Chapter 858 God's Operation

However, when the four of them were about to go back to the plane to get food and drink, unexpectedly, there was a roar of the plane coming from the eastern sky...

Hearing the movement suddenly, the four of them turned their heads and looked a little confused: "???"

Looks like an oversized transport plane?

In the next second, when Li Chen realized that he might be refueling in the air, he hurriedly said, "Quick! Get on the plane!"

"???" It's just that the three women are still a little confused.

Seeing the three women like this, Li Chen was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up! It's too late!"

However, the three women are still a little silly...

However, seeing that Li Chen was already running towards the plane in a hurry, there was nothing wrong with it. After the three women were stunned, they had no choice but to panic and hurriedly followed him towards the plane...

Then, in a daze, the three women had no choice but to follow Li Chen back to the plane.

While Li Chen started the plane, while fastening his seat belts, he hurriedly said: "Quick! You all fasten your seat belts!"

In order to disguise, try not to let the other party notice anything, so he deliberately reached out and took a helmet over, and put it on his head...

As for whether this wave of operations will be successful, he doesn't know, and he can only try with a fluke mentality.

Suddenly, Katerina, who was wearing a seat belt, couldn't help but said, "Brother Li Chen, isn't our plane running out of fuel?"

Only then did Li Chen confided: "So we are going to refuel in the air now."

Suddenly hearing this, the three women were stunned for a while, and then seemed to suddenly understand something...

Ever since, Quan Huiqiao panicked and said timidly: "You said... that is the other party... came to refuel the air?"

Li Chen said: "Nonsense. Otherwise, how would they fly back to country G?"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang also panicked and said, "What if they find out?"

Li Chen said: "Are you afraid of being a ghost? If you are found out, you will kill me!"

Then, he said again: "It's okay. Anyway, it's in the air, they may not be able to notice it for a while, understand?"

Then, he said again: "Besides, this kind of large machine, there is no runway on this island, so it can't land, understand?"

Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but asked curiously: "By the way, since country G is so far away from the center of the ocean, why does the other party use helicopters?"

Li Chen just wanted to say you are a fool, girl, but unexpectedly, Katerina said in a weird way: "I know. The helicopter is convenient for precise warfare on the island. Moreover, the helicopter is very convenient to stop and land, anytime and anywhere."

Only then did Ito Chuanxiang realize something, and she couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Oh my god! So let's say...the other party's behind-the-scenes forces..."

However, before she finished speaking, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Okay. Don't talk. Next... remember, just don't talk!"


While talking, sure enough, I suddenly received a call from the other party...

It's just that Li Chen couldn't understand the babble.

But seeing that the large plane that was approaching was gradually throwing out the refueling gun in the air, so he didn't care about that much, and just suddenly manipulated the plane, and it took off...

But at this moment, the three women were suddenly worried, whether he could complete the mid-air refueling operation?

It seems that this is a difficult operation?
However, what the three women didn't expect was that the man from Huaguo was manipulating the helicopter, as if performing in the air, very precise, and connected with the air refueling gun...

This wave of manipulation made the three women admire again!

I thought... who the hell is he?

Why is everything so smooth?

It's just that, even though he's successfully cheering on now, the other party is still yelling...

Li Chen felt that annoying, thought to himself, shit, what the hell!
The first half of the air refueling went smoothly.

Although Li Chen never responded to the other party, the cheering continued.

Just adding, adding, there was a sudden 'click'...

"???" Li Chen was stunned for a moment.

It seems that the other party has discovered an abnormality and has suddenly shut down the oil pump.

Hold the grass...! ?

Suddenly, Li Chen felt a little flustered.

However, in terms of reflexes, he was still astute.

I saw him suddenly turning around and flying around...

At this moment, Katerina panicked and yelled in a low voice: "Hey, brother Li Chen, the other party seems to have noticed it? What should we do? What should we do?"

Unexpectedly, Li Chen stretched out his hand and pressed the button, opened the cabin door, and yelled in a hurry: "Get rid of the bastard, quick!"

Obviously, at this moment, those guys on that big plane are naturally annoyed and angry...


I saw those guys suddenly jumping into a rage one by one!

Then there's a guy yelling, which means: kill that helicopter!
However, just when the large plane on the other side was about to fire shells and kill the helicopter, unexpectedly, Katerina, who reacted extremely quickly, suddenly jumped up with a gun in her arms...

'Da da da da da da...'

This girl from the fighting nation is indeed a tough group.

Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang had to feel overshadowed...

Because the two of them didn't seem to think that this Russian girl was so tough!


Suddenly there was an explosion, a ball of flames burst into the air, and thick smoke billowed...

Then, the large plane disappeared in an instant.

Even Li Chen, who was manipulating the plane, couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat...

But, no matter what, this wave of 騒 operations can be regarded as quite a success!
"Yeah—" Katerina couldn't help but burst into ecstasy of victory.

However, Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang were still a little inexplicably flustered...

Because the two of them always feel... This disaster is really getting bigger and bigger!

If it goes on like this... It is estimated that the four of them will die too?
But at this moment, Li Chen, after flying the plane around in a circle, was about to land back towards the green grass...

Seeing it suddenly, Quan Huiqiao said in a panic: "Hey... Li did you land back?"

And at this moment, Li Chen didn't know how to explain it?

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to reply temporarily: "I didn't fill up the fuel just now. The current fuel capacity is only enough to fly for about three hours. But, three hours... still can't fly across the ocean, understand? "

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help worrying: "Then... we stop here again, will it be... more inappropriate?"

(End of this chapter)

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