Chapter 850 Is It Safe Here?

Afterwards, after Li Chen and Katerina also climbed up the rope ladder, they arrived at the boarding port of this big cruise ship, and then turned around to look around, and then they could not help but let out a long sigh of relief...

Finally they all came up.'s safe.

No more ferocious beasts to worry about.

Immediately, the Russian girl Katerina gave a lively smile: "How is it? Is... safe here?"

As the owner of this ship, she couldn't help but smile again: "Let's go. I'll take you up."

While talking, she turned around in a lively and lovely way, and was about to lead the three of them along the corridor on the ship and up to it...

Seeing this, Li Chen also said to Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang: "Let's go, follow her."

Katerina, who was leading the way, did not forget to look back at the three of them...

"This ship is full of rooms. There are rooms on every floor. It depends on your preferences, whichever floor you like to live in."

Then, Katerina did not forget to say: "By the way, I have always lived on the third floor."

Suddenly hearing this, Ito Chuanxiang finally couldn't help but wonder: "Why don't you live on the top floor? Isn't the top floor more spacious?"

Katerina smiled again: "Because my lucky number is 3. So... I chose to live on the third floor."


Chatting all the way, before they knew it, the four of them went up the corridor to the third floor.

This sudden feeling was like a delusional feeling... as if he had arrived at a certain hotel.

It's just that the cruise ship is stranded here, or is it hard to understand?

"Uh, Li could such a big ship run aground in this valley?"

Suddenly hearing Quan Huiqiao's curious question, Li Chen could only frown, and then said, "I don't know either?"

But then, after thinking about it again, he said, "It's very likely that it was washed into this valley during the tsunami?"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang had a sudden idea: "Uh, yes, Li Chenjun, tell me... can this ship... still sail in the ocean?"

Li Chen frowned again: "The problem is... just the four of us can't handle this huge ship."

Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help but said: "Let's give up this unrealistic idea. Because we can't move it at all."

Then, Katerina said again: "Also, with that mountain in the way, I can't move."

Suddenly, looking at this Russian girl again, Li Chen couldn't help but wonder: "By the way, Katerina, your Chinese... seems pretty good?"

Katerina smiled: "Of course. Because our small town is next to the border of Huaguo. We have been exposed to Chinese since we were young."

Immediately, Katerina said again: "By the way, I have also been to Yanjing, Huaguo. That was when I was in college, and I went there as an exchange student. Yanjing people... seem to like to Mr. Ni's, and... well, it's pretty good."

Taking the opportunity, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly asked: "Uh, that's right, then... dammit, what do you mean?"

Katerina said, "It's meant to be a curse."

Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly said: "Okay. Let's choose a room quickly. Then unload these equipment."

Suddenly hearing this, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly said with interest: "Uh, by the way, shall we go to the top floor?"

Then, she said again: "Go to the top deck, shall we continue drinking?"

Katerina couldn't help but be overjoyed: "I's a good idea!"


Afterwards, the four of them continued to follow the corridor until they reached the top floor, which was the fifth floor.

Although it is in the valley, the view is limited, but on the top deck, it still feels much more open and bright...

Suddenly, Li Chen also felt in a good mood.

As if finally felt a five-star enjoyment.

So, on the top deck, the equipment was unloaded.

When he became interested, Li Chen couldn't help squatting down, opened his backpack, and took out a bottle of whiskey from it...

Seeing the whiskey suddenly, Katerina was even more pleasantly surprised, her eyes brightened and she said, "Oh! My God! There's still this?"

Seeing that Li Chen took out some canned luncheon meat, the four of them sat around on the deck...

Next, under the starry sky, in the valley, I saw four people sitting around on the top deck of the cruise ship, holding a bottle of whiskey, each mouthful, drinking back and forth like this...

Katerina couldn't help but said happily again: "Oh! Thank you so much! Thank you for giving me a very wonderful night!"

Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo finally couldn't help asking curiously: "By the way, Linna, how did you spend... half a year here?"

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina became depressed again...

After furrowing her beautiful eyes and pursing her lips, she said: "It's very bad! Although there is such a cruise ship, the night here is really too quiet! I've been living in loneliness, fear, and panic all the time!"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help asking: "Then how have you survived for the past six months...?"

Katerina couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "You mean... what do I usually eat and drink?"

"Yes." Ito Chuanxiang nodded.

So, Katerina said: "There are a lot of traveler bananas in this valley. There is a lot of delicious and sweet fresh water in the traveler bananas. And... there are many wild fruits in this valley. Such as mango and dragon fruit. , bananas, lychees, longan. And jackfruit. Oh yes, there is a lot of edible salt in the kitchen on this cruise ship. Later, in order to supplement the salt, I found some wild vegetables to mix and eat. Or Get some light salt water to drink. In short...almost...that's how I survived."

Immediately, she suddenly looked at the three of them curiously, and said, "Oh, by the way, let me tell you about the three of you? How did you survive? did you get all these equipment and equipment?" Guns?"

Suddenly hearing this, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang were both a little dazed, as if they didn't know where to start?

Therefore, Quan Huiqiao said: "It's better... Li Chen Ouba to talk first. Because... I was rescued by Li Chen Ouba on the boat, and then I followed him all the time."

Hearing what Quan Huiqiao said, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly said: "I was also saved by Li Chenjun. Otherwise... I would not be the person I am now."

Hearing what they said, Katerina couldn't help but look at Li Chen...

Li Chen frowned, with mixed feelings in his heart, as if he didn't know where to start?
After thinking about it, he said lightly: "Actually... there is nothing to say. I am a survivor on HX714. That's all. As for the subsequent troubles, they were all just trying to save myself and go home. "

Katerina was startled suddenly: " are... a survivor on HX714!? Oh my god!!"


(End of this chapter)

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