Chapter 879

Fortunately, after a moment of embarrassment and speechlessness, Li Chen realized that this girl from the fighting nation not only dared to fight, but also dared to express...

In other words... childish words are not taboo.

Maybe it's because she's just a girl just out of school?
Or maybe... this is the youthful breath that should belong to her?

But, to be honest, this is really a beautiful and lovely girl.


After staying for a while, and returning to the fire in the open enclosure, Li Chen was afraid that Quan Hye Kyo would know that he had had such an ambiguous contact with the Russian girl, so he tried his best to pretend that nothing had happened and lit a cigarette...

Looking at Sister Hui Qiao and Sister Ito, Katerina smiled: "It's all right. The ferocious beast has been driven away by me and Brother Li Chen."

It's just that Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang were inexplicably stunned for a moment——

Looking at the Russian girl again, the two of them felt a little ashamed again... Ashamed of themselves.

Because they have been surviving on a deserted island for so long, they are still not as courageous as this Russian girl.

Now, in the eyes of the two of them, this Russian girl... is a little bit of a fledgling attitude.

But she is not lacking in the cuteness that a girl should have.


Before I knew it, the night was already deep.

The entire island, as well as the ocean in front of the island, seemed to have begun to fall into a state of sleep, and everything began to become deadly silent...

But the night under the starry sky seemed brighter and brighter.

In the dim night light, there is only the sound of roaring waves from time to time...

On this deserted island, the four people beside the fire also began to feel a little drowsy.

Under the light of the fire, there are four exhausted faces...

In order to go home, I kept tossing and tossing, and I was already physically and mentally exhausted.

Especially thinking that this is the last island out of the center of the ocean, I feel a little inexplicably depressed...

Because for a while, I still can't leave the island.

Of course, the only thing the four of them knew was that if they left this island and went to country G, they would have to spend a few months and a half wandering in the ocean by ferry.

If it was a plane... it would only take three or four hours.

However, the sloppy thing now is that if they really go to country G, the four of them are still a little bit afraid.

After all, it caused such a big mess.

If you continue to go southeast along the ocean, you will be in this ocean... I don't know how long it will be floating?

After staying for a while, I saw that the three women had already fallen asleep beside the fire...

The sleeping positions are exactly the same, each hugging their knees and burying their heads between them.

In this quiet night, looking at these three women, Li Chen couldn't help but lit a cigarette in gloom...

At this moment, he was still pondering, what should he do next?
If you take the risk... if you throw yourself into a trap, maybe you can leave the island soon?
Because as long as the plane of the G country military appears again, they will come to ask for help, and naturally they will be able to leave the island soon.

But... He still doesn't have enough trust in the military personnel of country G for such a fucking thing.

In fact, such foreign military personnel are sometimes very chaotic internally.

So it's a matter of luck.

If they are unlucky, maybe the four of them will disappear on this earth in an instant?

And, the kind that no one will ever know.

The kind that is never likely to be known.

After all, according to the air crash or shipwreck, they should all have died long ago.

So at a time like could anyone know about the inexplicable disappearance?
Thinking about it, I saw him lighting up a cigarette again, like an old man worried about the possibility of not having a harvest this year...

But, in the end, he was also beside the fire, and fell asleep unknowingly.


In the middle of the night, when the four of them were unaware, in the dim darkness, suddenly more than a dozen pairs of sharp blue eyes appeared from the dense forest nearby...

These more than a dozen weird, perverse, and wise wolves are looking wildly at the open enclosure on the beach...

But looking at the fence surrounded by sharp bamboo tips, the dozen or so wolves seemed helpless.

Like not knowing where to start?
But, in the end, the dozen or so wolves couldn't help but rushed out from the dense forest nearby...

Then, in the dim night, I saw the dozen or so wolves wandering around the open enclosure...

It seems to be looking for a suitable attack position.

Just looking at the circle of branching bamboo tips, they couldn't make a move.

But, after a while, there were still a few wolves trying to get closer to the bamboo fence...

Especially through the gap, looking at the four people who are dozing in the enclosure and by the fire, they are even more greedy!

Those wolves that were approaching the fence around the bamboo tip squeezed each other, and suddenly, one of the wolves accidentally scratched a line on one of the bamboo tips with a 'sand' sound...

After suddenly seeing the wolf slashing across, the skin and flesh on the side of the abdomen were ripped apart, and suddenly, those wolves were startled in panic and trembling: "???"

At this moment, these wolves were also very confused.

Immediately, seeing those wolves, they retreated in a panic, away from the bamboo fence...

Just looking at the four people in the enclosure again, these wolves are also panicking with hatred, seeming to think to themselves, these four guys are too cunning, hum!
Suddenly, one of the wolves became angry, as if he had run out of patience.

Then, the wolf suddenly made a whizzing run-up in the sand, angrily about to jump over the bamboo fence and plunge into the fence...

It's just that after it leaped up, it suddenly fell down, and there was a "pop" sound, and a bamboo tip penetrated directly from under its belly...

It was penetrated, suspended in mid-air, its four legs struggled and shook a few times, and then there was no more movement.

"???" Those wolves were stupid, completely stupid.

In the end, they had no choice but to keep a respectful distance from this bamboo fence...

At this moment, they were also depressed, and seemed to be thinking, these four tortoise sons...the immortals are so rigid...why do they use so many bamboo tips as sprinklers?
But looking at the four people in the enclosure, the pack of wolves couldn't bear to leave.

In this way, a group of wolves finally fought with that bamboo-pointed fence all night...

Then, unconsciously, the sky began to brighten gradually.

Suddenly, it was almost dawn, and the pack of wolves looked up at the sky, only to see that they were confused again: "???"

In the end, no way, I felt that the four of them might be about to wake up, so, under the leadership of the head wolf, a group of wolves had no choice but to rush back to the dense forest next to them...

However, after rushing into the dense forest, they couldn't help looking back...

It seems that I still miss those four people...

(End of this chapter)

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