Chapter 842 Who Did It?

The next day, Country G, John's family's private helipad.

On the ground next to one of the helicopters, there were three corpses wrapped in cloth...

Surrounded by a group of people, I saw an old man walking towards this direction with a golden cane...

As for the old man, it was Sir John, of course.

The supreme ruler of John's family.

It's just that at this moment, Lord John's heart is very heavy...

Charlie and the others watched Sir John and the others slowly approaching. At this moment, Charlie and the others couldn't help but feel a burst of inexplicable tension and apprehension...

After all, only three bones were brought back.

Sure enough, the old man stepped forward to take a look, and immediately looked at Charlie with a serious face...


The old man meant to question Charlie: Just let me watch this! ?
"???" Charlie could only frown nervously...

For a moment, Charlie didn't seem to know what to say?
But after thinking about it, there was no way out, so Charlie had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak truthfully...

After hearing this, the old man was dumbfounded: "???"

However, as a well-informed figure, what the old man showed in the end was an unusual calmness...

When he suddenly saw the old man leaning on his cane and walking towards the three corpses, he couldn't help but see a few people hurriedly following him...

After a while, I saw the old man standing calmly in front of the three corpses, using the walking stick in his hand, roughly opened the wrapping cloths, and looked at the wrapped corpses...

It's just that the old man could only frown in deep sorrow when he saw such a tragic situation...

Afterwards, the old man said something, which means... want the two doctors to take samples on the spot and do DNA identification immediately to see who the three bones are?
After all, there are three skeletons there, and it is impossible to determine who they are for a while?

When the two doctors squatted over and began to work, the old man leaned on his cane again, turned around, and walked up to Charlie...

Ask, meaning: who did it! ?
Hearing this sentence suddenly, Charlie trembled involuntarily with fear——

Because Charlie knew that Lord John was completely angry!

The consequences of this will be unimaginable!

Because Charlie knew Lord John's temper very well.

But, who did it, Charlie couldn't answer for a while.

After thinking about it, Charlie can only express his initial guess...

What Charlie meant was... maybe that bastard Luo Fu joined forces with a group of pirates in the ocean?

To put it bluntly, I suspect that bastard Luo Fu did it.

After hearing this, the old man was visibly trembling with anger...

Then, the old man looked at Charlie and said only one sentence, meaning: I don't care what method you use, I must see Luo Fu!



At this moment, in the middle of the ocean, counting from east to west, is the fourth island.

In other words, if you can leave this island and pass through three islands, you will be completely out of the center of the ocean.

As for Li Chen and the other three, they are now trapped on the fourth island.

Regarding the three of them at this moment, they are still staying on the beach in the southwest corner of the island...

The three of them are still at a loss as to what to do next.

Although I have been thinking about leaving this position as soon as possible, but for a while, the three of them don't know which direction to go?
But in fact, the three of them now have only two choices...

Either follow the sloping ridge from the southwest corner up the mountain, or try to follow the south side of the island and go east.

Because going north along the west side of the island, this road is already impassable.

Just at this moment, Li Chen has been frowning, squatting by the sea, smoking a cigarette with all his might...

After a while, when the two women were about to walk towards him, he suddenly stood up, then turned around, and said, "Okay. Let's do it...then let's go along first." Let’s go eastward on the south side of the island. If it doesn’t work in the end, then we can only go up the mountain.”

Hearing what he said, the two women were taken aback for a moment, and then they couldn't express any more opinions.

Because they also understand that he is simply taking care of them to the utmost.

Because both of them expressed their reluctance to go up the mountain.

Now that such a decision has been made, it is not easy for the two of them to talk about it now.

Next, everyone still has a backpack, and then they each bring their guns, and they are ready to go...

As for Li Chen, he hangs the gun on his shoulder, still has a self-made hatchet pinned to his waist as usual, and still holds a tree branch in his hand to clear the way ahead...

The two women began to hold the guns in their hands, and then walked and walked, and the two also hung the guns on their shoulders.

Follow the south side of the island and head east. For the time being, along the seaside, there is still a relatively spacious golden sandy corridor...

As for the edge of the sandy corridor, there are also many green plants.

All in all, the natural scenery along the way is also beautiful and charming.

Just walking, the three of them always looked up at the sky...

It seems to be worried that there will be large troops flying from the airspace in the east at any time?

But in fact, even if it takes off from country G, it will take about ten hours for the plane to fly to the center of the ocean.

That is to say, even if the opponent's large army came, it would still take a while to make it.


It wasn't until it was almost noon that the three of Li Chen realized that the island was quite big.

Because I have been walking all morning, I still haven't been able to reach the southeast corner.

As a result, Li Chen frowned suddenly, thinking, he can't go anymore.

Still not too far from the southwest corner.

After all, most of their food is stored in the southwest corner.

If it is too far from the southwest corner, it will be a problem to get supplies at that time.

Thinking about it, he stopped suddenly, wiped off his sweat, and rested for a while, and after he had recovered his breath, he suddenly turned around and said to the two women: "Okay, let's rest first. "

The two women who had just followed up, when they heard what he said, they hurriedly stopped, panting for a while...

At the same time, I saw that the two women were dripping with sweat.

After she regained her breath, Quan Hye Kyo asked, "Aren't you leaving?"

Li Chen also replied: "You two...are you not tired or hungry?"

Hearing his question suddenly, the two women could only be dumbfounded and speechless for a while...

Then I saw that Li Chen had already started to unload the equipment, so the two of them had no choice but to start unloading the equipment...

However, Ito Chuanxiang said worriedly: "Uh, Li Chenjun, we will rest here, is it safe?"

Li Chen said: "What are you afraid of? Isn't there a green forest nearby? The movement is wrong, why don't we go to the green forest?"


(End of this chapter)

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