Chapter 882

Just as the dozen or so members of the country G military wanted to explore the deep, dark cave under the stone wall along the corridor, suddenly, with a bang, a group of big eagles spread their wings out of the cave... …

"???" Suddenly, the dozen or so members of the military were also very confused.

Oh...Omega...damn...what the hell—


Who the hell can tell me what kind of group this is! ?
Just before they understood what was going on, they saw the group of big eagles coming towards them...

Fortunately, a few of them reacted quickly, raised their guns, and fired violently...

'Da da da……'

However, what happened next surprised them even more: "???"

I saw that the big eagles that were shot did not fall as they imagined, but instantly turned into a black shadow like a plume of black smoke, and then disappeared...

Oh...fuck——! ?

In an instant, the dozen or so people in the military of country G were also stunned.

I have no idea what this is all about! ?

I just feel a bit like a ghost in a supernatural blockbuster...

What's even more frightening is that after the transformation, suddenly, the big eagle in the sky appeared again...

"???" This group of people was dumbfounded again.

Just when they were terrified and dazed, a big eagle suddenly spread its wings...


The next second, there was a scream from one of the guys.

When they turned their heads to look at that guy in a panic, they saw that guy's eyes were bloody...

Both eyeballs are gone!
"——???" The group panicked again in amazement.

At this moment, another guy suddenly let out a miserable scream: "Ah———"

Immediately, in a panic, the rest of the guys had no choice but to raise their guns in panic, and fired at once...

'Da da da……'

At this time, in the air, two of the fighters had already detected the situation on the ground.

Then, all of a sudden, a cannonball was accurately shot towards the deep stone below the stone wall...


There was a sudden explosion, and then, in an instant, there was a landslide...

Immediately afterwards, another shell chased away...


After another explosion, followed by a burst of earth flying and rocks collapsing, the entire cave was finally exploded...

As the cave was blasted open, those big eagles disappeared.

This caused the remaining soldiers on the ground to be dumbfounded again: "???"

It seems that they don't understand this phenomenon very much.

Then, another shell flew towards the cave...


After the last explosion, the entire cave was completely opened.

Then, I saw a coffin hanging on the wall of the stone cave on the side of the mountain...

A crimson coffin...

"???" At this moment, the people in the country G's military were completely confused.

After a while, one of the guys couldn't help asking in surprise, meaning: Didn't they say...there are keel fossils in it! ?How could it be Tamar's coffin! ?

This phenomenon, obviously, even the people in the military of country G don't understand it?
Next, those guys on the fighter plane were talking and shouting to this group of people on the ground...

It means what is the situation?
But the group on the ground couldn't answer for a while.

It can only be said, meaning: who knows what is going on?Only one coffin was seen.

Next, after the commander this time received the information, he felt that it might be useless, so he ordered to find the key points.

That means, don't be distracted by this stone cave from their mission focus.

And the group of people on the ground also had some headaches, because it was impossible to conduct a blanket search on such a huge island and such a huge jungle.

Moreover, three guys have had their eyes pecked out by the big eagle, so they don't know what to do?
After finally reporting the situation to the commander, unexpectedly, the commander gave the order directly, which means, give those three guys a good time.

It seems that sometimes, the reality is so cruel.

Originally there were more than ten people, but after solving three, there were only eight or nine people left.

In the end, after these eight or nine people went back to the valley to have a look, they didn't go any further.

For they too are very timid.

This kind of deserted island of Tamar, even if there are more than a dozen fighter planes guarding it, it is difficult to guarantee their lives in the jungle.

In order to delay the time, these eight or nine guys are just cats in the pavilion, smoking and spanking depressedly...

Faced with the situation on the island and various phenomena, they didn't know how to gather information for a while?
Some guys are saying, judging from the thatched huts on the beach outside, there should be guys who once lived on a deserted island on this island?

Those are obviously traces of self-help survival.

However, it is still an unsolved mystery about how Master Juezhi and his group died?

Then, several guys thought that Master Jue Zhi and his group should have been killed by those big ghost eagles during the treasure hunt?

In other words, the possibility of homicide can be ruled out.

Even if there are guys living on a deserted island, they don't have the ability to kill so many people.

Moreover, according to conventional analysis, generally speaking, guys living on deserted islands are not aggressive.

At most, there is only a process of asking for help.

But now, what is puzzling is that the guy living on a deserted island... is missing?
Because they think... they should be able to know some truths by finding the guy who lives on a deserted island?


In the end, after the eight or nine guys returned to the beach by the sea, they reported some information they had to the commander.

Then several fighter planes hovered in the air above the beach and lowered the rope ladder.

These eight or nine people hurriedly climbed up the rope ladder, ready to go back to the plane.

Eventually, the commanding officer gave the order, meaning, to check out the next island.


At this moment, the first island.

Li Chen and the other four were still standing at the southeast corner of the island...

Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help asking: "Uh, Li Chen...they...why haven't those fighters returned yet?"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang also felt inexplicably anxious: "That's right, Li Chenjun, why haven't they returned yet?"

Li Chen had a gloomy expression on his face, and he didn't know how to answer?

After thinking about it, he couldn't help lighting a cigarette in annoyance...

After taking a couple of puffs of cigarettes in a distraught state, he said, "Wait a little longer. Should be returning soon?"

However, Katerina said: "It doesn't matter if they return or not. Anyway, it won't do us any good if they return."

Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said: "Stupid, you, Linna? If the incident involving the military of G country is over, won't we be safe? Don't we need to be so worried?"


(End of this chapter)

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