Chapter 874

The next day, Huaguo Yanjing.

Six women, including Tan Jixia and Su Qianer, are already applying for visas to go abroad...

This time, the destinations of the six women are naturally consistent: country G.

However, it will take a few days at the earliest to wait for the visa to be issued.

For this reason, the women were also very anxious...

Especially with regard to the official announcement from country G, the second child, Su Qian'er, always felt in her there something strange here?

For the upcoming trip to country G, they are all worried that Coco may not be able to participate in The Voice?

Regarding this, Miao Keke didn't say too much, but she was still heartless and said: "I have a good voice every year, at worst, I will talk about it next year."

In fact, only Tan Jixia knew what was going on here.

Because Miao Keke emphasized that she should not explain anything about it, so Tan Jixia could only keep this matter in her heart.



Today, in the middle of the ocean, on that Hukou Island.

As for Li Chen and the other four, they still haven't come out of that valley.

However, this morning, Li Chen has already started making bamboo rafts...

He was still busy alone, and three women stood guard with guns.

It is not complicated to make bamboo rafts.

Since there was no rope, Li Chen had to make his own rattan rope...

Then arrange the bamboo in order, weave it with rattan ropes, weave it firmly and firmly, and naturally form a bamboo raft...

In fact, Li Chen already had a premonition about going out in a hurry.

If you don't want to find a way to get out, and you are really trapped in this valley, is really possible to be trapped here in the future, and let the other party catch them in a urn?
Now that the military of Country G has been mobilized, this still no small matter!


This morning, Country G.

It's still the wharf owned by the John family, and the location is still in that warehouse...

I saw that accompanied by a group of people, the old man (Lord John) came here again to interrogate the pirate named Yalu.

In this regard, the guy named Yalu is also very puzzled...

There was even some inexplicable annoyance in my heart.

It's kind of like black humor.

Because of what the old man (Lord John) asked, he was really confused. He really didn't know what was going on?
What is the fossil of Tamar's keel, he doesn't even know what it is?
What's more...he really hadn't seen any young master Juezhi in the ocean.

It's just that the old man (Lord John) thinks it's their gang of pirates who did it.

Of course, it is not surprising that such a determination is made.

If pirates were that honest, they wouldn't be pirates.

That's why the old man felt that...he had to interrogate slowly.

Only when the guy named Yalu can't stand the tossing, will he recruit it truthfully.

But in fact, after being beaten continuously, this guy named Yalu is almost out of shape.

He was tied up in the warehouse, always with that bruised nose and swollen face...

All over the body, there are bloodstains, or bloodstains...

The old man stepped forward and picked Yalu's face again with his cane...

Then the old man said, meaning: Have you recovered some in your memory?
Yaru:? ? ?
If possible, Yalu really wants to scold her, go to Nima!Damn old man!

But his whole body was in pain all the time, and he really couldn't bear it any longer.

Then, as if he had no choice but to beg for mercy, he snapped and said...

It means: My great Sir John, please let me go!I really don't know what you said?Besides, what kind of keel fossils... are useless to us at all.We're just pirates, just rough people.Only interested in money and women.

However, the more he said that, the more Sir John felt that this guy was getting oilier...

Therefore, without further ado, it was just another look...

After a few strong men understood, they went up and beat Yalu violently...

This time, the Yalu guy really couldn't take it anymore, he kept yelling, even cursing, I'm going to hell! Fuck——

The more so, the more Sir John hated this guy, and he gave another look...

Then, those strong men beat more and more hard...

In the end, this guy named Yalu was beaten like a dead dog, his head drooped, and he didn't move at all.

This is really out of temper.

Fearing that the guy might be dead, the beating stopped.

Then, a guy put his hand out to sniff Aaron, and then gave Lord John a look that meant he wasn't dead yet.

Since he didn't die, he was naturally knocked out.

So, next, there was a 'wow' sound, and a basin of ice water was poured on this guy named Yalu...

After being woken up, Yalu screamed again...

Because it really hurts!

This blame is... really wronged!

Suddenly, the pain was unbearable, and the guy named Yalu revealed it, meaning: I remembered, just a while ago, we also planted on one of the islands.

Then, he said again, meaning: We originally wanted to go to that island to snatch women, but in the end...damn it, the boat capsized in the gutter!We have lost nearly twenty brethren!And damn it, two ships were blown up by that group!

Talking, talking, he tried to look at Sir John, and said again, meaning: My great Sir John, have you misunderstood?Maybe another gang on the island did it?

Hearing such a situation suddenly, Lord John was really startled:? ? ?

After a while, he said, meaning: On an island in the middle of the ocean... there is another group of people?



After a while, at noon, in the ocean, on that Hukou Island.

In that valley...

"Yeah—brother Li Chen—you're so good—"

Seeing that the bamboo raft was about to be finished, Katerina was the first to jump up for joy...

Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang were also suddenly overjoyed...

They didn't seem to have thought that this man from Huaguo... could really fly a plane, fire a cannon, and build his own boat.

No wonder he was able to stay in this wilderness all the time, living like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

And the three women were enjoying themselves, but Li Chen panicked and said nervously: "Okay. Don't be too happy. Hurry up and get ready to clean up. Let's go out now."

Hearing what he said suddenly, the three women panicked and startled nervously: "???"

Immediately, Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly said, "Are you really in such a hurry?"

Li Chen said: "Nonsense. If you stay here for one more second, you will risk one more second, understand?"

Because he always had a vague premonition in his heart, that is... maybe the military of country G will act again?
After all, there are some things that once the military personnel come forward, they will naturally not let it go...

That naturally means that... the real thing has been done!

(End of this chapter)

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