The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 873 I have to find a way to get out

Chapter 873 I have to find a way to get out
Today, in the afternoon.

Hukou Island, in that valley.

When Li Chen waited for the four people, looking up at the fighter planes that had returned from the sky above the island, and then flew straight to the direction of country G after a flash, the four of them were dumbfounded again: " ???"

Obviously, for the four of them, staying in this valley now is somewhat like watching the sky from a well.

Don't know what's going on?
However, Li Chen noticed that four fighter planes were missing when returning.

Regarding this, he was once again in a daze, frowning...


After being puzzled for a while, he could only frown depressedly, and then couldn't help but lit a cigarette...

Immediately, Katerina quickly approached and asked, "What's the matter, Brother Li Chen?"

Li Chen took another glum puff of his cigarette before confiding, "When they returned, four fighter planes were missing."

Suddenly hearing this, Ito Chuanxiang leaned over in a panic and asked, "Then what should I do?"

Li Chen took another puff of his cigarette, and then said: "It's possible... was blown up?"

"???" The three women were stunned for an instant.

Immediately, Jeon Hye Kyo leaned over and asked, "Who dares to blow up a military fighter plane?"

Li Chen frowned and said: "It's hard to say? Maybe it's a pirate? Or...a military plane from another country? In short... it should be a war with a certain party?"

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina couldn't help but said happily: "That means... what's the matter without us?"

However, Li Chen frowned again: "It's hard to say?"

So, Quan Hye Kyo asked anxiously: "Then what should we do now?"

"???" For a while, Li Chen seemed unable to answer.

After a while, he had no choice but to say: "Wait a minute, I'll go and pee first."


Next, the three women looked at the man from the Hua Kingdom and ran to pee, and the three of them could only look at each other helplessly...

Now for the three of them, they can only count on this Huaguo man.

Because apart from that, the three of them have nothing in common.

Moreover, if the Huaguo man hadn't found a way to get this bamboo-tipped apron, they wouldn't have dared to get off the helicopter.

Now no matter what, staying in this bamboo-pointed enclosure, at least there is a little room for movement.


After a while, after Li Chen had finished his work, he stood in the bamboo fence and looked out, and he was at a loss for a while...

Because staying in this valley is not an option.

Not even a chance to leave the island.

But here at the mouth of the valley... a body of water, and he can't get out of it!
Now, he really regretted breaking into this broken valley.

After being at a loss for a while, he couldn't help lighting a cigarette again in annoyance...

Next, he was pondering whether he had to go out.

Otherwise, they could only be trapped in this valley forever.

Fuck, this damn thing... is really annoying!

Fortunately, after pondering for a while, he suddenly walked up to the three women and said, "Come on, you guys get your guns and stand guard for me."

"???" The three women were in a daze again.

After a while, Quan Hye Kyo asked: "Do you want to continue to perfect this bamboo-tip apron?"

Li Chen then said: "Is it still perfect? ​​Think of a way and go out."

"???" The three women were dumbfounded again.

Then, Katerina asked: "Brother Li Chen, shall we... go to the beach?"

Li Chen said: "If we don't go out, we can only stay here forever, understand?"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang asked: "Then... how do we go out now?"

Li Chen also said: "People are alive. Find a way."

As he said that, he changed the subject: "Okay. Take your guns."

As far as this valley is concerned, you must be careful when entering and exiting.

Because maybe at some point, a big beast will suddenly appear.

As for the dozen or so big tigers they hunted to death, half of them were gone after one night.

I don't know what kind of beast was eaten half of it last night?

Just thinking about it makes my back sweat a little.


Next, there were three more women standing guard with guns, and then Li Chen was chopping bamboo.

This showed that he was chopping bamboo, and the three women roughly understood that he should be preparing to make a bamboo raft, and then the four of them paddled the bamboo raft out.

But thinking about it, it's depressing enough.

Feeling, always tossing and tossing.

Although he knew that this was the last island in the center of the ocean, he just couldn't leave the island.


After working hard this afternoon, in the end, they only prepared a pile of bamboo temporarily.

As for making bamboo rafts, I have to go tomorrow.

Seeing that it was getting late, the four of them had no choice but to return to the Zhujian enclosure obediently.

Then block the bamboo-tipped fence gate.



At night, country G.

Under the banner of the John family, in the warehouse of one of the docks.

I saw that the pirate's number two character {Alu} was brought here.

Although his body was covered in bruises and he looked like a dead dog, this guy named Yalu still had a surge of anger in his heart...

After being tied to a cargo box by a group of people, suddenly, important figures appeared.

Accompanied by a group of people, Sir John appeared with a golden cane...

Seeing this old man suddenly, Yalu was very confused: "???"

I thought to myself that I haven't snatched the cargo ship under the old man's flag recently?

And the old man stepped forward, picked Yalu's face with his cane, and said, meaning: Luo Fu has been looking for you recently?
"???" Yaruden was stunned.

The old man said, meaning: Speak!
After Yalu frowned sadly, he said, meaning: I don't know what you are talking about at all?
Seeing Yalu like this, the old man asked, meaning: Do you still want to return to the centrifugal island alive?

Yaru said, meaning: Will you let me go back?
Old Man: Then it depends on your performance!
Yalu: The problem is... Who is Luofu, I don't know at all?
Old man: Then have you ever met Master Juezhi?
Yaru:? ? ?
Then, the old man said again, meaning: I heard that there is an island with keel fossils, did you take them away?
Yaru:? ? ?
In fact, Yalu was really dumbfounded.

If it wasn't for being tied up, he really wanted to yell: Fuck you!What are you talking about so messed up?

After a while, seeing that the guy named Yalu didn't speak, the old man gave a signal...

Then, suddenly a few strong men went up and beat Yalu again...

In the end, the old man was impatient, so he turned around suddenly and said, meaning: wait until he is willing to speak, and then notify me.

(End of this chapter)

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