The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 864 Still Can't Let Down Our Vigilance!

Chapter 864 Still Can't Let Down Our Vigilance!

Next, I saw the remaining three or four wolves, their four legs were trembling involuntarily, and it seemed that each other's four legs had weakened...

The originally sharp eyes now became much more docile.

It's just that those three or four pairs of eyes are still looking suspiciously at the four uninvited guests on the island...

Then, when Katerina picked up a stone again and was about to throw it at the remaining three or four wolves, unexpectedly, at the moment she waved her hand vigorously, the three or four wolves suddenly He made a U-turn, and then rushed towards the jungle behind him in a panic, running away for a while, and the shit...

"Brother Li Chen, why don't you kill them all?" Katerina suddenly said angrily, like a little girl who is coquettish and cute.

And Li Chen just frowned inexplicably gloomy...

At this moment, it seems that he himself can't explain this problem well?
However, subconsciously, he still realized that he was indeed not as ruthless as before.

If this was the previous temper, it would be obvious that they would be wiped out.

But, vaguely, he still feels... maybe sometimes... it's better not to kill them all?

In short, suddenly, his thoughts were a little messed up...

He even felt that he was becoming more and more Buddha-like?
Because whenever he thinks about those six women, he always feels... Or is there some karmic reincarnation?
Just thinking about Nina's death... He felt that maybe he was wrong just now?
Because Nina was bitten to death by a wolf...

In short, for him, he has no way to explain the complicated inner world at this moment, or Daoming, to this girl from the fighting nation.

"Hmph! They should have been killed just now!" Katerina said again.

As for Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang at this moment, the two of them are still feeling out of breath for a while...

After a while, the two women gradually calmed down.

That scene just now was really too thrilling.

Sixteen or seventeen wolves sprang out all of a sudden, this was really the first time I had seen since Survive on a deserted island.

Fortunately, Li Chen was vigilant to a certain extent and carried a gun with him.

When the two women turned their heads to look at Li Chen again, they realized that this kind of protective awareness on a deserted island was still inferior to that of the Hua country man.

Quan Huiqiao, who was still a little inexplicably frightened, suddenly couldn't help but said: "Li do I feel...this island...these wolves...are more ferocious than those wolves on other islands?"

In fact, Li Chen seemed to be aware of this problem.

So he still regretted letting go of the three or four wolves.

Afterwards, Ito Chuanxiang also said inexplicably terrified: "Li Chenjun... We...we have overcome so many critical situations, we won't end... die on this last island, right?"

This is indeed a problem worthy of vigilance.

Suddenly, Li Chen was thinking, it seems that he should not relax his vigilance too much.

A little carelessness, or carelessness, is it really possible to die on this last island?
After thinking about it, he let out a long, depressed breath, and couldn't help but light a cigarette...

After a while, he suddenly said: "Everyone, don't let your guard down. Remember, you still have to carry a self-defense weapon anytime and anywhere. women have to bring a self-defense weapon when you go to relieve yourself. "

Then, he said again: "For us, hope is right in front of us now. So at a time like this... there must be no more mistakes."

Katerina said suddenly: "That's why we must find a safe shelter on this island."

Then, she said: "It's like I've been living on that big ship on that island."

Hearing this suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said: "But...not every island has that kind of thing...there is such a stranded ship, right?"

Li Chen listened, frowned again and took a puff of cigarette, then said: "Okay. Let's work first."

Then, he added: "Now that the helicopter is so conspicuously placed here, it is also a hidden danger for us."

Thinking about it, if the other party sent troops to the ocean again, they would definitely be suspicious when they saw this helicopter.

But, suddenly, Katerina said: "By the way, Brother Li Chen, how do we... blow it up?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but smile: "Silly girl, isn't there still two shells on the plane? Isn't it settled with one shot?"

Katerina was taken aback with embarrassment: "That's right! Why didn't I think of it?"

So, Li Chen said: "Okay. Don't dawdle any longer. This matter must be done as soon as possible."


Next, under Li Chen's help, the four of them got busy together, unloading all the food and drink on the plane.

And those guns and ammunition were all unloaded.

It's just that, after being sweated profusely, when he was finally about to shoot down the helicopter, Li Chen hesitated again...

Because he suddenly thought, it would be a pity to blow it up!
After all, it's a good helicopter, isn't it?

And Katerina saw that he carried all the cannonballs on his shoulders, but he didn't fire them for a long time, so she couldn't help but turned around and asked, "What's the matter, Brother Li Chen?"

After thinking about it again, Li Chen suddenly put down the cannonball, wiped off his sweat, and said, "I don't think it can be blown up."

Immediately, he explained: "At least stay on the island, and it can be used as our house. Now...the best to to hide it?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "I also think this is the best idea."

Afterwards, Li Chen couldn't help but lit a cigarette again, and while smoking the cigarette, he looked around...

Thinking, where is the best place to hide it?
However, the silly thing is that they are still completely unfamiliar with this island for the time being.

For a while, I don't know where to hide this helicopter?

But... this matter must be completed as soon as possible without delay.

Because every second of delay is the risk of one more second.

After all, I don't know when the other party will send troops to the ocean again?

However, one thing is certain, the opponent's behind-the-scenes forces will definitely send troops to this ocean again!
After all, the loss was so heavy, it was impossible to give up so easily.

After thinking and pondering, finally, Li Chen said: "Okay. Let's put these back on the plane first. Then, we all get on the plane."

Hearing this suddenly, the three women were a little stunned: "???"

Immediately, Quan Hye Kyo quickly asked, "Isn't the plane out of fuel?"

(End of this chapter)

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