The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 859 The Beauty Writer Who Drank Too Much

Chapter 859 The Beauty Writer Who Drank Too Much
This made the writer of Oriental beauty worry about whether it would be more inappropriate to stop here. Li Chen didn't have time to answer one by one, and he stopped and returned to the original position steadily...

That is the middle of this green grassland.

Seeing that the plane had already landed, Li Chen also opened the cabin door, and the three women were stunned: "???"

And Li Chen... immediately turned off the engine again.

"???" The three women were stunned again.

Why did I stop thinking completely?
Li Chen didn't care too much for the time being, he just unbuttoned his seat belt, and after leaving his seat, he turned around and looked at the three of them, before he said, "Look at the weather yourself, is this time still suitable for flying again?" ?”

It was only after the three women turned their heads to look out that they suddenly realized that, before they knew it, it was the afterglow of the west...

"???" Suddenly, the three women were a little confused.

Afterwards, Li Chen said: "Okay. Don't think so much. Is there any use in thinking so much?"

Then, he said again: "Besides, on this deserted island, the distance from G is not three to five hundred kilometers away, so... no matter how powerful the power behind the scenes is, so what? It can really be in a short time... Why are all their brigades killed here?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, after the three women were stunned, they looked at him again with a relaxed expression, so... the three of them finally calmed down a little.

Next, Li Chen analyzed: "Also, it is impossible for the other party's behind-the-scenes forces to know what happened in the ocean immediately. Moreover, it will be dusk soon, and they have to weigh it in the evening. So For now, just take it easy."

However, Quan Hye Kyo was busy and worried again: "Then... what will I do tomorrow...?"

Li Chen said: "Tomorrow morning, at dawn, we will fly away from here, right?"

Immediately, he added: "With so much fuel now, let's fly to the last one in the center of the ocean, there is no problem."

So, Ito Chuanxiang worried: "The problem is...we are heading east, aren't we also meeting each other?"

Li Chen said: "If you meet, you can meet. If you don't meet, we won't be able to get out of the Ocean Center area, right?"

Immediately, he said again: "Don't worry, the other party's actions cannot be so fast. After we fly to the last island tomorrow, we will immediately blow up this helicopter and destroy the evidence. Then as long as we find any jungle on the island A cat, isn't everything going to be fine?"

After hearing his thoughts and plans again, the three women gradually felt more at ease.

But, next, Katerina couldn't help asking: "Brother Li Chen, the question is... how will we leave the island after we reach the last island?"

Li Chen said: "We'll talk about it later. Don't worry, there will be a solution."

Afterwards, he couldn't help but lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then exhaled with the smoke, he couldn't help but said: "Don't worry. Let's... But as long as we reach the last island, we have passed the eighty hardships, and we are only short of the last trembling!"

Quan Hye Kyo was deeply touched by these sudden words...

Ito Chuanxiang also felt a little touched.

It's just that Katerina's feelings are still not so deep.

However, after looking at Li Chen, Katerina couldn't help being inexplicably delighted and said, "Uh, brother Li Chen, you are really cool! You have performed such difficult maneuvers like refueling in the air so well! I really admire you so much!"

Then, this lovely Russian girl said again: "By the way, Brother Li Chen, when the time comes... I will go to Huaguo to find you, so don't you not know me!"

From Li Chen's point of view, this is indeed a young girl who has just left the school and has not yet experienced much in the world, because it is not difficult to see...she is still a bit playful.

I also like some new and exciting things.

For her childhood sweetheart boyfriend, although she has stayed in this ocean forever, she is still easily distracted by some new things.

At least it seems that she is not so sad now.

Afterwards, looking at the three women again, Li Chen said: "Okay. Let's get some food and drink, and experience this rare afterglow."


Obviously, it is not difficult to see that Li Chen's mentality seems to be a little relaxed now.

After all, hope is indeed at hand.

He was even thinking, he must have reached the last island in the center of the ocean, and the hope of leaving the island is getting bigger and bigger?
Going back home... shouldn't be a problem?

This damn... After tossing all the way, it is really hard to describe!


Next, under the slanting light of Canhong, the four of them were sitting around in the large green grass above the mountain, enjoying a moment of leisurely happiness...

Feel the rare sunset scenery.

This kind of artistic conception seems a bit difficult to describe in words.

In short, this large green grassland above the mountain peak is like a rooftop of nature.

Remnant red slanted, dyeing the entire grass field red...

The last smear of red, slantingly illuminates the four survivors of the air crash and shipwreck who are looking for their way home...

In addition to the hardships, there are also some joys.

The oriental beauty writer, who suddenly felt a little alcoholic, became more and more excited, and couldn't help opening a can of beer...

"Come! Drink! This cup... I will respect Li Chenjun alone!"

Suddenly seeing that this beautiful and great writer was talking with a bit of a tongue, Li Chen couldn't help but startled: "Chuan Xiang, you...didn't drink too much, did you?"

However, the beautiful writer was drunk, shaking her head and said: "I...not much! Let's...drink! Then...drink!"

Just talking, talking, this beautiful writer suddenly said a little talkatively: "Li Chenjun, let me tell you...Actually...if Sister Huiqiao doesn't marry you, I will...marry you! Li Chenjun... Let me tell you that I used to be afraid of having children, but... after I met you, I am not afraid anymore, I can... give you many, many children!"

"???" This suddenly made Li Chen stunned and embarrassed.

Damn, this bitch... And said she didn't drink too much?
What is this all about?

The Russian girl Katerina couldn't help laughing: "Sister Ito, you drank too much!"

Quan Huiqiao, who was a little embarrassed, had no choice but to say, "Chuan Xiang, let me help you to rest on the plane?"

However, unexpectedly, this oriental beauty writer said: "I... not much! I haven't had a cup with Li Chenjun yet! How come I... have too much?"


(End of this chapter)

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