Chapter 863
Afterwards, after getting off the plane, I saw the three women rushing towards the beach with inexplicable excitement...

"Ah—we've finally reached this last island—"

"Leave this island again and we'll be home soon—"


However, Li Chen, who was the last to get off the helicopter, was not so excited.

I saw that he subconsciously took the gun down, hung it on his shoulder, and then habitually lit a cigarette...

After exhaling with the smoke, he couldn't say he was happy, but he couldn't say he was unhappy either, but he still felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Because... it can be regarded as Ta Ma's tossing from the center of the ocean to this last island!
Now, it's just the last shudder!
Next, keep watch on this last island, and whether you will be able to get out of the island in the end depends on luck?
Seeing that all three women ran to the beach excitedly, he had no choice but to walk along the golden sandy beach to the beach.


However, after a burst of excitement, the three women finally calmed down as they looked at the vast, boundless blue sea in front of them...

Then, it became a little bit helpless.

After a while, the three women couldn't help but frowned slightly...

"This ocean... is still so big!" Suddenly, a beautiful writer from Toyo said this.

The girl from the fighting nation said: "May God give us some more fuel! Let us fly out of this ocean!"

Jeon Hye Kyo suddenly fell silent...

Because, inadvertently, scenes of the past flashed back in her mind...

Therefore, her heart suddenly felt heavy——

From her point of view, although it was only the last step, the price she had to pay...was too great and too heavy!

At this moment, she feels... They have never really conquered this nature, because these few are still alive, they can only be regarded as the lucky ones let go by nature.

Perhaps the heavens opened their eyes, and finally forgave so many, right?

After Li Chen came to the beach silently, he habitually stood beside Quan Hye Kyo.

Because this woman is his wife after all.

In the next scene, the four of them lined up in a line. On the beach, facing the sea, they all stood helplessly...

Standing there for a long time, blankly, and foolishly, all looking at the still vast sea area with eyes that seem to have gods but not gods...

For a long time, we didn't speak to each other.

It seems that everyone is thinking, how to get this last one?
Although the sun at noon was a bit harsh, the four of them didn't seem to notice it.


After a long time, suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo turned her head and looked at Li Chen beside her, and she finally couldn't help but be the first to speak: "Uh, Li Chen... that group... will they come to this ocean again?" Are you bothering us?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Li Chen frowned, and then couldn't help turning around to look at the helicopter...

Then, he said: "We need to blow up this helicopter immediately."

Suddenly hearing this, the three women frowned with some reluctance: "???"

Obviously, from the perspective of the three women, even though they ran out of fuel, looking at this helicopter... always felt like there was still a glimmer of hope.

It would be a pity if it was blown up immediately.

Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang finally couldn't bear it and said: "Li Chenjun, do you have to blow up this helicopter?"

At this moment, Katerina couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Of course we need to do this. Otherwise, {b} will expose our whereabouts."

Then, she added: "Brother Li Chen's consideration is correct."

It seems that this girl from the fighting nation understands some strategic issues.

Afterwards, Li Chen said: "Okay. I'm still going to work first. Let's take down our things first."

Just as he finished speaking, suddenly, without knowing what happened, there was a swishing sound coming from the jungle at the southeast corner...

With the whistling sound, I saw some firewood thorns being violently moved...


The eyes of the four people suddenly rounded in shock.

Then, soon, sixteen or seventeen pairs of sharp eyes appeared suddenly from the jungle...

After the three women were startled, each of them trembled and almost urinated in fright.

"???" I saw that the three women opened their mouths wide open in astonishment, forming a big 'O' shape. They seemed to want to scream, but they didn't dare to make a sound, and they could only hold it for a moment. breathe……

Then I saw that the foreheads of the three women had already burst into cold sweat unconsciously...

Moreover, their respective pupils are still dilated in fear...

But at this moment, those sixteen or seventeen pairs of sharp eyes were staring blankly and suspiciously at these four uninvited guests who suddenly came to the island...

It seems that these four have broken into their territory.

Nima, sixteen or seventeen wolves sprang out all at once, even at this moment, Li Chen was timid: "???"

For a moment, he was also a little stupid, as if suddenly stunned, he didn't know what to do?

However, he was still rejoicing in his heart, fortunately he brought a gun down.

Otherwise, at this very moment, he will also panic.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, suddenly, with a whoosh, sixteen or seventeen wolves came out in a file...

"Ah——" the beauty writer in Dongyang finally couldn't help but let out a scream, feeling as if her scalp was bursting suddenly.

Immediately, the actress from Country H burst into screams: "Ah——Li Chen—help me——"

Only girls from fighting nations, subconsciously, want to bend down to pick up stones and the like...

But at this moment, the submachine gun in Li Chen's hand resolutely rang out...

'Da da da da da da da...'

Suddenly there was a burst of fierce shooting, and when the six or seven wolves who bore the brunt fell into a pool of blood in an instant, the next second, it was the remaining ten or so wolves who were suddenly stunned: "???"

It seems that they were surprised to see that the other party has a magic weapon in their hands!

It seems that they have never seen such a divine weapon before.

Taking advantage of this moment, Katerina waved the stone she just picked up, and angrily threw it at the wolves...

It really is the character of a girl from a fighting nation, even if she dies, she has to bite off a piece of her opponent's flesh.

It's just that after she smashed the stone hard, the wolves became angry again...

Suddenly, with a whoosh, three wolves rushed towards Katerina at the same time...

Seeing what happened, it was still hard to be intimidated. In desperation, the gun in Li Chen's hand had no choice but to shoot up again...

'Da da da da da da da...'

In an instant, another six or seven wolves fell into a pool of blood.

"???" This time, the remaining three or four wolves panicked completely.

This time it's finally their turn to compare stupidly, and they trembled involuntarily...

(End of this chapter)

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