Chapter 856 Simon, Goodbye

In fact, after calming down a little bit, Li Chen secretly realized that all the worries at the moment are unnecessary for Ta Ma, because maybe it is impossible for this helicopter to fly to country G at all?
Because the cruising range of the helicopter is also limited.

Thinking of this, he secretly realized that he had overlooked many details.

Because based on the estimation of the distance between Ocean Center and Country G, these helicopters should have aerial refueling when they fly to Ocean Center?

Otherwise, the helicopter would not be able to fly so far.

Suddenly thinking of this, he suddenly felt a chill down his back...

Because if this is the case, the behind-the-scenes forces of this group are quite powerful!

Could it really be the power of the military?

What's more, the helicopter being operated now is not an ordinary civilian helicopter.

Because ordinary civilian helicopters have a cruising range limit of about 800 kilometers after they are fully refueled?

When he was operating the helicopter just now, he noticed that the remaining fuel was enough to cruise for about 800 kilometers.

In other words, the cruising mileage limit of this helicopter should be around 1200 kilometers?

So... there must be an action to complete mid-air refueling?
Secretly thinking and pondering, he couldn't help but lit a cigarette and took a deep breath...

But at this moment, three women suddenly came to him...

The very active Russian girl Katerina couldn't help stretching out her hand in front of his eyes: "Hey, brother Li Chen, let's go. We've already brought all the food and drink onto the plane."

Li Chen was suddenly stunned...

However, Jeon Hye Kyo still noticed, what did he seem to be thinking about?
Therefore, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

Hearing her question suddenly, for a while, Li Chen didn't know how to answer?

Because I'm a little worried... maybe it's better not to say anything?
After thinking about it, he said, "Wait a minute, I'll go pee first."

Immediately, he did not forget to add: "Both of you board the plane first."

Seeing that while he was talking, he turned around and prepared to go over to pee, the three women looked at him, and couldn't help frowning their shy eyes...

Then, the three of them had no choice but to board the plane first.


Afterwards, after Li Chen finished booing and turned around to board the plane, he said, "Okay. Fasten your seat belts, all of you."

As he spoke, he turned around towards the driver's seat...

After sitting down, he stretched out his hand to press the door, closed the cabin door, put on his seat belt, and was ready to take off...

This time, seeing the plane take off suddenly, the three women finally couldn't help but became inexplicably excited...

"Ah--the sea--Sayo--"

Toyo's beauty writer was the first to be ecstatic.

Quan Hye Kyo also suddenly felt relieved and exclaimed: "Ah - we are home -"

However, unexpectedly, looking at the vast ocean outside the plane window, Katerina suddenly cried...

Seeing tears streaming down her face, she suddenly couldn't help crying: "Simon—goodbye—I'm going home—"

This suddenly made the three of them startled——

However, at this moment, all three of them understood in their hearts that Simon should be the boyfriend of this Russian girl?

It should be what she said, the childhood sweetheart since childhood.

Seeing Katerina like that all of a sudden, the three of them didn't know what to say?
Can only express sympathy.

Because everyone understands that under such a natural environment, sometimes, some things are so cruel!

Although I can feel the pain of this Russian girl at this time, there is nothing I can do.

Especially seeing Katerina crying more and more, the three of them could only express silence.


In fact, at this very moment, even though he was already traveling over the vast ocean, Li Chen felt an inexplicable heaviness in his heart...

At this moment, he doesn't know what to say?
It's just that he was thinking in his heart that he had told those six women that he could fly a plane, but he had never been able to fly a plane to show those six women.

Now I finally have the opportunity to fly a plane, and I can finally let me travel on the vast ocean, but... those six women... are no longer here!

Grass, what the hell!
Obviously, in his heart, he always thought that those six women had stayed in this ocean forever.

Then, thinking about Nina and Nina's brothers and sisters, his heart sank even more.


Suddenly, H country actress Quan Hye Kyo's heart suddenly felt heavy...

Because in her mind, the past suddenly appeared...

Those scenes of the past, those fresh lives...

Sister Jixia, Sister Qianer, Sister Waner, Coco, Qionger, Lina...

And Nina, and Nina's brothers and sisters...

Obviously, for her, she naturally knows that all this has not come easily!
If possible, in this life, she just wants to grow old hand in hand with Li Chen, otherwise, she will feel that she is sorry for those former lives!
What actress is not an actress, or what star is not a star, all these are no longer so important to her.


After a while, Ito Chuanxiang was thinking that none of them had eaten yet.

So, she couldn't help asking: "By the way, you... aren't you hungry?"

Suddenly hearing what she said, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but take off her safety belt, took a can of luncheon meat, and approached Li Chen...

"I'll feed you."

Because right now, Li Chen is concentrating on manipulating the plane, and he can't eat.

Seeing this H country actress like this suddenly, Li Chen turned his head to look at her, but couldn't help but smile happily...

I thought, this daughter-in-law... worth it!

Suddenly seeing him smiling like that, Quan Hye Kyo felt a little embarrassed, she looked at him shyly and pretending to be annoyed, and said, "Why are you laughing? I'm your wife, what's the matter with you?"

Li Chen smiled again: "Okay, daughter-in-law. Hey."

Just seeing this scene suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang felt sore in her heart, and couldn't help but said: "Oh! Please! You two...don't throw dog food in front of us two single dogs, okay?"

However, Quan Hye Kyo turned her head and smiled at her, and said, "What? Envy? Jealousy? Then feed him, heh..."

Ito Chuanxiang said: "I want to feed him. The key is... I'm afraid you will be jealous?"

Unexpectedly, Quan Huiqiao smiled again: "It's okay. Anyway...Didn't Li Chen also say it? At worst, the three of us will live together."

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina couldn't help but said anxiously: "Oh, wait! What about me? You... don't want me? Didn't you agree, let's go together?"


(End of this chapter)

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