The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 869 Then you will become a star in the future!

Chapter 869 Then you will become a star in the future!
This night, when the lights were on, Huaguo Yanjing, a restaurant in a downtown area, in a private room on the second floor.

"Yeah—come—let's raise our glasses together—congratulations to Ke Ke for getting the promotion card with a good voice—"

Amidst the jubilation, six women gathered and toasted together, celebrating that the cute girl Miao Keke won the promotion card in the first round of audition for The Voice.

Of course, this is only the first step.

As for the next step... I don't know if the cute girl can successfully break through the Yanjing competition area?
About the competition system of Good Voice, everyone must know...

Now it's just the sea selection stage for each competition area, and they have to go through a lot of breakthroughs before they can finally enter the blind selection stage of the live TV broadcast.

In other words, at least one must succeed in the top 64 of the country, and finally have the opportunity to appear on TV.

This process... is still very difficult.

Unless you get the pass-through card for the match point, you can directly enter the top 64 in the country, otherwise, you have to be screened layer by layer.

Even so, the cute girl is still happy, still happy, still excited...

"Sisters, wait a minute, I'm going to make a call!"

Suddenly hearing what the cute girl said, they couldn't help being a little dazed: "???"

Immediately, Qiong'er couldn't help guessing: "It should be to announce the good news to your one?"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said, "I think... it looks a bit like it?"

However, Miao Keke just smiled inexplicably without explaining anything, then turned around and left the private room...

For her actions, only Tan Jixia knew in her heart that this little girl should have gone to announce the good news to the captain and his father?

Sure enough, after leaving the private room and reaching a corner of the corridor outside, the cute girl couldn't help but make a phone call to the captain's hometown...

"Hey, Dad, it's me, Coco."

On the other end of the phone, Li Chen's father listened, feeling so happy in his heart...

"Have you eaten, Xiao Ke?"

The cute girl giggled and said, "I'm eating now. By the way, I have some good news for you. Your daughter-in-law and I... got a promotion card for a good voice today, ha!"

Just listening to this, on the other end of the phone, Li Chen's father was stunned: "What kind of thing? What kind of thing?"

"Dad, it's a good voice!"

After Li Chen's father was stunned for a while, he suddenly realized: "Oh oh's difficult is the family, and how did you stick to your music dream?"

The cute girl couldn't help but smile happily: "That's right, it's that show."

However, Li Chen's father was melancholy: " will become a star in the future."

Uncle's subtext is... Then my Chen'er won't be good enough for you in the future.

And Miao Keke said: "Dad, what kind of star is not a star? She is not your daughter-in-law! Really!"

Unexpectedly, the uncle said: "Xiao Ke, I heard... that circle is too messy."

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Miao Keke couldn't help but secretly startled: "???"

Although she seemed a little heartless, she still understood what the old man was worried about.

Originally, I wanted to report good news, but after listening to the old man's worries, the cute girl is also a little at a loss right now?

Immediately, Miao Keke said cautiously: "Dad, don't you like it?"

However, upon hearing this, Li Chen's father said, "It's all right. Xiao Ke, don't worry about me. You young people have your young thoughts. can do whatever you want."

Then, the uncle said again: "Besides, it's a good thing to be a star! In the future, if I tell it, my face will be bright too! I dare to say... My Chen'er married a big star wife, right?"

In fact, even though the old man said so, he was thinking in his heart, anyway...that child Chen'er may not be able to come back, so...this little Ke can live as he pleases.

Besides, the uncle is like a mirror in his heart, it is impossible for such a young girl to be a widow.

It would be good if she had the heart to make a phone call every day to make him and Chen'er fucking happy.

What's more, the uncle has always been a little confused, and I don't know why such a girl suddenly appeared and called herself Chen's daughter-in-law?
But, if it is true, the uncle also thinks... the girl has done her best.

Therefore, it is not easy to interfere with what kind of life other girls want in the future.

In fact... the cute girl also heard that the old man actually has ideas in his heart.

Therefore, she had no choice but to smile reluctantly, and then patiently said: "Dad, if you have any ideas, just say so. It's okay. What are you and me doing hiding?"

So, after Li Chen's father frowned and thought about it, he said, "Xiao Ke, then I'll just say it straight. Actually... Chen'er and I have always been thankful to you! Really! Thank you Have this filial piety! But..."

Speaking of this, the uncle paused for a while, and then continued: "But Chen'er and I both know in our hearts that my Chen'er...may not be able to come back? So...Xiao Ke, you are still young. So go for whatever kind of life you want to pursue! My mother and I will always support you!"

Suddenly hearing what the old man said, the cute girl's eyes flickered inexplicably...

"Dad! You trust me! Li Chen...he will definitely come back!"

Then, the cute girl said again: "Dad, if you think... that circle is messed up, then I won't participate in The Voice!"

However, the uncle hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, don't! You can't give up your dreams just because of this! Young people have pursuits and dreams, which is a good thing!"

Then, the uncle said again: "Besides...there is also a clean stream in that circle. Both Chen'er and I believe that you will be that clean stream in the future. should pursue your dream, go for it! Turn around... Well... when you want to vote for it, you should tell me in advance, Chen'er and I will go and vote for you!"

Then, the uncle said again: "Damn it, our village doesn't have mobile phone signal. When the time comes... If it's really not possible, Chen'er and I will go to the hotel in the county to stay for one night and vote for you!"

This made the cute girl couldn't help but burst out laughing...

"Dad, you are so cute!"


After a while, when Tan Jixia came out to go to the bathroom, she glanced at it, and suddenly saw that the cute girl was talking on the phone with the captain's father, and they were talking very happily, and she was inexplicably happy...

Because she also misunderstood the cute girl before.

It wasn't until later that she really understood the cute girl.

Although this little girl seems heartless, she definitely has a heart.

There will always be some unexpected surprises or touches for everyone inadvertently...

(End of this chapter)

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