Chapter 872
At this moment, the centrifugal island in the center of the ocean.

Here, known as the family of pirates.

In fact, a group of pirates are also active here all year round.

Looking from a distance, you can see a lot of pirate ships moored in front of the island...

It's as if this place has become their territory.

The weather was just right in the morning, and it could be seen from a distance that many pirates were already busy, as if they were ready to go to sea...

There are many pirates who are fueling the ship.

Some guys are preparing guns and ammunition for those...

One by one, most of them are shirtless, dark-skinned, and physically strong...

There are still a lot of guys shouting, very excited, meaning that they just received news that a super cruise ship will pass by a certain sea area...

Guys, get ready to grab gold, jewels and pussies on the cruise ship!
However, this group of guys were excited. Unexpectedly, a flying cannon struck with precision...

After a whistling in the air, there was a sudden 'Peng! 'A bang...

When the two pirate ships were sunk immediately, a wave of water and other violent splashes rose up...


All of a sudden, those pirates were dumbfounded, and they all looked like they were in a sudden panic.

After a while, some guy is yelling 'Fuck'...

Then, some guys were shouting in surprise, meaning they were asking in surprise: What's going on! ?
However, before they could figure it out, suddenly, there was another whistling sound in the air...

This time, four or five shells were fired in succession...

'Puff, puff, puff...'

A series of shelling sounds startled, instantly shaking the world.

Several pirate ships in front of the island have been bombed beyond recognition...

There are still many pirates who have been bombed to a pulp, and they don't even know where their arms and legs have gone.
What was even worse was that many pirates had already been blown up on the spot, and they couldn't even find their entire bodies.

Seeing that the situation was not good, suddenly, the two survivors turned around in a panic and hurriedly ran towards the island...

At this moment, six or seven fighter planes appeared behind them.


In fact, country G's military has already figured out the situation in this area.

Just don't move easily.

Once dispatched, it is natural for these pirates to suffer.

Of course, without an order from Congress, they would not care about this.

After all, these pirates who have been active in the ocean all year round will not do much damage to the interests of country G.

Moreover, here, in fact, does not belong to the jurisdiction of G country.

But, this time, since there was an order from the Congress, they naturally went to the death.

After all, these pirates are also quite hateful and hated.

Moreover, there was once a military munitions robbed.

Now it is natural to settle the old and new accounts together.


At this moment, in a secret large cave on the island, some guys are wantonly enjoying women.

About these women, they are all robbed.

Now on this island, naturally become their sex slave.

In short, as long as the woman who was brought to the island wants to get out alive, it is impossible.

These guys were acting recklessly, suddenly, there was a bang of 'Peng'...

The entire cave trembled, and a lot of stone chips fell...


Suddenly, the dozen or so pirates in the cave were dumbfounded.

At this moment, two guys ran in in a panic...

While still yelling in a panic, it means: It seems to be an action by the military of a certain country?

However, these pirates are not vegetarian, after all, this is their territory.

What's more, they have already set up various defenses and institutions on the island.

Next, about [-] pirates also began to act one after another, preparing for a Jedi counterattack...

Sure enough, after a while, suddenly, a shell was fired{s} from one of the peaks...

With the sound of 'Peng', a burst of flames exploded in the air.

One of the fighter planes was blown up.

Surprised by this situation, the military of country G is naturally even more impatient...

At the same time as the remaining five or six fighter planes left quickly, shells bombarded the island wildly...

After all, the island is only this big, just bombard it wildly...

'Puff, puff, puff...'

There was another earth-shattering explosion.

The island was blown apart.

Many pirates have already been recruited, and with the splash of earth and rocks on the spot, flesh and blood flew around.


Next, the battle lasted for about half an hour, and in the end, the pirates were still defeated.

Several commanding heights have been blown up.

Countless pirates were killed or injured.

Of course, the military of country G also suffered heavy losses.

In the end, there were only three fighters left.

However, soon, six or seven fighter planes came to reinforce them...

Surprised by this battle, in the end, the remaining pirates were completely stupid: "???"

They also seem to know that they still can't do this guy.

After all, the reinforcements are too fast.

And they are these pirates on the island.

It is impossible for some pirates who left the island to patrol the sea to come back immediately.


In the end, when the military of country G started shouting at high altitude, the remaining six or seven pirates also gave up.

They didn't dare to continue fighting anymore.

Next, more than a dozen soldiers from country G parachuted down at a high speed.

In the end, the military of Country G captured the number two of the pirates, Yalu, alive on this island.

He was taken away on the spot.

However, Yalu was also very confused: "???"

Because he has never understood, what is going on?
Yalu, who was handcuffed, kept talking after he was taken onto the plane...

What he meant was: Why did you take me away?There must be an explanation, right?This is not the territory of your country G either!We have not robbed your freighter or cruise ship from country G recently!Also, I am a citizen of the United States!I have a green card from the United States!

Seeing that this guy is still so arrogant, one of the officers became so angry that he directly threw the butt of his gun at this guy's head...

I didn't forget to curse, which means: go to Nima!
In fact, this guy is now in the hands of the G country military, and it is impossible for him to come back alive.

Next, another officer kicked this guy hard...

It's just that the guy flying the plane is reminding, meaning: don't beat him to death, Lord John will live.

Even so, in the end, this guy named Yalu was beaten to death.

Moreover, the officers who beat him did not explain why.

In the end, Yalu, who was lying there like a dead dog, was very depressed: "???"

After all, he is a pirate, with a gangster spirit in his bones, it is still impossible to be subdued.

He was even thinking, as long as he saves Grandpa's life, Grandpa will definitely kill you savages when he turns back...

(End of this chapter)

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