The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 848 I want to kill you bastards

Chapter 848 I want to kill you bastards

Next, seeing the Russian girl named Katerina crying bitterly, it was endless, more and more heart-piercing, curled up in Ito Chuanxiang's arms and sobbing, Li Chen could only sigh deeply. Expressing sympathy, but also frowning in depression...

Afterwards, he couldn't help opening a can of beer again, and gulped down a big gulp...

As for this moment, Quan Hye Kyo looked at the Russian girl curled up in Ito Chuanxiang's arms crying bitterly for a while, and Li Chen who was inexplicably depressed for a while, and then, for a while, she didn't know what to do. ?
It's just that her mood is also a little depressed.

The four people from different countries, but with the same tragic fate, really have their own stories, which are hard to describe.

They could only express deep sympathy for this Russian girl who had just walked out of the school gate.

After a while, Li Chen couldn't help but lit a cigarette, then looked up at the night sky gloomily...

There is still no moonlight tonight, only the sky full of stars.

Although the starry sky is brilliant, there is always such an inexhaustible sadness.

Quan Huiqiao, who suddenly felt that the night wind was a bit cold, couldn't help but snuggled into Li Chen's arms...

Seeing this, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but put his arms around her.

As for the Russian girl, she stopped crying at this moment, and then began to sob in Ito Chuanxiang's arms...

In the quiet night, under the starry sky, the four people beside the fire seemed not to be in a very beautiful mood at the moment.

Unknowingly, when they suddenly heard the sound of running whoosh, the four of them were startled vigilantly: "???"

Suddenly, the Russian girl straightened up from Ito Chuanxiang's arms...

Li Chen, who reacted quickly, had already turned on the headlight, and then a beam of light swept away, and his scalp instantly exploded...

Nima, more than ten wolves ran out from the valley...

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Chen had no choice but to copy a gun in a panic...

'Da da da……'

There was a gunshot, and three or four wolves fell to the ground in an instant, only to see the remaining wolves panic.

All of a sudden, the remaining wolves braked suddenly in the sand, and under the light, there was a burst of sand flying...

Even so, those eyes glowing with blue light are still sharp and perverse.

Originally, Li Chen just wanted to scare those wolves, but what he didn't expect was that this time, Quan Huiqiao was completely annoyed, as if he was suddenly on fire, he copied a gun, and slammed the wolves violently. the fire...

'Da da da da da da...'

"Ah—come on—I'm going to kill you bastards—"

Seeing it suddenly, Li Chen was a little stupid: "???"

However, subconsciously, he could still understand her mood at the moment.

Indeed, Tamar had had enough.

Originally living on this deserted island is depressing enough, but what the hell is going to have to fight wits with these beasts on the island.

Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo's crazy energy came up, and suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang was also exaggerated by this, and then, this little Oriental girl was also annoyed...

Afterwards, she couldn't help copying a gun, and fired furiously at those wolves...

'Da da da da da da...'

"You beasts—I'm going to kill you—"

Afterwards, Li Chen was a little silly again: "???"

Holding the grass... these two little girls... why are they in such a good state now?
The Russian girl, who was quite sad at first, cheered up instantly, as if no more sadness was allowed.

Seeing that none of the more than ten wolves were spared, all of them fell into the hail of bullets, blood splashed all over the ground, and the beach was instantly bloody and tragic, Li Chen couldn't help but said in a hurry: "Okay! Stop fire! Don't throw all the bullets!" Light up!"

In fact, when the two women went crazy, they seemed to have forgotten that the situation in the future might be even more serious?
Suddenly hearing a 'click', Quan Hye Kyo was taken aback: "???"

Looks like it's out of bullets?

Then, there was another 'click', and then the little oriental lady was taken aback: "???"

And Li Chen's brows are tightly frowned, shit, two prodigal little girls!

Did you f*ck out the bullets?

Suddenly, the Russian girl Katerina was also taken aback: "Are you out of bullets?"

Li Chen: "..."

It seems that besides being speechless, I don't know what to say at the moment?

After a while, Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang realized something. Immediately, they both turned their heads to look at Li Chen inexplicably and apologetically...

After Li Chen frowned gloomyly again, he suddenly got up and said, "Come on. Let's retreat. Hurry up. We are all retreating to that boat in the valley now."

Seeing it suddenly, the three women were stunned again: "???"

After a while, Quan Huiqiao said: "Li Chen...can we...can't stay here any longer?"

Li Chen said: "Still staying still? Both of your guns have run out of bullets. If a group of ferocious beasts come again later, how will you deal with it?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Ito Chuanxiang suddenly apologized and said: "Li Chenjun, I just... sorry! We..."

Before she could finish speaking, Li Chen said: "That's enough. Don't talk about it. I understand."

Immediately, he changed the subject: "Okay. Hurry up, pack up. Let's go to the boat in the valley."

After Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang were stunned again, they put down their guns in a panic and started to clean up.

When the Russian girl Katerina saw this, she hurriedly said, "Sister Huiqiao, sister Ito, let me clean it up for you!"

Right now, Li Chen is also busy cleaning up.

At the same time, the four of them were somewhat depressed...

Because tonight's artistic conception is still somewhat unfinished.

Think about it too, with such a large beach, with such a pile of bonfires, and under the starry sky, this feeling... How wonderful!

It's just that it's not a good feeling to suddenly change the position.

Afterwards, when it was almost finished, Li Chen couldn't help asking: "By the way, Katerina, what kind of ferocious beasts are there in this valley?"

Katerina froze for a moment, and then said, "It's mainly the wolves. But... I've also heard the howling of tigers."

"???" The three of Li Chen were stunned again.

Immediately, Li Chen asked again: "It's not a group of tigers, is it?"

Katerina frowned: "Oh... specifically... I don't think it's good? Because it's night, and I don't have a light to shine on, so... I can't see clearly?"

Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo was worried: "By the way, Li Chen, will it be dangerous for us to enter the valley now?"

Li Chen said: "It's okay. The road is not too far away. Besides, the gunshot was fired just now, presumably... those ferocious beasts were also shocked?"


(End of this chapter)

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