Chapter 857

Next, after the plane was flying smoothly over the ocean, Li Chen began to try to contact the country by radio...

After switching channels a few times, I couldn't get in touch with China.

Although he was aware of a technical barrier, he couldn't concentrate on solving that technical barrier while he was manipulating the plane.

I can only feel anxious for a while.

After a while, when they received a call from country G, the four people on the plane suddenly became inexplicably flustered and stunned: "???"

Obviously, the four people on the plane were also guilty at the moment.

After all, they both understood how the helicopter came about.

Furthermore, none of the four could understand the G language.

I don't know what the content of this call is?
Fortunately, after being stunned for a while, Quan Hye Kyo asked in a panic, "What should I do, Li Chen?"

Unexpectedly, suddenly, Li Chen switched the channel directly...

Then, he said: "It's okay. You just sit down. Don't worry about it."


However, about two hours later, when the plane passed over the next island and flew a certain distance, the plane suddenly issued a warning signal...

Suddenly hearing that abnormal voice, the three women were startled in panic: "???"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly asked: "Li Chenjun, what... is this sound?"

At this moment, Li Chen, although his face is calm and calm, his heart is actually a little flustered...

In desperation, he had no choice but to reply honestly: "I'm almost out of fuel."

"Ah!?" Ito Chuanxiang was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly said: "Then what should I do!?"

Katerina suddenly worried: "Brother Li Chen, we... won't crash the plane?"

Suddenly seeing the three women panicked, Li Chen said: "It's okay. Don't be so panicky. On the next island, let's just land."

Then, he said: "It's very close to the next island."

In order to relieve the panic of the three women, he then said: "The next island is the penultimate island we left in the center of the ocean."

Then, he continued: "That is to say, after passing the next island and the last island, we will be completely out of the center of the ocean."

After hearing what he said suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but burst into joy again: "That is to say...we will have hope soon?"

"En!" Li Chen nodded in response.

But Katerina hurriedly said: "But...Brother Li Chen, the problem is that we have no fuel now."

Before Li Chen could say anything, Quan Huiqiao hurriedly said: "It's okay. Let's talk about it after we can land safely. Others... Let's find a way."


Regarding the safe landing, Li Chen has a bottom line in his heart.

It's just that the fuel is really running out.

This is also the limit of cruising mileage.

Regarding this, he was somewhat inexplicably depressed...

Because if there is enough fuel, he can fly directly back to China without any problem.

After staying for a while, he suddenly saw that the next island had begun to appear in sight, so he had no choice but to prepare to land.

Looking down from the top down, I can see that the next island is very characteristic...

I saw a huge natural lawn above the mountains on the island...

It's like a naturally formed apron.

For Li Chen, his heart was suddenly relieved...

Because it is conducive to the landing of the plane.

Although he was still thinking about it and didn't want to land at all, the problem was... the fuel was exhausted, shit.

When the three women looked down and suddenly saw the large green grassland, the three of them were a little excited again...

"Wow—this is... so beautiful—"

However, Li Chen was depressed for a while.

However, as the plane was slowly landing, the three women could not wait to get off the plane and run for a while in the green grass...

Sure enough, after Li Chen had landed steadily in the middle of the green grassland, as soon as the cabin door opened, the three women rushed out of the plane like crazy...

Immediately, I saw three women running wildly excitedly in the green grass...

"Ah—blue sky—white clouds—sea—"

Frankly speaking, this scene is really beautiful.

It's just that Li Chen is still a little depressed. After turning off the engine completely, he can only light a cigarette sullenly...

Then, he got off the plane depressed.

However, when I stopped at this piece of green grassland, I suddenly felt a breeze blowing towards my face, and then smelled the fragrance of that green grassland, and before I knew it, my whole body and mind seemed to calm down...

Everything here is really beautiful!
Too beautiful to bother.

Although this is still an unfamiliar environment, it already feels extremely cordial.

When the three women ran to the edge of the green grassland and suddenly saw a vertical cliff below them, the three women couldn't help but startled: "???"

After a while, after the three women met each other's eyes, they realized that although this green grassland is beautiful, they seem to have been trapped in this green grassland?
Because of this... I can't go down!

This feeling is like suddenly realizing that you are trapped on the rooftop.

Sure enough, all of a sudden, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but turned around and shouted, "Uh——Li Chen——I can't get down here——"

Suddenly hearing her yelling, Li Chen frowned inexplicably, shit, what are you going to do?
Didn't you three girls think this place was beautiful just now?

After a while, until he flicked the cigarette butt in his hand, he walked towards the three women in a leisurely manner...

After coming to their side, he also looked down, and then said: "Why are you in a hurry? Why are you in a hurry to go down? Is there food and drink down there?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, the three women were puzzled and startled: "???"

Afterwards, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help asking: "Then...we..."

Before she could finish speaking, Li Chen said: "Let's talk about it tomorrow. It's almost the middle of the afternoon, so let's enjoy this green grass first."

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina couldn't help being overjoyed: "That's right! Brother Li Chen is right! It's so beautiful here, why don't we enjoy it?"

Then, the Russian girl said again: "By the way, let's... go and get some food and drink? On this grass... What an artistic conception!"

Immediately, the girl said again: "Don't you think... we are now in this green grassland, and we have become the masters of this nature?"

Hearing what this Russian girl said suddenly, after Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang changed their moods, they really felt that all this is actually very beautiful...

(End of this chapter)

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