Chapter 852
It wasn't until the next morning, after waking up, that Ito Chuanxiang saw the rusty spots that could be seen everywhere on the ship...

And in the room on the ship, there is always a faint musty smell.

Even so, she still felt that... last night was the most peaceful and solid night of sleep she had had since surviving on a desert island.

Seeing that the Russian girl hadn't woken up yet, she left the room first and went to the boat corridor outside.

After arriving on the ship's corridor, she was shocked to see that there were a lot of survival weapons and equipment piled up on the ship's corridor...

For example, bamboo bows and arrows, bamboo spears, grass rings on the head, and a rattan basket, etc.

In short, it was only then that I realized that this Russian girl had indeed made a lot of trouble during the six months she was here.

Watching this scene, this gradually began to realize... the bitter journey of this Russian girl.

Suddenly, this oriental beauty writer also felt a lot.

At least she was thinking, it seems that in this world... there really is no word 'easy'?

It's just that when will these days of living on a deserted island really end?
Thinking...she could only frown beautifully.

Originally, she wanted to go up to find Li Chenjun and Sister Hui Qiao, but thinking about it, she was afraid that... some embarrassing things would happen this morning, so she resisted not going up to the top floor.

"Morning, sister Ito!"

At this moment, a Russian girl's voice suddenly came from behind her.

Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly turned her head to take a look: "Morning, Linna!"

Katerina walked towards her while smiling: "How is it, Sister Ito? This it alright?"

Hearing her words suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help being thoughtful for a moment...

Then, she looked at the Russian girl again...

"By the way, Linna, have you never thought about leaving the island?"

Suddenly hearing such a question, Katerina's beautiful eyes frowned: "How do you leave?"

Then, she couldn't help but added: "I'm just a girl. Do you think I can be as powerful as brother Li Chen?"

Hearing what she said, Ito Chuanxiang realized that for a girl, there might really be no way to leave here?

After all, not everyone can be like Li Chenjun... three-headed and six-armed.

Thinking of this, looking at Katerina again, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but suddenly said: "Uh, Linna, do you know Huaguo's "Journey to the West"?"

Katerina was stunned in bewilderment: "What's the matter? Why did you say this all of a sudden?"

Ito Chuanxiang said: "It's nothing. I just think... Li Chenjun looks like the monkey grandson there."

Suddenly hearing that it meant so, Katerina couldn't help being startled, and then she said: "Uh, yes, let's go up and take a look? See if they are awake?"

Ito Chuanxiang said: "At this moment... don't you want it? In case...they are...wouldn't it be embarrassing?"


In fact, at this moment, Li Chen had already woken up.

Already resting on the bow on the top floor and standing there.

Jeon Hye Kyo seemed a little inexplicably shy and came to his side...

"Uh, bastard."

Hearing such a sound, Li Chen turned his head to look, and seeing her like that, he could only frown...

Because he was thinking, this daughter-in-law... I don't know if she is bad or we are bad?

When Quan Hye Kyo saw him like that, she couldn't help but whispered in his ear: "Huh, why are you frowning? Last night...huh..."

Suddenly mentioning the embarrassing things the two of them did on the top floor last night, Li Chen couldn't help but laugh...

Later, in order to get rid of this topic, Li Chen also said: "Uh, yes, you said...those two...are you awake?"


The two of them were at the bow of the ship, and they were still a little bored. Suddenly, they were startled, and there seemed to be the faint roar of an airplane coming from the sky...


After listening carefully for a while, Quan Huiqiao couldn't help but suddenly worried: "Could it be that group of people again?"

Li Chen couldn't help but frowned depressedly: "I don't know?"


Right now, on the boat gallery on the third floor.

"Uh, Sister Ito, why are you nervous? Isn't it just a plane flying by?"

Suddenly seeing that the Russian girl didn't know why, Ito Chuanxiang finally couldn't help confiding: "Stupid, you? We... just because we provoked a group of people, we were kicked out like bereaved dogs!"

Katerina was startled: "Sister Ito, you mean...these planes are coming for you!?"


Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw four or five helicopters flying over the ocean...

However, they are temporarily in this valley, presumably those four or five planes have not found them yet?

But after that, Ito Chuanxiang didn't care so much anymore, and just ran towards the corridor in a panic...

Ready to run up to find Li Chen and Quan Hye Kyo.

Katerina looked at it, and after being a little dazed for a moment, she immediately ran up.


Li Chen and Quan Hye Kyo who were staying on the top floor suddenly saw them running up, so Li Chen said, "Why are you panicking?"

And Ito Chuanxiang was still a little inexplicably nervous: "It's not panic, but... this time... it seems that there are two more helicopters?"

Li Chen wasn't in a hurry to say anything, he just lit a cigarette with some gloom...

This morning, to be honest, my thinking was not very active.

This showed that the three of them seemed quite nervous, so Katerina couldn't help but ask, "Uh, you...what the hell did you offend?"

Ito Chuanxiang said: "What can we know on this island? Anyway, it is... stealing one of their ships."

But, immediately, the beautiful writer said with some guilt: "But... also killed their people. They also blew up their three helicopters."

"Ah!?" Katerina couldn't help but startled in amazement, her eyes suddenly rounded in shock.

And Quan Hye Kyo was still looking at Li Chen nervously, and couldn't help asking: "They...won't come to this island, right?"

Li Chen took another two deep breaths of cigarettes, then suddenly said: "Then what... you three... all stay on this boat, don't go anywhere, understand?"

While talking, he couldn't help but turned around and passed the AK47 with more bullets...

But the three women panicked when they saw what happened, and they were inexplicably worried.

"Uh, Li are you going?" Quan Huiqiao looked at him worriedly.

Li Chen said: "You...don't worry about it. I'm just going to look at the mouth of the valley. You just stay here."

However, Jeon Hye Kyo said: "No! I want to go too!"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang also hurriedly said: "Of course we are going together!"

Katerina said: "Aren't we together now, a team?"


(End of this chapter)

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