Chapter 861 A wonderful morning!
In the early morning of the next day, under the red sun, the natural green land above the mountain peak was instantly stained with morning red...

As if in the morning light, everything is thriving.

Another new day, another new beginning.

The warm breeze, the warm morning light, the clear air, the green grass, all these are so beautiful...

When I wake up, I feel refreshed and refreshed.

"Hey! Girls, wake up! Wake up! Watch the sunrise! It's time to pee pee!"

Li Chen, who woke up first, couldn't help shouting.

At this moment, the three women on the plane are still sleeping sweetly like three happy people.

One by one, sleeping in different positions.

After being yelled at by Li Chen, the oriental beauty writer was the first to open her eyes in bewilderment...

After looking up in a daze, she suddenly saw that it was already the time of sunrise, and then she couldn't help but suddenly shuddered, and sat up in a panic...

All of a sudden, she felt that everything in front of her was beautiful!
So beautiful that she forgot where she was?

When she suddenly saw Li Chenjun standing by the side of the plane smoking a cigarette, she was a little embarrassed, as if she suddenly remembered something...

After a while, I saw this beautiful writer getting off the plane a little bit embarrassingly and shyly...

After looking at Li Chenjun again, she saw her blushing cheeks and said: "Li Chenjun... I...did too much last night?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Li Chen turned his head to look at her, and thinking about her drunken state last night, he couldn't help but smile...

Seeing his smile suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang's face became even more embarrassing and red...

Then, she seemed ashamed to ask any more questions, so she turned around silently, as if she was going to find someone to relieve her.

It's just that she was shyly thinking about it...

Omega... oh my god...

Did I say last night that I was going to give birth to Li Chenjun?

He also said that he would have many, many children... How could I do this? God...Ito are so embarrassing!


After a while, when the Russian girl Katerina woke up, there was a sudden shock, and she rushed off the plane in a panic...

"Oh—so beautiful—"

I saw this girl from the fighting nation rushing towards the sunrise in a burst of excitement.

In fact, everything this morning was really beautiful!
Think about it, on such an isolated island in the ocean, in such a large green space above the mountain, facing the sunrise, this feeling of close contact with nature cannot be expressed in words.

It's just that there is an indescribable ecstasy in my heart.


However, Quan Hye Kyo, who was the last to wake up, suddenly saw Li Chen standing beside her, and she immediately blushed...

Especially when she thought back to last night, in the middle of the night, the shy things she secretly did with him in this large natural green space that only they knew about, she felt even more ashamed.

However, Li Chen couldn't help but smile at her: "Good morning, daughter-in-law!"

Seeing him like that suddenly, she frowned in embarrassment: "Hmph! You annoying guy! How early is it?"

This shows that the more she is like that, the more Li Chen can't help being inexplicably happy...

Afterwards, after the H-country actress got off the plane, she could only whisper in his ear like a daughter-in-law: "You are such a big villain, huh!"

"???" Li Chen was a little confused, and frowned.

Then he watched her turn around to go find her to relieve her, but he couldn't help laughing secretly again, this daughter-in-law... huh...

Obviously she was the one who woke us up in the middle of the night last night, so why did I become a big villain?

After a while, I saw two women returning from the grass in the distance, whispering something to each other...

In fact, it was Ito Chuanxiang who was apologizing to Jeon Hye Kyo.

What Ito Chuanxiang meant was that I drank too much last night, and what I said was all about drinking, so I asked Quan Hye Kyo not to mind too much.

After all, this oriental beauty writer also knows that this H country actress is Li Chenjun's real brand.

So she still said that to Li Chenjun in front of her face, it was really too rude.


Afterwards, Li Chen looked at the three women in the green field, watching the sunrise and whispering, but he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Okay! Come here! Prepare breakfast! Then we It's about to fly!"

Hearing him yelling suddenly, they started to talk, and the three women realized that the current situation still cannot be too optimistic.

Afterwards, after the four of them had a simple breakfast together, Li Chen started to board the plane again.

After getting on the plane, seeing that the cabin door was gradually closing, Katerina couldn't help but said, "What a pity! I really want to stay here for a while! Such a green space is really rare!"

However, Li Chen said: "It's done. Put on your seat belts."

Then, he said again: "We will go home after all."


Next, after starting the plane, Li Chen didn't take off immediately, but fiddled with it for a while...

The three women didn't know what he was up to?
It just felt like he was checking if the plane was still in good shape?
actually not.

Because Li Chen still wanted to solve a technical barrier, and wanted to try again to get in touch with the country by radio.

Just fiddled with it for a while, but still didn't succeed.

I don't know if it is a signal problem in the ocean?

As a result, he frowned somewhat gloomily, shit!

In the end, he had no choice but to take off first.

Just as the plane took off again, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but said, "Uh, Li Chen... really can only fly to the last island in the middle of the ocean?"

Hearing this suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang also hurriedly said: "That's right. We... can we... try to fly to other places?"

Hearing what the two women said, there was nothing wrong with it, so Li Chen had no choice but to be realistic and said: "There are still more than 800 kilometers from here to the last island in the center of the ocean. The current oil volume, the maximum limit, is only It's almost that far away. So... where else do you want to fly?"

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina couldn't help but frown her beautiful eyes: "Humph! This ocean is broken! It's really too big!"

The four of them were talking, when suddenly, again, they received a call from Country G...


Suddenly, the four of them were a little stunned again.

Since none of the four of them could understand the G language, each of them... apart from being dazed, they also felt inexplicable apprehension and worry...

"What should I do?" Quan Hye Kyo asked suddenly.

Li Chen came to say: "Just ignore it, we can do whatever we want."


(End of this chapter)

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