered in her ear: "Don't talk!"

Relatively speaking, this country H becoming more and more aggressive.

As for Li Chen at this moment, he has not said anything.

After a general insight, he already felt that these three helicopters should all belong to the same group as those guys from yesterday?

It's just that there is no way to judge whether it is a military personnel?
Because sometimes, the actions of the military are also good at disguising.

But, even so, a thought of snatching the helicopter still flashed in his heart.

But... he was still thinking, guess it's not realistic to snatch the helicopter?

After all, there will be a firefight soon... Bullets have no eyes, and it is very likely that they will destroy the three helicopters?


And at this moment, those three helicopters are still hovering in the sky...

Because it was hovering at a low altitude, it was vaguely possible to hear the group of people shouting and talking on the plane...

After listening carefully, Li Chen was a little confused: "???"

After a while, he finally couldn't help whispering in the ears of the two women: "You two... understand their language?"

Jeon Hye Kyo was the first to shake her head gloomily, expressing that she did not understand.

The beautiful writer from Dongyang whispered: "It seems to be in G language? But... I can't understand it."

Hearing what she said, Li Chen was somewhat depressed, thinking that he didn't understand and why did he say something?

Next, no way, he didn't bother to listen, so he had to wait and see what happened.


Probably considering that the beach in the southwest corner is enough to park three helicopters, so next, the helicopter on the far side began to slowly descend towards the beach...

Seeing that only one helicopter stopped and landed, Li Chen could only frown...

This Tamar's situation is a bit more complicated.

It's not easy to predict.


After a while, the three people in the green forest could only watch helplessly as the helicopter finally landed on the beach.

Then, three or four guys came down...

After the three or four guys got down, they went straight to the sunken ship by the sea.

Gaining insight into the wreck...

Then, a sharp-eyed guy suddenly squatted down by the sea, and actually picked up a piece of metal in the shallow water nearby...

Seeing such a scene suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being stunned for a while——

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have overlooked some details.

That piece of metal was obviously what splashed down to the beach after the three helicopters were blown up yesterday.

But, with that piece of metal alone, as for what those guys can think of, I don't know?


At this moment, Li Chen in the green forest was restrained again and again.

Because according to his temper, he wanted to open fire and seize the helicopter.

However, considering various factors, in the end he still felt that at such a critical moment, he could not easily take risks.

After all, there are still two helicopters circling in the sky.

What's more, the two women were almost in trouble.

If they were all like brothers in the army before, then snatching the helicopter at this moment... is basically a sure thing.

Three helicopters, relying on him alone as the main force, is it enough?
If he misses, it will be the lives of three people.

If the three of them died right away, then all the previous efforts would be in vain.

In the end, he gave up the idea of ​​firing.


As for the moment, those three or four guys by the sea are still studying that piece of metal...

After a while, another sharp-eyed guy turned around and went not far away, and picked up a small piece of metal from the shallow water nearby...

In fact, those three or four guys also identified it. This is the metal splashed from the plane.

There should be a plane crash here, an explosion?

After a while, suddenly a guy jumped out of the water and ran towards the sunken ship...

In the end, after that guy boarded the sunken ship, he couldn't help shouting excitedly, meaning: This ship was sunk!There are many bullet holes on board!
(End of this chapter)

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