Chapter 867 Tiger's Mouth
Just this afternoon, Country G.

On the official side, a piece of news has been posted on the Internet, to the effect that a week-long anti-piracy activity will be carried out in a certain ocean.

Obviously, regarding this, it is not difficult to understand. After all, when the military dispatches, it has to pay attention to the name of the teacher, otherwise, there is no way to explain it to the international community.

It is not difficult to see from this that the power of the John family in country G cannot be underestimated!

In the end, being able to dispatch the military in such a grandiose manner is what makes the John family unique in country G.


At this moment, the military personnel who are about to be dispatched are also studying various combat plans.

Obviously, the military still has a lot of data on these areas in the ocean.

It can even directly locate the island where those pirates are active all year round.

Also, starting from country G, from east to west, they called the first island in the center of the ocean Hukou.

That is the island where the four of Li Chen and the others are now.

The reason why it is called Hukou is because the island has a huge jungle area and all kinds of ferocious beasts gather. It is simply a family of primitive animals in nature.

Moreover, in country G, scientific research personnel have conducted various investigations on this island, and finally concluded that this wild island has no natural resources other than those ferocious beasts.

No oil can be extracted, no natural gas can be extracted, let alone any mineral resources.

Due to the lack of profit, in the end, no one paid any attention to this wild island and allowed it to grow wildly.

There were also several scientific expedition personnel who were eaten alive by the ferocious beasts on this Hukou Island.

Therefore, this island has another name, called the Island of Death.

In other words, there is absolutely no sign of pirate activity on this island.

Even if there is, it cannot survive.



Right now, in the ocean, on that Hukou Island.

In the middle of the east side of the island, in the valley you entered.

Li Chen and the other four had just returned to the helicopter, had just closed the cabin door, and were about to eat something. Unexpectedly, suddenly, several big tigers sprang out from the jungle on both sides of the valley...

"???" The four of them were completely confused.

At the same time, everyone was trembling with inexplicable fear.

At this moment, the four people on the plane could only open their mouths and stare blankly...

Neither dared to breathe loudly, but his heart was in a panic.

This damn... an absolute den of tigers and wolves.

Seeing those big tigers walking towards this green field unscrupulously, Quan Huiqiao couldn't help trembling subconsciously, and said in Li Chen's ear: "What, what should I do?"

And right now Li Chen can only just stare stupidly...

Fortunately, there were those few dead tigers lying in the green space.

Next, watching those big tigers walking towards the five dead tigers, Li Chen said in a low voice: "It's okay. Just ignore them. Anyway, they have food to eat."

Then, he said again: "Let's eat ours."

While talking, he carefully opened a can of luncheon meat...

Afraid of making too much noise.

After opening the can of luncheon meat, he stretched out his hand and took out a piece. While eating, he whispered again: "Okay. Let's eat."

Seeing it, Katerina couldn't help reaching out to get the luncheon meat first...

It's just that Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang, apart from their trembling hearts, also have some inexplicable embarrassment...

Because the two of them were scared and peed their pants before, and now their pants are still wet, which is also a bit uncomfortable.

But, in this situation, how dare you come up with the idea of ​​washing up?

Seeing that both of them started to eat, in the end, they both had no choice but to reach for the luncheon meat slices, ready to eat...

What happened next was that the big tigers were eating happily in the green field outside, biting the five dead tigers.And the four of them ate carefully in the plane, not daring to make a chirping sound.

But, in the end, the oriental beauty writer, who was blushing from holding back, still didn't hold back, and suddenly let out a loud fart...


Suddenly, the three pairs of eyes turned to her in shock.

And at this moment, the beauty writer of Dongyang is so embarrassing that her face is flushed!

At this moment, there was a sudden bang, and those big tigers were all rushing towards the helicopter...

With the sound of 'Wooooo', I saw a pair of front paws of a big tiger, and with a sound of 'Peng', it was placed on the windshield in front of the helicopter, and at the same time, it had a fierce look...


Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

At this moment, Li Chen is so depressed, especially looking at the big tiger in front of the windshield, his heart is bursting with anger...

Hold the grass, Nima.

Or a girl from a fighting nation who dares to fight!
Katerina suddenly said angrily: "Brother Li Chen, let's continue to kill them!"

Hearing these words suddenly, Li Chen felt really inspired...

So, Li Chen said: "Open the box at the back. There are bullets there. First load the gun with enough bullets."

Hearing what he said, Katerina immediately took action...

This made Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang a little dumbfounded: "???"

At the same time, they were both a little ashamed.

Because the two of them were thinking that they were not as good as a girl who had just left school.

This time, Li Chen's fighting spirit is getting stronger...

Because for them, the current appeal is actually very simple, they just want a quiet place to stay.

However, these ferocious beasts on the island always come to harass him, and he is really an idiot.

Immediately, Li Chen looked at Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang, and said, "Why are you two still standing there? Hurry up! Reload!"

Suddenly hearing this, after the two women were stunned again, Quan Hye Kyo said: "I don't know how to pretend."

Li Chen: "..."

It seems that he can only be speechless.

Afterwards, he had no choice but to stretch out his hand and said, "Give me the gun."

Seeing this, Ito Chuanxiang reached out to Ito Chuanxiang and said, "Come on, Sister Ito, give me the gun."


Finally, after the four of them had loaded their guns, Li Chen said, "Attention! I'm going to open the cabin door!"

Katerina replied: "Go, I'm ready!"

So, Li Chen turned around, pressed the button, and opened the cabin door on the left...

Suddenly, three big tigers were about to rush forward at the same time, and the gun in Katerina's hand shot up first...

'Da da da da da da...'

After that, Li Chen also fired angrily...

'Da da da da da da...'

After killing these three big tigers, Li Chen jumped out of the plane first, and charged at the remaining four big tigers, and came to pursue the victory...

'Da da da da da da...'

(End of this chapter)

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