Chapter 841 The atmosphere was once tense

This guy was yelling on the boat, saying that the boat was sunk and had a lot of bullet holes, so... another buddy couldn't help but swam through the water, and was about to board that boat to see Look……

As for the two buddies who were still standing by the seaside, they couldn't help but turned their heads to look around the seaside in doubt...

Afterwards, I saw the two buddies suddenly turned around in surprise, and then walked towards the beach...the location of the fire, and walked over...

Regarding the original fire, although it has long been extinguished, the signs are still there.

What's more... there are some firewood piled up there.

After the two buddies took a look at the situation around the fire, immediately, the two buddies couldn't help becoming vigilant...

After realizing something, suddenly, the two buddies picked up their spears in a panic...

After looking around at the situation in the southwest corner, the two buddies looked at each other warily...


After looking at each other suspiciously, they immediately aimed their guns at the jungle above nervously...

It seems that the two buddies also realized that there might be someone hiding in the jungle above?
Because the sloping ridge above the southwest corner is densely covered with jungle on both sides...

But, suddenly, the two buddies seemed to realize that the range of the target was too wide, and they didn't know where to shoot from?
Immediately, the two buddies started to wrinkle and yell...

It means that the two buddies on the boat should come over quickly, there is a situation here.


At this moment, Li Chen and the other three who were hiding in the green forest to the west, suddenly saw the four guys suddenly jumping up and down on the beach like monkeys with spears in their arms, and the three of them also followed suit. tension...

Unknowingly, the two women were already sweating.

However, the eyes of the two women are still sharp and resolute...

Once the formation is not right, start a fire, and you can only fight!
As for Li Chen, he was quite calm.

However, there was still some inexplicable tension in his heart...

After all, the atmosphere is starting to feel a little wrong now.

It is very likely that it will be a fight?

But, what is stupid is that the two helicopters have been circling in the sky...

I don't know if the two helicopters noticed something?
If the two helicopters in the sky had noticed something, then if they opened fire next time, it would be unfavorable for the three of them.

At this moment, Li Chen is also weighing and considering various things in his heart...

In short, the purpose of the three of them is not necessarily to kill this group of people.

The purpose of the three of them is very simple and clear, that is: to live!

Not one can die!
So, easy, still don't want to fire.

Of course, as Li Chen, he wasn't that stupid.

Because he knew very well in his heart that if his side fired first, it would be tantamount to self-destructing the target.

So he would never do such a stupid thing.

Of course, in his heart, he still prepared for the worst.


There was a tense atmosphere at first, but then, after the four buddies on the beach and Charlie on the plane talked on the walkie-talkie, it seemed that the four buddies were about to evacuate...

Because too much time has been spent here.

The two hovering helicopters couldn't land either, and were constantly consuming fuel.

Now the two helicopters are worried about running out of fuel, so they decided to withdraw first...

Of course, there was also some inexplicable anxiety in their hearts on this deserted island.

If they really do it, they are also worried that they won't be able to go back?

In fact, they also knew in their hearts that if something unexpected happened, no one would know about it for a while.


In the end, I saw the four guys holding the spears on the beach, after jumping up and down again, they were about to retreat and board the plane.

At this moment, the three people hiding in the green forest to the west breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it.

Of course, the most ideal state in Li Chen's heart is this matter...let's leave it at that.

Then the three of them stayed on the island and tried to find a way to leave the island.


Soon, after the four guys boarded the plane, the helicopter took off with a bang...

Finally, after a short while, the three helicopters circled in the sky, turned around, and immediately went up into the sky, flying away from the eastward airspace...

Li Chen in the green forest let out a long sigh of relief: "Huh—"

The two women also took a deep breath...

After it was over, the three of them relieved their tense state...

After a while, I saw that Li Chen was the first to go out of the green forest, and the two women followed behind...

Then, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help asking: "Uh, Li Chen...that group just now...who are they?"

Li Chen frowned, lit a cigarette, and said sincerely: "I don't know either?"

But, immediately, he added: "It seems... well established? Behind the scenes... there should be a pretty powerful group?"

Hearing this suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang asked worriedly: "Then...will they...will come here again?"

"It's hard to say?" Li Chen didn't dare to be sure.

It's just that he was thinking in his heart, this matter, maybe it's not that simple?
The reason why he held back and didn't fire just now was because he was also worried about the forces behind the opponent's scenes.

Once it really got stuck, and the forces behind the other party's backstage got angry, I'm afraid the consequences would be even more serious?
After a while, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help asking again: "Then...then...what shall we do?"

Li Chen frowned sullenly again...

He has to think about this kind of damn thing...

Thinking about it, he had no choice but to look at the island again...

After waiting for a while, he finally said: "We still have to find a way to go up the mountain. Here... this location is now a place of dispute for Tamar. We should stay away from here."

Then, he said again: "We... are actually very simple, that is, we want to live. So we don't have to fight people desperately. As for the other party... what will happen next, we can't predict it?"

Hearing what Li Chen said, the two women couldn't help frowning their beautiful eyes...

Because they thought about going up the mountain, they felt a headache.

After all, this is another strange island. What kind of ferocious beasts live in the jungle on the island... don't you know?

What's more, I always feel like this is going on... It's too much trouble!
Then, Li Chen said: "Okay. Don't think too much about it. Let's prepare something to eat first. Let's talk about lunch. It's useless to think so much."


(End of this chapter)

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