Chapter 853 Unprepared
Seeing that the three women insisted on going to the mouth of the valley together, Li Chen could only frowned...

Although he understood the meaning of the three women, he would fight together if he wanted to, but sometimes, from a tactical point of view, it was not necessarily good to fight together.

After thinking about it, he looked at the three women again, and Li Chen said, "Listen, you three, sometimes tactical issues are very important, understand? Now I'm just going to investigate the situation, what are you all doing together?"

Then, he said again: "Also, our current guns and ammunition are limited. It is impossible for everyone to have a gun. Without weapons, why do you follow? What can you do?"

Immediately, he said again: "You should have seen it in film and television dramas. Have you ever seen the whole team dispatched to find out information?"

Hearing his words suddenly, the three women were suddenly somewhat inexplicably embarrassed: "???"

But immediately, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help pointing and said, "Isn't there a gun there?"

Seeing the situation, Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Silly girl! That gun doesn't have many bullets, understand? It can only stay on the boat...It is used for self-defense at critical moments, understand?"

At this time, the Russian girl Katerina said: "Let me go with Brother Li Chen. It's okay. I have a lot of spare bamboo arrows. I'll just use bamboo bows and arrows."

Li Chen was suddenly annoyed: "Okay! Listen to me, you three will stay on this boat! Don't go anywhere!"

Then, he said angrily: "Every action is under the command, haven't you heard of it?"

Seeing that Li Chen was really annoyed suddenly, the three women started to be a little embarrassed again: "???"

Afterwards, Quan Hye Kyo paused thoughtfully for a while, and then said, "Okay. Let's all listen to Li Chenopa."

Suddenly hearing her statement, Ito Chuanxiang and Katerina had no choice but to remain silent, and could only express their acquiescence.


Afterwards, Li Chen was alone, with a hatchet pinned to his waist and a pole AK47, and went down the corridor quickly...

It's just that at this moment, the three women looked at him, seeing his lonely and heroic appearance, each of them couldn't bear it.

"Brother Li Chen...will you be okay?" Unexpectedly, Katerina was the first to worry.

However, although Quan Hye Kyo was very worried about him, she could only say: "It's okay. It's going to be okay. He's dying."

However, Ito Chuanxiang said: "But I'm still a little worried about Li Chenjun."


The three women were still talking on the boat, but Li Chen suddenly jumped down from the boarding gate...

Then, the three women could only look down from the top floor, only to see that he was about to run towards the mouth of the valley...

However, at this moment, only listening to the air above the mouth of the valley, the roar of the plane became more and more real.

After a while, I saw two helicopters turning back again...

The two helicopters that turned back suddenly circled above the mouth of the valley...

"???" The three women were suddenly confused.

Still don't know what's going on?
I don't know if the other party found something?
At this moment...the two helicopters have been hovering above the mouth of the valley, booming...

Seeing that the two helicopters were about to land on the sandy beach at the mouth of the valley, the three women were stunned again: "???"

Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo was the first to panic: "What should I do? Li Chen...alone..."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Katerina said in a hurry: "Quick! Both of you take that gun and come down with me!"

This made Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang a little stunned: "???"

The two of them didn't seem to realize that this Russian girl who had just graduated from school came from a fighting nation.


But at this moment, he was shocked to see that the situation was not right, Li Chen had already hidden in the narrow road at the top of the mountain in the valley.

The position of the narrow road happens to be covered by a piece of firewood and vine thorns.

Waiting to look around, the two helicopters that turned back had already landed on the beach at the mouth of the valley. For a while, Li Chen was also a little confused: "???"

It was like being caught off guard by the other party.

Originally, he was going to spy on the situation, but suddenly, the enemy had come to him.

Soon, I saw a group of people waiting to get off the two helicopters...

One by one, they were fully armed and fully equipped for land combat, and each of them was holding a submachine gun.

"???" Li Chen was a little confused again.

Because looking at that battle... the more it looks, the more it looks like a surprise attack by a certain military...

Hold the grass, this damn...! ?


Right now, on the boat, on the third-floor boat gallery.

I saw that Russian girl named Katerina made another bamboo bow impromptu...

This is really a girl from a fighting nation. At the critical moment, she dares to fight!
After she tried to temporarily create the tension of this bamboo bow, she immediately said to Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang: "You two... who is good at this?"

Seeing this, Quan Hye Kyo didn't have time to think about it, so she immediately handed the gun to Ito Chuanxiang and said, "Use the gun!"

When Ito Chuanxiang saw this, she panicked and took the bamboo bow from Katerina's hand, and said, "Let me use the bamboo bow!"


However, at this moment, in the sandy beach at the mouth of the valley.

Exactly ten people got off the two helicopters, and they were just studying the signs of the fire on the beach for the time being...

Because Li Chen and the others had lit a bonfire there last night, the sign of the fire was still obvious.

Immediately, two guys squatted down and took a look...

Then, as for what those ten people were talking about with each other, I don’t know?

Because the distance is still a bit far away, I can't hear anything clearly.

Until a while later, when all ten people turned around and looked towards the valley, Li Chen was still a little timid in his heart...

However, now, as far as the geographical advantage is concerned, he still has confidence in his heart.

Because if you want to enter the valley, you must pass through this narrow path.

The hill protruding from this position just formed a natural bayonet.

As long as those ten people dare to let the horse come over, it will be more or less auspicious.

Of course, in terms of the current range and distance, it is not appropriate to fire first.

At the same time, Li Chen was also thinking secretly, this group of people... had a total of five helicopters just now.

The current two helicopters and these ten people are just a small team.

Therefore, the only thing he was worried about was that when he opened fire for a while, he was afraid that the three helicopters would suddenly turn around and come back for reinforcements...

If the opponent forms an air and ground strike at the same time, it is obviously difficult to parry and cannot resist.

(End of this chapter)

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