The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 862 The Strength of the John Family

Chapter 862 The Strength of the John Family

This morning, country G, John's mansion.

I saw a tall, strong, tough guy with a stubble on his face, reporting some new situations to Lord John...

There is a lot going on about this tough guy.

Because this guy was once the chief instructor of a special branch.

After retiring, he was hired by Sir John with a lot of money and became the personal bodyguard and the head of the security department of John's family.

This guy's name is Raymond.

The situation that Raymond is reporting now probably means that all the planes sent to the ocean have lost contact, including the transport plane sent to refuel in the air, and now they have also lost contact.

And then there's this: it's now impossible to get in touch with Charlie.As for the specific situation in the ocean, I don't know yet?

Suddenly hearing such a situation, the old man (Lord John) also realized that the situation is serious!
Therefore, at this moment, the old man's face is dark...

After traveling across country G for decades, this is the first time he has encountered such a serious incident!

For the John family, this is definitely the greatest shame ever!

Because the DNA identification of the three bones has also come out, and one of the bones is his eldest son Jue Zhi!
There is also a skeleton, which is the non-real girlfriend of his eldest son Jue Zhi - Rice.

As for the other skeleton, it was Yale, a capable general under his eldest son Juezhi.

The more I thought about it, the more the old man became purple with anger...

The hand holding the cane was visibly trembling slightly...

At this moment, Raymond also noticed that Lord John was really impatient this time.

At the same time, Raymond also realized that the situation in the ocean is not optimistic!

However, for the John family, although they are powerful in country G and can almost cover the sky with one hand, they are somewhat helpless in the face of such a complicated environment in the ocean.

The main reason is that the distance is too far.

Going there is also expensive.

Helicopters need to be refueled in the air.

The old man pondered, then paced back and forth...

After staying for a while, the old man suddenly turned around, looked at Raymond, and said, "Can you find a way to contact the military and use a fighter plane to strike?"
Hearing this suddenly, Lei Meng was also cautiously startled...

Because if so, the situation would obviously escalate.

It’s just a matter of John’s family now.

It will be another situation if the military's fighter planes are dispatched.

Afterwards, Raymond also said, meaning: the dispatch of fighter planes requires the approval of Congress.

The old man said, meaning: I will fix this.

Obviously, the reason why the old man has the confidence to say that is because the old man is also the leader of a political party in country G.

Moreover, the old man is also a member of Congress and has a place.

Obviously, the system of country G is naturally different from that of Hua country.

Most of the politicians in country G are using their power for personal gain to strengthen their family businesses.

Moreover, these figures basically control many resources of country G. Therefore, even the president of country G often has to weigh the pros and cons.

It's easy, and I won't tear myself apart with this kind of guy.

As long as the interests of country G are not harmed in principle, the president of country G will not interfere too much.

Furthermore, in the next presidential election, who will be the new president, and who can say it well?

Therefore, the old man (Lord John) dared to boldly think of using a fighter, and he did have the confidence.

Finally, after the two had a secret conversation, the old man said, meaning: Raymond, I will leave this matter to you!

Then, the old man added, meaning: Make sure to let those pirates and Luofu that bastard go to God!

In short, after talking about it now, for the John family, they still don't know the whole story.

I still blindly believe that it was the pirates in the ocean who did it.

He also still believes that the bastard Luofu colluded with the pirates in private to make things happen.



About this moment, in the middle of the ocean, on a helicopter.

After hearing the warning from the plane that the fuel was low, Quan Hye Kyo was the first to worry: "Hey, Li Chen...we...should be able to fly to the last island, right?"

Li Chen, who was still manipulating the helicopter steadily, said, "Don't worry, there will be no problem."

However, Katerina was still worried: "Brother Li Chen, we won't fall into the ocean, right?"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang curled her lips gloomily: "Huh! This is it so big?"


The three women were worried, but before they knew it, the last island in the center of the ocean finally appeared in sight...

As a result, Li Chen secretly let out a long cry...

But looking at the dashboard again, he also felt a little inexplicable anxiety and fear...

Because this is really the limit of this flight.

If it is about 100 kilometers further away, it is really not safe... Will it fall into the ocean?
Therefore, a few words floated out of his heart more or less gloomily: Grass, what the hell!

Looking down now, looking at the last island in the center of the ocean, I can’t help being a little shocked——

Because this island... is quite large.

It's like a primitive jungle in a certain land.

Looking down now, looking at the vast green shade and verdant scene, Li Chen was a little flustered, because he felt that he couldn't find a place to land for a while.

Although surrounded by the jungle, there is a large piece of natural green space in the middle, but he was still a little apprehensive about landing in that central location.

Because presumably there should be many ferocious beasts in such a vast jungle?
If it lands at that position, it is possible that as soon as it lands, it will be immediately surrounded by some ferocious beasts of unknown origin?


Suddenly, the three women became surprised and excited...

"Wow - this island is so big -"

"Oh - my God - what a beautiful island -"

"Wow—it's really beautiful——"


However, Li Chen was thinking to himself, how beautiful is it?

Don't you know that the more beautiful this place is, the more dangerous it may be?
Thinking about it, he didn't bother to talk to the three girls for a while, he was just looking for a suitable landing place...

It wasn't until they flew around to the southeast corner of the island that they suddenly saw a huge golden beach...

So, he didn't care about that much, and let's talk about landing safely first.

Because if you fly again, you will run out of fuel.

Finally, after the plane finally landed safely on the golden beach in the southeast corner, the three women suddenly cheered...

"Yeah - we made it - we've finally reached the last island in the middle of the ocean -"

"Oh ha—brother Li Chen—you're awesome—you're amazing—I love you to death—"


This joy, excitement, excitement, and after unbuttoning the seat belt in a panic, Katerina suddenly went over and kissed Li Chen.

It's just that Li Chen was a little dazed when he heard the sound of 'Bo' all of a sudden, what's wrong with this girl... what's wrong with her?

(End of this chapter)

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