Chapter 851 Sister, I Like Men Too
Seems like it's going to be another sleepless night?

Especially seeing the three women getting more and more excited, Li Chen couldn't help but light a cigarette...

However, this sudden environment and feeling is really easy to excite.

Especially for women.

This large cruise ship stranded in this valley is too much like a five-story house.

Under the brilliant starry sky, they stayed on the top deck, as if they were on a rooftop.

Looking up at the starry sky is really a different mood.

Moreover, for the first time since Surviving on a Deserted Island, he felt a proper sense of security.

No matter what kind of ferocious beasts there are in this valley, they will not be able to jump onto this ship.

It's just that Li Chen is still worried...the group they provoked.

Although I don't know who that group of people are for the time being, but I have a vague... I always feel that the behind-the-scenes forces of that group are very powerful.

If that group of people sent a large force to kill this deserted island, as far as they are concerned... they are still too weak.

The point is, the firepower is not sufficient.

Now there are only two ak47s with bullets left.

And one of them, the one he used, was running out of bullets.

Seeing that the three women were chatting more and more excitedly, he couldn't help getting up silently, turned around and walked towards the bow of the boat...

Looking at the starry sky, and then looking at this valley in the hazy night, I still feel a little helpless.


Since Li Chen didn't want to talk too much about the previous survival journeys, at this moment, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang were telling Katerina about their previous survival journeys...

Katerina listened to the stalwart image of the Chinese man they described, and then looked at the figure standing at the bow of the boat at the moment, and she once again expressed her silent admiration for that figure in her heart...

This Russian girl seems to understand a truth, that is... the more silent a person is, the more powerful he is.

Of course, she also firmly believed that this Hua country man really had something extraordinary.

She deeply felt this from the various actions and details tonight.

At least she is still grateful in her heart that it was this Hua country man named Li Chen who saved her life at that critical moment!
Otherwise, she must have been slaughtered by that big tiger.

The moment he suddenly knocked her away, she was startled that this Huaguo man was much more powerful than her boyfriend.


Time passed inadvertently like this.

Before I knew it, it had begun to enter the second half of the night.

At this moment, the three women finally started to feel sleepy.

Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help getting up, and approached Li Chen's side...

"Uh, Li Chen...I want to relieve myself."

Suddenly, this country H actress looked like a charming daughter-in-law, whispering shyly and coquettishly in the ear of her man.

Only then did Li Chen come to his senses, and couldn't help turning his head to look at her...

Suddenly seeing her like that, Li Chen whispered in her ear: "This boat is so big, why not just turn around and squat beside the boat?"

And Quan Hye Kyo whispered in his ear: "You go with me."

Hearing her say that again, Li Chen could only frown...

Fortunately, at this moment, the Russian girl Katerina suddenly got up and said, "Okay. It's late. How about... shall we all sleep?"

Then, she said again: "By the way, I still have to go to the third floor to sleep. can see for yourself. Anyway, there are rooms on the top floor. Just find a room to sleep in."

Hearing what the Russian girl said suddenly, Li Chen hurriedly turned around and looked at her, and said, "Then... good night, Katerina!"

Taking the opportunity, Katerina looked at him inexplicably, and then she said: "Li Chen..."

"What's wrong?" Li Chen couldn't help being taken aback.

Katerina smiled inexplicably: "Thank you!"

"???" Li Chen was taken aback in confusion, thinking, thank me for what?

Then, Katerina said again: "Thank you for saving my life tonight!"

After realizing that she was still remembering about the big tiger, Li Chen said, "Thank you for bringing us on this boat tonight!"

Katerina smiled inexplicably again: "Aren't we together now? Are you still so polite?"

This made Li Chen suddenly realize... This Russian girl is really lively and lovely.

Suddenly, Katerina was about to go down to the third floor. Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang remembered something, but she got up quickly and said, "Linna, wait for me. I want to be with you."


This stunned Li Chen, Quan Hye Kyo, and Katerina.

Afterwards, Katerina, who didn't understand what was going on, joked with a half-smile: "Sorry, Sister Ito! I like men!"

Suddenly hearing what she said, Itogawa Xiang said in embarrassment: "Don't worry, sister, I also like men!"

While speaking, she panicked and walked towards Katerina, and then whispered in Katerina's ear: "Okay. Let's go. Let's go down together. Don't you already know that Li Chenjun and Is Miss Hye Kyo a couple? So..."

Hearing this suddenly, before Ito Chuanxiang finished speaking, Katerina understood it in an instant.

So, Katerina panicked and said cleverly: "Then, good night, brother Li Chen and sister Huiqiao!"


Afterwards, seeing Ito Chuanxiang and Katerina went down together, Jeon Hye Kyo felt inexplicably happy.

Because next... This is the world of two of her and Li Chen.

Under the starry sky, they can do whatever they want.

Sure enough, right away, the H country actress looked at Li Chen inexplicably and ambiguously, and said in Li Chen's ear shyly: " said...the two of us...are on the top floor. On the deck...isn't it exciting? Hee!"

However, Li Chen couldn't help being startled, then frowned and said, "Don't you... want to relieve yourself?"

Unexpectedly, Quan Huiqiao whispered in his ear: "Stupid, you? You just want to relieve yourself, and it's not that the aunt is here."

Suddenly hearing what she said, and then looking at her like that, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, "Fuck me, this daughter-in-law... really knows how to be promiscuous!"

Afterwards, Quan Hye Kyo didn't shy away so much, turned around, squatted beside the boat, and couldn't help saying, "Uh, you go over and get me some water."

Hearing what she said, Li Chen couldn't help but walked over, ready to get her water...

Anyway, it's just the two of them now, so there's nothing to be taboo about.

Afterwards, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but whispered in his ear: "Uh, you wash up too."


(End of this chapter)

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