Chapter 849 The Sturdy Katerina

Next, when he was about to get back to the boat in the valley with his backpack on his back, Li Chen thought about the potential dangers of this night... this journey is still difficult to rule out, so he will have two shots left. The ak47 with bullets lost one shot to Jeon Hye Kyo, and then another shot to Ito Chuanxiang.

It's just that the two of them watched, but also looked at Li Chen worriedly...

Immediately, Quan Hye Kyo asked, "What about you?"

Li Chen waved the branch in his hand, gestured, and said, "I'll use this."

Seeing this, the two women couldn't help but froze again...

At this moment, both of them were inexplicably moved, because they also knew that this Hua country man always gave them the best at the most critical moment.

Seeing the two of them seemed to be inexplicably moved, Li Chen then said, "Okay. Don't be dazed. Let's hurry up."

And at this moment, Katerina, who had no weapon at hand, looked at the hatchet pinned to Li Chen's waist, and she couldn't help but said: "Hey, Li Chen... can you put the hatchet on your waist? Can you use that knife for me?"

Hearing what the Russian girl said suddenly, Li Chen realized that he ignored her.

So, he immediately took out the hatchet and handed it to Katerina...

Seeing this, Katerina couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Oh, thank you! This very cool!"

As she spoke, she took over the hatchet.

Then, Li Chen put the headlamp on his head, and said: "Okay. Then who... Huiqiao, Chuanxiang, you two are holding guns and walking in the front."

Then, he said again: "Linna, you follow behind them."

Because the headlamp was worn on his head, naturally he could only walk in the back and turn on the lamp to show them the way.

After the formation of four people was lined up, while walking into the valley, Li Chen said again: "Hui Qiao, Chuan Xiang, you two listen, if there is any movement, shoot immediately. Don't care about the ferocity Beast, just shoot. Don't worry about bullets for now."

Obviously, at critical moments, life-saving is still the most important thing, and we can no longer deliberately care about wasting bullets.

For this moment, for Katerina who was walking in the queue, there was some inexplicable joy in her heart.

Because I finally have a companion, with several people together.

Thinking back suddenly, she doesn't seem to remember how she survived the past six months?
I just vaguely remember that kind of loneliness... I really can't express it in words.

In addition to loneliness, there is also some inexplicable panic and fear...

However, she was also thinking in her heart that she was lucky to have such a large cruise ship stranded in this valley.

If he hadn't stayed on that big cruise ship all the time, he probably would have died long ago?
As for how the large cruise ship ran aground in the valley, Katerina is still puzzled.

She never figured out why.

As for the next short journey, it went smoothly, until I reached the cruise ship in the valley without encountering any danger.

Under the illumination of the lights, Li Chen and the others realized that the Russian girl had already built a rope ladder at the boarding port...

Since the entire cruise ship is located in this grassland, there is still some distance from the boarding port to the ground, and a ladder or the like is needed to climb up.

Regarding the rope for the rope ladder, it is estimated that this Russian girl untied the anchor rope from this ship?
As for how she climbed up in the first place, I don't know?
However, seeing a bamboo pole beside him, Li Chen was thinking, probably at first... this Russian girl should have used that bamboo pole to climb up the boat?

When Quan Hye Kyo walked up to the rope ladder first, she hurriedly hung the gun on her shoulder, and then she took the lead in climbing up the rope ladder...

Then, Ito Chuanxiang was ready to start climbing.

As for this moment, Li Chen and Katerina are still temporarily standing here in front of the rope ladder...

Everything was going well at first, Li Chen was using lights to illuminate the rope ladder, but unexpectedly, suddenly, there was a tiger roaring from the side...


The three women screamed in an instant...

Fortunately, Li Chen reacted very quickly, he turned his head and took a picture of the sound in a panic...

However, what was illuminated... was a sudden whirring sound, a big tiger jumped straight up, intending to pounce directly on Katerina...


The screams of the three women startled again.

And at this moment, seeing that Katerina was about to die, unexpectedly, what they didn't expect was that Li Chen rushed over in a sudden stride, and knocked Katerina away with his body... …

At the same time, the tree branch in his hand also swiftly stabbed towards the tiger's jaw...

'Pfft! '

With such a sound, Li Chen, who had already experienced it, threw the end of the branch to the ground in a panic, and then in one go, as the big tiger fell, he stood up the whole big tiger.

In such a thrilling scene, the three women were instantly dumbfounded: "???"

Because the three women all knew in their hearts that this would be an impossible task for ordinary people!
However, this man from the Hua Kingdom...had accomplished all of this in an instant!
Especially Katerina, who immediately bowed down at the knees of this Huaguo man.

Because she knew very well that it was Li Chen who saved her just now.

Although she was still knocked to the ground, subconsciously, she was completely stunned by this scene——

However, the next scene shocked Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang again: "???"

Because it never occurred to the two of them that this Russian girl was not a vegetarian.

After reacting, I saw Katerina scrambling up, waving the hatchet in hand, and angrily slashed down on Dug's belly...

Suddenly, there was a sound of 'purine', and Duo's intestines burst out instantly...

This knife really cost Duhu's life, only to see that Duhu, who was being held upright, felt timid all over his body, and then remained silent.

"???" Li Chen was also stunned for a moment...

Looking at the Russian girl again, he was thinking, this really belongs to Tamar's fighting nation!

It is indeed a well-deserved reputation!

Just two words for Nima: Sturdy!
Obviously, this is indeed much tougher than H country actresses and oriental beauty writers.

However, being tough is tough, Katerina still didn't forget to turn around quickly, and said to Li Chen gratefully: "Li Chen...just now...thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you for saving my life! "

After kicking the tiger down, Li Chen pulled the branch off the tree and said, "Okay. Let's go up quickly. We'll talk about it on the boat."


(End of this chapter)

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