Chapter 870 Coco's decision

After a while, in the bathroom.

When Tan Jixia was washing her hands in front of the sink, she suddenly saw a cute girl in the mirror, and she couldn't help being thoughtful for a moment: "???"

Because through this mirror, she has already observed that the cute girl who is walking behind her seems to be not very happy suddenly...

Sure enough, when she suddenly saw her in front of the sink, Miao Keke could not help but move closer to her...

Then, the two looked at each other in the mirror, and finally, Tan Jixia couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"

"...???" The cute girl furrowed her beautiful eyes, as if she didn't know what to say for a while?
After thinking about it, the cute girl just confided: "I still decided...not to participate in The Voice!"

"???" Tan Jixia was stunned.

Immediately, she turned her head to look at the cute girl beside her in a panic...

"W-why...don't participate again!? Didn't you...just got the promotion card for the first round!?"

Seeing that Tan Jixia was puzzled by this, Miao Keke could only frown her beautiful eyes again...

Next, after a while, she finally couldn't help telling Tan Jixia about the worries of the captain's father...

Of course, she said that she can understand the worries of the elderly.

After all... the old man has been living in that big mountain village, in the colorful world outside, it is normal and not surprising for the old man to have that kind of worry.

Even the elderly who have been living in big cities may also have that kind of worry.

Because the cute girl also understands in her heart, to put it nicely, she will be a singer when she becomes famous in the future, but in fact... From a more traditional perspective, she is an actor.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that actors are ruthless.

What's more, today's colorful world, that circle... is indeed a bit chaotic, with a lot of strange phenomena, so it can't depend on outsiders having that kind of worry or some bad thoughts.

After Tan Jixia understood what was going on, she was stunned again: "???"

At this moment, Tan Jixia, whose beautiful eyes were wrinkled, didn't seem to know what to say for a while?
Because words that are too harsh... are not appropriate.

After thinking about it, Tan Jixia had no choice but to say: "It's always been your little girl's dream to participate in The Voice? Since it's a dream, why not continue to pursue it? Besides, now that you've got the Are you stuck in the promotion of the audition? Maybe... if you go further, you will really make it?"

Miao Keke said: "Sister Jixia, don't you understand what I just told you...?"

Tan Jixia said, "Of course I understand. But...why do you care so much?"

"How can I ignore it now?" Miao Keke asked hurriedly.

Suddenly, Tan Jixia finally couldn't help but said: "The question is... who knows if the captain will come back? Also... you are just claiming to be the wife of the captain. The two elders are just happy, that's all! Could it be...coaxing and coaxing...does it come true? You don't even want your own life and pursuit?"

Unexpectedly, Miao Keke suddenly became anxious: "What is impersonation? I am real now! It is real! Do you understand? I am now from the Li family! Do you understand?"

Suddenly, Tan Jixia was completely stunned: "???"

Then, I saw this big... suddenly crying inexplicably...

Crying, crying, she suddenly said: "Ke Ke... It seems that you can't get out either?"

Miao Keke shed tears for no reason...

Then, she said: "Why should I come out? Because when I was on the island, I told that dead man surnamed Li that no matter whether he is dead or alive, I, Miao Keke, will always be his woman! For the rest of my life All!"

This shows that the cute girl is like this, and there is no way, Tan Jixia said: "But the problem is...then you can't be without yourself! You still have to pursue what you should have!"

However, the cute girl said: "Sister Jixia, although I am heartless, there are some things... I still understand. Since I am his daughter-in-law, I am also a member of his family. So... in the end... A happy family is more important than anything else. Besides, even if I become famous, so what? In the end, women...don't be husband and wife? Don't they still want to return to the family?"

Tan Jixia: "..."

It seems that at this moment, apart from being speechless, she doesn't know what to say?

In the end, there was nothing left to do, so she had no choice but to say: "Hmph, you silly girl!"


Right now, in the private room.

I saw that the four women staying in the private room were suddenly speechless...

Just looking at each other, you look at me, I look at you...

However, for the few of them now, they are too familiar with each other, even if it's just a look, they know what each other is thinking.

Although they only got along with each other for 84 days in the ocean, during those 84 days, they didn't know how many times they met each other honestly.

In other words, to put it bluntly, everyone knows what each other looks like.

Therefore, there is no secret to each other, and they are already like sisters.

Although they have nothing to say to each other, they both know each other, and each of them is still thinking about the captain...

Probably because the atmosphere was so dull, so suddenly, Qiong'er said, "Why haven't Sister Jixia and Keke come back yet?"

Taking the opportunity, Lina said, "That's right, tonight... Keke is the main character."

However, the second child, Su Qian'er, raised her glass suddenly and said, "Okay, let's have a drink for the four of us first."

Qin Xiaowan quickly responded, "Come on. I agree."


It can be seen that the four of them just deliberately avoided talking about the captain, because they were afraid that talking about it would hurt each other.

After all, everyone knew in their hearts that the captain might not come back?
However, no one wants to start a new life.

Because I really can't get out of that environment.

Hun'er... seems to have really stayed in that ocean.

After a long time, Qin Xiaowan suddenly couldn't help but asked, "Yes, what date is it today?"

"???" Each other really froze.

After a while, Qiong'er finally said: "It seems to be April 4th, right?"

"Ah!?" Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but startled, "Has the time passed so fast!?"

Now that the words have come to this point, suddenly, the second child Su Qian'er couldn't help but said: "Yes. Time seems to be getting faster and faster. There are still three months... It will be the first anniversary of the HX714 accident."

Hearing what she said suddenly, everyone fell silent...

Because each other's hearts are thinking about the captain again...

(End of this chapter)

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