The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 846 Maybe It's God's Will

Chapter 846 Maybe It's God's Will

Hearing Li Chen asking 'are there any ferocious beasts on this island', the Russian girl Katerina couldn't help but subconsciously tremble: "Oh, yes! Of course there are!"

Immediately, she hurriedly said: "Oh, yes, I suggest... you should hurry to the valley mouth to get your equipment, and then... let's go back to the boat together!"

Then, she continued: "That boat is still very comfortable! As long as we stay on the boat, those ferocious beasts will have nothing to do with us!"

Hearing what this Russian girl said suddenly, Li Chen was thinking, is this a good idea?

It's just...he didn't know what Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang were thinking at the moment?
After all, I just met such a Russian girl, and I don't know if they can blend together?
However, through this initial contact and various insights into this Russian girl, Li Chen felt that... this Russian girl is quite active...

It seems that there are quite a lot of words.

In terms of personality...should be okay?

It is estimated that no one has talked to her for a long time, so as long as she talks, it will be endless.

But, even though she said a lot, Li Chen was still a little confused...

Because I always feel like I still can't catch any important information?

Such as, still don't know what kind of ship she is on?

I don't know where she set sail on that ship?Where are you going?

Wait, these important information are still not captured.


At dusk, after the four of them came to the beach at the mouth of the valley together, the Russian girl Katerina suddenly saw their equipment, and then saw that they had piled up a pile of firewood here, so she He couldn't help saying: "Oh! God! Did you plan to spend the night here?"

However, in the eyes of Li Chen and the three of them, she is just nonsense.

But immediately, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said: "Don't you think... such a beautiful beach, it would be a beautiful thing for us to light a bonfire here at night?"

Suddenly hearing this, the Russian girl couldn't help being startled with a little joy: "Oh, that's right!"

Only then did Li Chen realize... It seems that this Russian girl is quite playful?
I also like some new and exciting things.

Immediately, the Russian girl Katerina asked in amazement: "By the way, where did you get all your equipment... and guns?"

Quan Hye Kyo said, "Of course we took it."

The Russian girl Katerina was startled again: "Oh, my God! You won't tell me... where did you get it from pirates?"

Ito Chuanxiang replied: "Almost."

Katerina was stunned again for a moment: "My God! How did you all do it?"

Therefore, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang both used their eyes to signal Li Chen...

Meaning, he did it all.

Seeing this, the Russian girl Katerina was a little stunned for a moment, and then she panicked and looked at Li Chen with an incredulous expression...

"Oh, my God! Li Chen... so you are so talented?"

But at this moment, Li Chen unhurriedly took out a headlamp from his backpack...

Afterwards, he said: "Okay. Let's talk about the main point. Now, should we decide to spend the night on the boat in the valley, or stay here temporarily tonight?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, the three women couldn't help but startled: "???"

Immediately, the three women began to think seriously...

Then, I saw the Russian girl Katerina looking at Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang with some familiarity...

"Oh... Sister Hye Kyo, Sister Ito, it's up to you two to decide?"

This made both Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang startled: "???"

The two of them seem to realize that this Russian girl is quite familiar?

But it seems... This Russian girl is also a lively and lovely girl, and she doesn't seem to have any scheming?
In short, it's still a good feeling.

Afterwards, Ito Chuanxiang thought for a while, and said, "Li Chenjun, why don't we stay here tonight? Otherwise... wouldn't our pile of firewood be for nothing?"

So, Li Chen immediately said: "That's it."

While talking, he turned around, reached for a handful of matches, and then took out a zipoo lighter...

After watching Li Chen ignite the fire, Katerina couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh, my God! Your so complete!"

Ito Chuanxiang said: "We have to thank Li Chenjun for all of this!"

But Li Chen just took another handful of firewood and added to the fire...

After the bonfire became more and more prosperous, the three women couldn't help feeling a burst of inexplicable joy...

Afterwards, Li Chen opened their backpacks and took out canned luncheon meat, canned corn, beef jerky, and some cans of beer...

After seeing this, the Russian girl Katerina was stunned for an instant: "Oh! My God! My God! You... still have these? It's so rich!"

But Li Chen said: "Then let's have dinner together."

"Is it for me too?" Katerina asked hurriedly.

"Of course." Li Chen replied.

Ever since, the Russian girl was so happy: "Thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you for bringing me such a sumptuous dinner!"

Immediately, she hurriedly said again: "Oh yes! Can I join you? Let's go together, how about it?"

Suddenly hearing what she said, Li Chen looked at Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang...

The two of them seemed to understand what Li Chen meant, so Quan Huiqiao said: "Of course. After that... let's find a way to leave the island together."

Seeing that Quan Hye Kyo said so, Ito Chuanxiang could only smile hurriedly: "It seems that our team is going to be huge?"

However, Katerina hurriedly asked, "Here... how do we... leave the island?"

Obviously, in her opinion, this is still an unbelievable thing for the time being.

So, Li Chen said: "As long as we work hard, there will always be a way."

Hearing what Li Chen said, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said suddenly: "We have all successfully transferred from the previous island to this one. If we hadn't encountered some situations, maybe we had already arrived again. Next island?"

Then, Ito Chuanxiang looked at Katerina inexplicably, and couldn't help but said: "Maybe in that case, maybe we won't meet on this island?"

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina couldn't help being overjoyed: "Maybe this is God's will? God's will! Ha!"


(End of this chapter)

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