Chapter 868: Polar Survival
After killing the remaining four big tigers, the whole green land is really invisible...

Because it was too bloody.

The five big tigers that were killed before have been bitten to a bloody mess by the seven big tigers later, and there is blood everywhere...

Now these seven big tigers have been killed again, and their corpses are lying in this green field, bleeding profusely, so think about it, it can be said to be as bloody as possible.

It's as if it has become a slaughterhouse for this jungle tiger.

However, after watching this scene, Li Chen felt relieved and let out a long cry: "Huh—"

Then, I saw him lighting a cigarette inexplicably depressed, like a lonely hero who competed with the nature for his fate.

At this moment, the three women were standing behind, looking at such a figure, the three of them felt mixed feelings...

Especially looking at the mess and blood stains all over the floor, as well as the extremely bloody scenes, they also felt an indescribably depressed, but also a little inexplicable sense of refreshment at this moment.

Afterwards, they saw the Hua country man hang the gun on his shoulder, turn around and pee to the side...

This made the three of them stunned for a while, and then looked at each other inexplicably shyly: "???"

However, at this moment, the three women also realized that now that they were in this valley, they had to carry a gun with them at all times even when they went to have a pee.

If it weren't for a helicopter parked there, they really don't know how to survive here?
Suddenly, when Li Chen turned around and took a look at the three women, he couldn't help but said: "Okay. Don't look at it. Get ready to work."

"???" The three women were startled in confusion, wondering what to do?

Picking up firewood?
Ready to grill tiger meat?

Thinking about it, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but said: "But...we don't have any salt now, how can we roast tiger meat?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen frowned: "Who said you roasted tiger meat?"

"That's..." Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help asking again.

No way, Li Chen said: "You stand guard for me with guns, I'll go here to chop tree trunks and bamboos, do you understand?"

Then, he said: "We must make a fence with bamboo tips to enclose the helicopter in the middle, understand?"

Then, he said: "Also, we have to put those branches on the helicopter to hide them, understand?"

While talking, he turned back to the helicopter, put down his gun, and went to take down the hatchet...

Next, the three women were standing guard with guns, and he was on the edge of the green field, and began to cut tree trunks and bamboos.

Fortunately, it is convenient to obtain materials locally.

After waiting for a while, after preparing enough tree trunks and bamboos, Li Chen said again: "Okay. Next, Linna will stand guard with a gun alone. Then... Huiqiao, Chuanxiang, you two will help me .”

While talking, he went to the side to get a lot of rattan...

Fortunately, after a busy meal, they finally built a bamboo-tipped shelf around the helicopter.

It is equivalent to building a fence around the helicopter.

In this way, in the future, the four of them will stay in this bamboo-pointed enclosure, and at least they will have some space to move around.

In order to facilitate urination and the like in the future, it can be solved without leaving the bamboo tip fence, so Li Chen dug a trench at the lower corner...

Then, a small enclosure was also made at the lower corner.

It's like creating a small hut in the lower corner.

Next, it was a good meal of work, around the fence, and began to clothe the 45-degree obliquely inserted bamboo tips...

In the end, after building a fence gate with bamboo tips, the three women had no choice but to look at this Huaguo man with admiration...

"Brother Li Chen, you are really amazing! You can think of this kind of protection! Ha! I really love you more and more!"

However, Li Chen said: "Don't talk about this yet. It's not completely done yet."

While talking, he went to hug some branches into the bamboo fence...

Seeing this, Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang were also busy helping to hug those branches...

Afterwards, he climbed up to the top of the plane and asked the two women to hand him the branches.

Then, I saw him use the branches to put them on the four-bladed propeller of the plane, completely covering it up...

The final effect is like a complete convertible enclosure.

It's just that after working hard this afternoon, before I knew it, it was almost twilight.

So, Li Chen began to rave again: "Quick! Let's go pick up some more firewood and put it in the enclosure of the convertible!"


In the end, it was another busy meal. After the four of them returned to the bamboo-tip enclosure and blocked the bamboo-tip fence gate, Li Chen boldly lit a fire in the grass within the enclosure.

With this sudden feeling, the three women couldn't help feeling a little bit of inexplicable joy...

Because it feels... like staying in the small yard of your own home.

Especially looking at the small hut in the slanted lower corner of the enclosure, Katerina couldn't help laughing and said: "I'll go there first and try to relieve it. Brother Li Chen, don't peek."

This girl really feels fresh and curious about everything.

It's just that at this moment, Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang looked at Li Chen, and they didn't know what to say?
But afterward, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but said: "Uh, Li Chen...can you accompany me to the water to wash?"

Hearing this suddenly, seeing that it was already dusk, Li Chen couldn't help frowning: "???"

Thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "Does it have to be washed tonight? I can wash it during the day tomorrow, can't I?"

At this time, Ito Chuanxiang finally couldn't help but said shyly: "Oh, it can't be done. Sister Hui Qiao and I... both peed our pants."

"???" Li Chen frowned again.

Suddenly, he was so depressed, he really didn't know what to say?

After thinking about it again, he said: "Let's bear with it. Bear with it all night. Right's already dark, and by the water...if there are sea snakes or the like, I can't see them clearly. Isn’t it? Life is important, isn’t it?”

Hearing what he said, after Quan Huiqiao frowned, she had no choice but to say: "Then I...then me and Chuanxiang...can we make it with a bottle of drinking water?"

Seeing that his daughter-in-law said so, how could Li Chen have the heart to say it?

So, after thinking about it, he had no choice but to say: "That's it. All right. Use it."

Seeing that he agreed, Quan Hye Kyo said again: "Then you go and stay on the plane, no peeking."


(End of this chapter)

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