The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 880 Is My Combat Power Alright?

Chapter 880 Is My Combat Power Alright?

After a while, Katerina, who was the first to wake up in the open enclosure next to the fire, suddenly looked up and saw outside the bamboo tip enclosure, on the north side, hanging high on the bamboo tip was a dead end. The wolf stabbed to death was bloody and bloody, and she didn't scream like the other girls, she was just stunned for no reason, and then panicked in a weird way. After a gun came...

This girl from the fighting nation is indeed a ghost.It's very weird.

Say she looks like a wild girl... but she doesn't seem so wild.

If you say she is a tough girl... But she seems to be quite girly.

However, she is indeed quite experienced in fighting wolves.

After all, she was alone on that island and in that valley for half a year before.

They also fought with those ferocious beasts on the island a lot.

Maybe it is because she is from a fighting nation, so her courage is indeed different from other girls.

Clutching a gun, the girl suddenly and strangely slipped to the door of the bamboo-pointed fence, pushed open the bamboo-pointed fence door, and slipped out...

In fact, she had already noticed that the wolves were hiding in the dense forest beside them before they went far.

Nor was she in a hurry to fire.

She just pretended to turn a blind eye on purpose, and was going to squat down in the sand beside her to relieve herself.

At this moment, the wolves in the dense forest were watching, and suddenly saw that the great opportunity had come, and these guys were a little bit reckless...

For the wolves, it is also very ghostly.

Not only are these beasts more patient, but they also know when to attack and when to attack...

Suddenly, there was just a girl squatting there to relieve herself, so the pack of wolves rushed out...

Unexpectedly, they were fooled.

Seeing a pack of wolves rushing out, Katerina, who was squatting there, suddenly picked up a gun and fired decisively...

'Da da da da da da da...'

This burst of shooting not only caused dust to fly, but more than a dozen wolves fell into a pool of blood.


At this moment, the three people in the open enclosure and by the fire suddenly heard gunshots, and each of them woke up in a panic...


For a while, the three of them didn't seem to know what was going on?
When Li Chen panicked and got up with his gun, he was shocked to see that the battle was almost over.

Suddenly, the girl from the fighting nation stood up angrily, and fired at the wolves in the jungle again...

"Come on—beasts—let's fight—"

Li Chen: "???"

This morning, seeing such a scene suddenly, I was really confused.

But, it turned out that she was only worshiping him, but now...he seems to worship her a little bit.

Damn... this girl... is a tiger!Biao!

Immediately, when Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang stood up and took a look, they were suddenly dumbfounded: "???"

The two of them never imagined that this morning, Linna went to fight the wolves alone.

Immediately, after Li Chen ran out with a gun, he saw that the battle was over.

Katerina turned her head to look at Li Chen who had come to her side, but couldn't help but said, "Brother Li Chen, how are you doing? Is my combat power okay?"

Li Chen: "..."

At this moment, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang also ran out...

The two of them looked at the dozen or so wolves who had been killed by Lin Na, and were dumbfounded again and again: "???"

After a while, Ito Chuanxiang had to say sincerely: "Linna, you are really amazing! I really admire you so much!"

Hearing these words suddenly, and then looking at this Russian girl, Li Chen couldn't help being happy...

At this moment, he was thinking, if those two women were so tough, even if the military personnel of country G came, they would dare to start a war with them.

Just at this moment, just in time, a red sun showed a smile in the east...

Looks like another nice day.

Afterwards, Li Chen panicked and said vigilantly: "Okay. This matter... is over. Let's hurry up and take down the enclosure of the convertible first. We can put it up again in the evening."


Next, under Li Chen's guidance, the four of them got busy again this morning.

After removing the enclosure of the hood, I put these things XZ into the dense forest next to it...

As for the dozen or so wolves who died by the edge of the dense forest, they covered them up with branches.

Fortunately, after a while of busy work, all four of them ran to the beach to wash up.

After finishing the work, the four of them sat around on the beach and began to prepare breakfast.

After breakfast, they began to prepare their weapons and equipment. When it was time to load the bullets, they loaded the bullets...

With that half box of bullets, it was enough for them to use for a while.

After everything was ready, Li Chen couldn't help but light a cigarette...

However, it was quite annoying for the four of them to stay by the sea and suffer like this.

After all, their purpose is to leave the island and return home.

Therefore, suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said gloomily: "Oh, my God, I don't know how long we will stay on this island?"

Hearing her half-talking to herself, Li Chen had no choice but to glance at her, and then said nothing.

Afterwards, Quan Hye Kyo said: "Uh, Li Chen... here... will there be a ship passing by here?"

However, just as he was talking, he suddenly heard the roar of an airplane in the eastern sky...

Hearing this movement suddenly, Li Chen was startled for a moment, then hurriedly said: "Quick! Hurry up... hide in the dense forest nearby!"

While talking, he got up in a panic...

The three women watched and got up in panic...

Immediately, I saw the four of them, as if they were playing a game of cat and mouse, and they hid in the dense forest next to them in an instant.

After a while, more than a dozen fighter planes roared past in the sky...

Looking up at the battle, Li Chen also panicked: "???"

"Uh, Brother Li Chen, their battle... seems to be getting bigger and bigger?" Katerina couldn't help but ask.

Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but tremblingly said: "Uh, Li Chen... Our disaster... Has it really gotten bigger? How do you feel... It's getting more and more wrong?"

At this moment, Li Chen was also in a daze, and could only frown depressedly...

Because he didn't know, what exactly did this group of people in the country G military want to do?

After a while, Ito Chuanxiang also said tremblingly: "How do I feel... the few of us... will be arrested by the military personnel of country G sooner or later?"

Unexpectedly, Katerina said: "Hmph! What are you afraid of? I would rather be killed on this desert island!"

Then, she said again: "Anyway... if it really falls into their hands, it will definitely not end well!"


(End of this chapter)

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