Chapter 845 Katerina
Hearing the Russian-style girl suddenly say "You are from China", Li Chen couldn't help being startled, and then said with a little joy: "You can speak Chinese?"

"Oh yes."

After answering this sentence, I saw that Russian-style girl suddenly threw away the bamboo bow and arrow in her hand with some excitement, then turned around, and was about to run off the boat...

Seeing this in shock, Li Chen was stunned again: "???"

It seems...China and Russia are really good neighbors?

Did this Russian girl become so excited in an instant?
Just at this moment, Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang were also a little puzzled by the behavior of that Russian girl?
After a while, after the Russian-style girl ran down from the boat, she ran towards Li Chen with a burst of excitement...

"Why do you also appear on this island?"

Suddenly seeing this Russian girl asked excitedly, Li Chen frowned, and then replied briefly: "A survivor of an air crash."

"???" The Russian girl was startled in panic.

She stared at Li Chen in shock, then at Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang...

"You... fell from the plane!?"

"Yes. Yes." Li Chen nodded.

Then I saw the Russian girl suddenly burst into surprise, a little overwhelmed with excitement...

After a while, she suddenly asked, "Excuse me...your name..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Chen said, "Li Chen."

"Li Chen? Oh!" The Russian girl was surprised again, and then she said, "My name is... Katerina! You can also call me Linna!"

Hearing such a name suddenly, and looking at her again, Li Chen felt that... as the name suggests, she is indeed a beautiful Russian girl.

After taking a rough look at her, Li Chen asked, "Are you also... a survivor of the plane crash?"

"No. I'm not. I'm... shipwrecked."

"Shipwreck?" Li Chen couldn't help but startled, "Is this the ship?"

"Oh no. It's not this ship." Katerina hurriedly said, "I don't know why this ship is here?"

Then, she said: "Our ship has sunk to the bottom of the ocean. I am the only survivor."

It's just that Li Chen listened, but looked at her inexplicably...

Immediately, he asked, "Has there been no rescue?"

Katerina said: "The devil knows what's going on? I've been stuck here for half a year."

Then, she said: "Fortunately, I found this boat here, so I have been living on this boat."

Immediately, she hurriedly said enthusiastically: "Oh, yes, can also live on this boat with me."

Next, she became more and more excited as she spoke, as if no one had spoken to her for a long time.

Then, she looked at Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang happily...

"Oh, by the way, what are the names of the two sisters?"

Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly said: "I, Quan Hye Kyo. I am from country H."

"Jeon Hye Kyo!?" Katerina couldn't help but startled, and then began to look at Quan Hye Kyo seriously...

"Oh! You are... that... Jeon Hye Kyo who is acting in TV dramas?"

It made Quan Hye Kyo feel a little embarrassed for a moment...

Then she said, "Yes. I used to be an actor. I used to be a singer."

"Oh! My God! My God! I can see a big star here?"

While being inexplicably excited, she couldn't help but glance at Ito Chuanxiang...

But before she could ask, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly said, "I, Ito Chuanxiang, are from the East."

"I...Ito Kawaka!?" Katerina was startled again, "Oriental!? The author of "Obstetrics and Gynecology Story"!?"

This actually made Ito Chuanxiang startled in a bit of embarrassment——

Immediately, she had no choice but to say: "That's right. Have you read that book?"

"Oh yes! I've seen it! It's brilliant!"

But at this moment, Li Chen was stunned, thinking, this Russian girl knows a lot?
After a while, Li Chen looked at her curiously, and said, "By the way, wait a minute, Katerina, I want to know... where did your ship sink?"

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina hurriedly said: "Oh! What a terrible story! Our ship... suddenly ran into a hidden reef a few miles away!"

Then, she said: "It was night, it was very sudden, and it was terrible! Everyone was unprepared! But, I was very lucky... because my boyfriend found a lifebuoy for me in a panic At the time, me and my bf...were on the bow, looking at the moon, so I was lucky! It's bf said he went to find the lifebuoy again, and then I never had See him!"

After a pause, she continued: "When the ship sank, it was scary and panicked. Everyone was yelling. I don't know how I got to this island? But I In my memory... it seems that I was washed here by the waves? Then... it was... after dawn, I was alone at the beach, stupid! Because I can't see anyone! Only me!"

Seeing that she talked endlessly, Li Chen frowned...

For now, too, twilight is quietly falling.

So, no way, Li Chen said: "Wait a minute, Katerina, let me interrupt. It's getting dark. We have to go out to the beach at the mouth of the valley. Because all our food and equipment are there. "

Hearing what he said, Katerina said directly: "Then... can I be with you?"

Li Chen said: "If you want, of course you can."

"Oh! That's really great!" Katerina was very happy.

Later, when the two were walking towards the mouth of the valley together, Katerina suddenly asked curiously: "Oh, yes, are you together?"

Jeon Hye Kyo also replied: "Because it was Li Chen Ouba who saved me."

So, Ito Chuanxiang also said: "It was also Li Chenjun who saved me."

Then, Katerina said: "Then... Is there any way for us to get out of here now?"

Li Chen said: "We are thinking about this issue."

Immediately, he asked: "By the way, do you have any good ideas?"

"Oh, my God! I'm so stupid here! I don't know what the outside world is like?"

Then, she said: "I am here, I am completely like a savage. Every day I have to fight some ferocious beasts on this island. It is fine during the day. Mainly at night, they always like to patronize that boat. Fortunately, I live Up there, they can't go up."

So, Li Chen asked, "Are there any ferocious animals on this island?"

(End of this chapter)

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