Chapter 875 What a toss!
Afterwards, Katerina stood guard with a gun, while Li Chen, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang got busy...

Put the food and drink into three rattan back pockets.

Then they moved directly to the bamboo rafts that had been made...

The remaining half box of bullets was put into a rattan back pocket separately, and then quickly moved to the bamboo raft.

As for the remaining shells and the like, there is no way to take them away, so they can only be discarded in this valley.

In the end, after both of them got their guns, Li Chen said in a loud voice: "Okay, get on the bamboo raft! Hurry up!"

Hearing his words, the three women quickly got on the bamboo raft...

After he was the last one to board the bamboo raft, he put his gun on the bamboo raft and picked up a bamboo pole...

Then, I saw him supporting the bamboo pole, pushing hard towards the shore, and the bamboo pole slowly rowed into the water...

In the next scene, the three women squatted on the bamboo raft. Like a boatman, he supported the bamboo pole and rowed the bamboo raft towards the mouth of the valley...

This scene is somewhat similar to the scenery of Jiangnan water town.

Only a folk song is missing...

Seeing that the bamboo raft finally rowed towards the valley entrance, and the four of them finally came out of this ghostly valley, in an instant, each of them felt an incomparable sense of relief...

Especially Katerina, after a burst of sighs, there was a burst of joy: "Yeah - we are finally facing the ocean again -"

In fact, after staying in that valley for a long time, the feeling of widening the field of vision when you come out suddenly is really exciting.

Unexpectedly... when the former captain Li Chen was happy, he couldn't help showing off a fake female voice: "Uh--sister, I want to cross the river--who will ferry me--"

Suddenly hearing such a fake female voice purely from Chinese people, the three women were inexplicably startled at first, and then they couldn't help being overjoyed. They all looked at this Chinese man with inexplicable joy...

"Uh, brother Li Chen, what song is this? It sounds so good!" Katerina was the first to say in surprise.

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang also hurriedly said: "Li Chenjun, let me say a few more words? It's really nice! I've never heard it before!"

On the contrary, Quan Huiqiao said quite insightfully: "This should be a folk song of Huaguo, right?"

Li Chen couldn't help but feel a little proud: "That's right. This is our folk tune. How is it?"

Ito Chuanxiang said: "Of course it sounds good! Just... two more sentences!"

However, Li Chen frowned: "This is actually a male and female duet, I sing alone, it's boring."

Quan Huiqiao hurriedly said with interest: "Then you teach me. I will sing a duet with you."


However, the four of them were enjoying themselves on the bamboo raft, when suddenly, inexplicably, they saw a big boa constrictor pop out from the side of the water on the left side of the valley mouth, next to the dense forest...

The sharp-eyed Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but trembled: "Ah!? Snake—boa constrictor—"

Hearing this sound suddenly, Katerina immediately picked up the gun in her hand at the same time as she glanced over...

'Da da da da da...'

This made the three of them a little confused: "???"

After reacting, I realized that this was indeed a girl from the fighting nation.

It's just that after being shot, the giant python flicked its tail suddenly, and its whole body fell into the water...


With a burst of turbulent water splashing, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help screaming...

In fact, Li Chen also trembled in his heart——

Because it's dangerous!

It almost hit the bamboo raft here.

After Katerina realized what, she also felt a little inexplicably panicked: "???"

Because if the bamboo raft had been hit just now, the four of them would have fallen into the water on their backs...

Immediately, I saw this girl from the fighting nation patted her chest with some fear: "Oumaiga—"

However, after the near-miss scene, Li Chen didn't say anything more about it.

Follow the mouth of the valley, and then go left along the seashore, and you will be close to the sandy promenade on the side.

However, Li Chen didn't seem to want to dock here, so he kept paddling along the seashore to the southeast...

Thinking about it suddenly, he felt very depressed again, because this is really his mother's tossing.

Because now, I have to go back to the beach in the southeast corner...


In the end, when they rowed back to the beach in the southeast corner, the three women also felt an indescribable depression.

Katerina could only say: "Brother Li Chen, are we back here again?"

"???" Li Chen didn't know what to answer her for a while.

But looking at the entire island, it is not something they can conquer if they want to.

Because the island is really too big.

Now familiar, it is here.

After thinking about it, he said, "Okay. Let's move things ashore first."

Hearing what he said, the three women had no choice but to rush to move things first.

After the three women carried those things ashore, he rolled up his trousers and went into the water, using a hatchet to cut off all the rattan ropes on the bamboo raft...

After the rattan rope was cut, what was scattered was a pile of bamboo.

So, he said again: "Continue. Work."

"???" The three women were a little confused again.

Like you don't know what to do?
Looking at the three women in a daze, Li Chen said again: "What are you still doing? Hide these bamboos in the dense forest nearby. No traces can be left, understand?"

Hearing what he said, the three women finally understood.

After all, there is a bamboo raft standing by the sea, which is really easy to be suspicious.

Then, Li Chen said: "In the middle of the afternoon, it will be safe. At that time, we will use these bamboos to build a temporary hood. That is to say, it will be erected at night and dismantled in the morning. The ones hidden on the side In the dense forest. In this case, there will be no traces, understand?"

Then, he explained: "If the other party wants to come, they must come during the day. As long as there are no traces on the beach. We people... casually sneak into the dense forest on the side, and let them patrol with their planes, and it is difficult to detect us ,clear?"

After hearing about his plans, the three women had no choice but to stare at him blankly...

It seems that this Huaguo man is smart and alert.

Because it's just the three of them, so I really didn't see these details.

It's also really impossible to do everything.

Then, looking at the three women, Li Chen couldn't help but said: "Now the military planes of G country are dispatched. It's hard to say when they will come? But they will not come at night. Can't tell during the day? Because of the fighter planes The speed of the helicopter can reach 800 kilometers per hour, and they will come soon. The speed of the helicopter is only about 300 kilometers per hour, understand?"


(End of this chapter)

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