Chapter 883 I don't understand!

After a while, over the ocean, the dozen or so fighter planes from country G headed back to the next island...

After arriving at the next island, I roughly flew around and checked the situation.

Then at the mouth of the valley, over the beach, several fighter planes hovered, and more than a dozen soldiers landed in full armor...

When they got down to the ground and looked at the helicopter parked on the beach, they were a little confused again.

Because this is obviously a plane owned by the John family.

Moreover, some of the helicopters owned by the John family were obtained through military relations.

To put it bluntly, this is generally just a military combat helicopter.

What made them wonder was, wasn't Master Juezhi waiting for that group of people to hunt for treasure on the last island?
But the helicopter sent by the John family to look for Master Sir...why did it stop here?
This seems to be another question worth looking into.

Next, the dozen or so people had no choice but to start looking for signs on the ground...

On the beach, there are still traces of burning fires.

There are still a lot of messy footprints...

In addition to these, there are also some cigarette butts and cigarette cases on the beach...

Originally, there were more than ten corpses here, but now those corpses are all gone.

The two giant pythons that had been shot had also disappeared.

In other words, these signs are gone.

So it's not quite clear what ever happened here?

Just after a while, these more than ten people found some bullet casings one after another...

There are also bullet cards and the like.

Based on these signs, it can be inferred that there was a fierce exchange of fire here...

Judging from the parked helicopter, one of them is naturally a member of the John family.

But, the other party... who is it! ?

This seems to be another question worth pondering for the military of country G?
Afterwards, the dozen or so people also walked into the valley...

Looking at the cruise ship that ran aground in the valley, they were a little puzzled?

And the stranded cruise ship, which seems to have been bombarded, is now about to fall apart.

One of the sharp-eyed guys suddenly saw a giant python emerging from the bottom of the cruise ship, so he decisively picked up the gun in his hand and fired...

'Da da da……'

The giant python who was shot suddenly struggled violently, and after the whole body was thrown towards the cruise ship, there was a sound of 'Peng', and the whole cruise ship was completely torn apart...

Some wooden boards, some rusty iron sheets, etc., all scattered down...

"???" The dozen or so people in the military were a little confused.

When they suddenly saw a tree branch falling from the boat, the group of people were a little dazed again: "???"

After a while, when the whole ship was completely scattered, one of the guys stepped forward and picked up the tree branch to have a look...

When they suddenly realized that the branch was new, they were a little stunned: "???"

Immediately, a guy asked, meaning: Which guy can make such a fine tree branch! ?
After realizing that there might still be people hiding in this valley, they all panicked and held up their guns vigilantly...

However, unexpectedly, at this moment, three big tigers came out of the valley...


With such an angry curse, I saw that guy shot first...

'Da da da……'

Immediately afterwards, the guns in the hands of the other two guys also rang...

'Da da da da da...'

These three big tigers really hit the guns.

After finishing the matter, looking at the three big tigers that had been shot, this group of guys gave another godly analysis...

It means... there should be no people in this valley.

If there were people, such a ferocious beast would not be so unscrupulous.

Then, a conclusion was drawn, that is...the owner of the branch might have been eaten by a tiger?
But, then, the question came again, that is... Which group of people in the John family had a fierce battle with them here?
All kinds of divine analysis, but in the end I still couldn't figure it out.

In the end, the group on the ground had no choice but to report the situation to the commander.

When the commander heard this, he suddenly felt a headache. Damn, what the hell, what kind of mess is this all about?

In the end, nothing was fully understood.

Then, the commander had no choice but to give an order, meaning, prepare to return!


After a while, the first island.There in the southeast corner.

Li Chen and the other four suddenly heard the news of the fighter plane returning, so they started playing the game of cat and mouse again...

The four of them quickly flashed into the dense forest beside the beach.

The next scene was that more than a dozen fighter planes flew over them without any notice.

Apparently, this group of people from the military of country G never imagined that there were still people hiding on this Hukou Island.

Watching more than ten fighter planes roaring past, and after returning to the direction of country G, I saw Li Chen and the other four flashing out of the dense forest on the side...

At this moment, the four of them looked at the direction of the eastern sky, still a little dazed: "???"

For them, obviously, still don't know what's going on?

I can only guess that the military of country G may be targeting those things?

Afterwards, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help asking: "Uh, Li Chen-jun, they won't come again, right?"

Li Chen frowned: "It's hard to say?"

After finishing speaking, he lit a cigarette like a wily guy, and said, "I guess they didn't get the answer they wanted? depends on their next plan?"

Then, he said again: "I guess you won't come again today?"

So, Katerina hurriedly said: "Then...Brother Li Chen, let's put up the hood now?"

However, Quan Hye Kyo said cautiously: "Let's talk about it later."

Li Chen thought for a while, then said: "Forget it, let's eat first. Aren't you hungry?"


In the afternoon, after almost half the afternoon, almost in the evening, at a certain military base of country G.

I saw a group of leaders holding an emergency meeting again...

This meeting is mainly to discuss and analyze, what is the situation of those islands in the ocean?
During the meeting, one of the leaders also made a phone call with members of the John family, asking for specific information.

Because the current situation is too complicated, the military personnel are also somewhat at a loss.

Finally, after some discussions, they all agreed that there should be other groups of people on the island?

It's just that where is it hiding now, and it can't be found yet?

What puzzled them was, what was the purpose of that group of people?
What the hell are they trying to do?
At the end of the meeting, one of the leaders said, meaning: No matter who those people are, they must be caught!

(End of this chapter)

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