Chapter 847 You Married a Celebrity

Next, under the night, on the beach at the mouth of the valley, in front of the fire, looking at this cute and lively Russian girl, Li Chen and the three of them also felt that... it really added a little bit of liveliness like the color.

At least it made the three of them less dull.

It's just that it's incredible to meet such a Russian girl on such a deserted island in this kind of crazy ocean...

Maybe this is really Tamar's will?

Just thinking about the shipwreck that the Russian girl said, Li Chen is still a little puzzled...

At this moment, the Russian girl named Katerina burst into joy...

Immediately, she couldn't help raising a can of beer again: "Oh! Come on! Let's toast! Let's celebrate that I can join your team now!"

This shows that she is so embarrassed, Li Chen and the three of them didn't respond, didn't they respond?
After thinking about it, in order not to stand out, Li Chen also picked up a can of beer...

Seeing this, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang also hurriedly picked up a can of beer...

"Come on! Cheers! I hope we can go home soon!" Ito Chuanxiang suddenly responded.

On the other hand, Quan Hye Kyo held up a beer and gestured towards Li Chen...

"Li Chen... thank you!"

Seeing the two of them like that suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but feel sour and said: "Oh! Please! Don't be so nasty, please? You are already an old couple, right?"

Hearing the words of an oriental beauty writer suddenly, Li Chen seemed a little embarrassed...

The Russian girl Katerina couldn't help being a little dazed but surprised: "Oh? My God! Wait... I still don't understand, the two of them..."

Suddenly seeing the surprised look of the Russian girl, before she finished speaking, Ito Chuanxiang said: "The two of them have already married on the last island. The sun and the moon are the matchmaker."

"My God!" Katerina was even more surprised, "Such a romantic thing!"

However, Li Chen, who was suddenly a little embarrassed, said, "Okay. That's enough. Let's make a toast. Come on, let's...cheers!"

After the four cans of beer collided together, Katerina looked at Li Chen and Quan Hye Kyo with inexplicable joy...

"Then I... wish you two have a baby soon!"

Jeon Hye Kyo smiled happily and said, "Thank you!"

It's just that there is always a trace of sourness in Ito Chuanxiang's heart...

So, she said: "I won't say my blessings. I'd better thank Li Chenjun! When there is a chance, I welcome you young couple to Dongyang as guests. At that time, I will take you young couple to enjoy the snow scene of our Hokkaido!"

However, Li Chen frowned: "Damn! You guys... are you all in such a mess all of a sudden? It's as if... we'll be able to leave the island tomorrow?"

Immediately, Jeon Hye Kyo said in harmony: "That's right! Let's cheer! Let's drink!"

While talking, she started to drink...

What I didn't expect was that this country H actress really drank, her capacity for alcohol was not bad, and she had a genuine temperament.

She just drank a can of beer to the bottom in one breath...

Immediately, she held the can of beer upside down in her hand, and said, "I'll do it first as a respect!"

In fact, she also suddenly felt really happy in her heart, especially when she looked at Li Chen, she felt that this was a gift from heaven to her.

Because no matter what the environment, she never forgot what she experienced together.

As far as she is now, she no longer regards herself as an actress.

Just like she laughed at herself... She is already the H country girl in Li Chen's eyes.

However, afterward, the Russian girl Katerina looked at Li Chen in amazement, and couldn't help but said, "Li married a female star from country H?"

However, before Li Chen could answer, Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly replied: "No. He just married a woman from Country H named Quan Hye Kyo."

Hearing this suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but look at Quan Huiqiao in surprise...

As a female writer, she seems to understand the profound meaning of this actress' words at this moment...

At the same time, she also realized that no matter how accomplished she was, she was just an ordinary woman in this ocean and on these deserted islands.

Then, in order to skip this topic, Li Chen suddenly glanced at the Russian girl, and couldn't help but said: "By the way, Katerina, can you tell me... about the ship you are on?" shipwreck?"

He was afraid that she might not understand his question, so he added: "For example, why did you take that ship? Where did that ship sail from? Where are you going?"

Hearing this suddenly, it seemed that something sad in her heart was touched again, so Katerina suddenly became a little depressed...

After she frowned and curled her lips, she said, "'s a long story. My boyfriend and I once had an agreement, that is...we will go on a poor trip together after we graduate from college. But in fact, the boat Tickets are not cheaper than air tickets. But my boyfriend said... the boat can float on the sea for a long time, and we can see many different ocean scenery, so we decided to go to country F by boat. Of course, we We did not board the ship in Russia. We boarded the ship in K country."

Speaking of this, Katerina paused for a while, and then she frowned and curled her lips: "At that time... when I boarded the ship in country K, I had an ominous feeling. Because of that It's a private cruise company in country K. Also, the cruise ship we took...was shabby. The captain was also weird. He was an old alcoholic. And the crew...all had alcoholism. But, unfortunately Unfortunately, we boarded such a cruise ship anyway. Then ... tragedy happened."

When hearing this, the three of Li Chen already felt that this is really a very sad story.

The three of them didn't even want to listen anymore.

After a while, Ito Chuanxiang asked with deep sympathy: "Then...your boyfriend..."

"Oh, my God..." Suddenly, I didn't expect the Russian girl to burst into tears...

Choked up for a while, she seemed to be unable to continue?

After a burst of sadness and sobbing, she suddenly said helplessly: "Actually...I don't dare to go back. Because...after I go back...I don't know how to explain to his parents? Because he and I...we were young... Childhood sweetheart. In other family and his family have always been good neighbors. like this..."

Talking, talking, I saw that she couldn't help crying again, whimpering...

Seeing her like this, there is nothing wrong with it, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help approaching her, and then hugged her...

"Okay, Linna, let it all pass!"


(End of this chapter)

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