Chapter 885 It's all over

Afterwards, when the three women came out of the open enclosure in a hurry, and suddenly saw the huge brightly lit cruise ship in the ocean, in an instant, that joyful...

"Yeah—cruise ship—ha—we're finally saved—"

"Yeah—brother Li Chen—we've finally waited for spring—"


At this moment, Li Chen was also filled with excitement and joy when he saw that huge monster with bright lights, which was actually preparing to approach the southeast corner of the island——

It's not easy to be so fucking tall!

It's almost a fucking year!

Suddenly, the former Captain Li Chen burst into tears of joy...

To be honest, it's really not easy!

Especially when the scenes in this ocean suddenly popped up in my mind, I couldn't help but want to cry...

At this moment, there are too many words to express.

What made him feel even more uncomfortable was that those six women...

And Xiao Cao...

And Nina, and Nina's brothers and sisters...

Right now, the more joyful the former captain Li Chen was, the more he wanted to howl...

Before I knew it, I saw Quan Hye Kyo burst into tears of joy...

Because her feelings... are similar to Li Chen's.

All this is really not easy!

Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo turned around, couldn't help but rushed towards Li Chen's arms, hugged him tightly, then buried her head in his arms and howled loudly...

At this moment, Li Chen can fully feel her state of mind, so he can't help but hug her tightly...

"Okay, it's okay, Hye Kyo! It's over!"


After a burst of joy and excitement, Li Chen immediately said, "Okay. That's it. Don't be dazed. Hurry up and tidy up. Get ready to board the ship in a while."


This was under Li Chen's attention, so the four of them ran back to the open enclosure in a hurry...

While Li Chen was carrying food and drink in his rattan back pocket, he hurriedly said to the three women: "I don't want those guns anymore! Lost them!"

"???" The three women were stunned in confusion.

They seem to be thinking, why! ?
Seeing the dazed looks of the three women, Li Chen felt anxious in his heart: "Stupid, you? We are asking for help now! Asking someone for help! With a gun, what's going on?"

Immediately, he hurriedly said, "Besides, with guns, they won't let us board the ship, understand?"

Then, he added anxiously: "He... a cruise ship! With a gun, do you still want to go up and rob people?"

Seeing that the three women were still in a daze, he hurriedly said: "Don't be dazed! From this moment on, it means that our desert island survival is over, understand? We don't need guns anymore! We will soon You can go home, understand?"

Immediately, the three women finally came to their senses, but Katerina couldn't help squatting over and asking, "Then...Brother Li Chen, these guns...and these bullets...are they just lost?"

Li Chen said: "Nonsense!"

Suddenly, Jeon Hye Kyo finally came to life, and was busy holding a rattan back pocket, and hurriedly filled the food and drink.

After Ito Chuanxiang continued to be dazed for a while, she squatted down in a panic and helped clean up together.

Immediately, Li Chen was afraid that something might go wrong, so he panicked holding those guns, rushed out of the enclosure of the open hood, and threw them into the dense forest beside him...


Finally, when the huge cruise ship was about to approach the southeast corner, the four of them were already standing on the southeast seaside.

Suddenly, two beams of strong searchlight lights shone {she} towards the seaside...

In this quiet night, suddenly two beams of strong lights shone, and the four of them couldn't help squinting their eyes...

The people on the cruise ship were talking to each other after they had roughly seen a man and three women on the beach.

However, the current distance is still too far, and the four of them can't hear what the people on the boat are saying.

In fact, it is impossible for the cruise ship to dock completely.

Judging from the ragged appearance of the man and three women on the beach, the people on the boat also thought that they should be four poor wretches living on a deserted island?

After a while, I saw a small boat sailing from the side of the cruise ship towards the sea...

The people on board held two searchlights in their hands.

The lights are still shining towards the sea from time to time...

Since the other party had lights shining on it at night, Li Chen and the others couldn't see each other's appearance clearly for the time being.

I don't know which country they are from?
It wasn't until the small boat approached the beach that the four of them dimly saw that the three guys coming in the small boat seemed to be from Europe and the United States.

However, all three are crew costumes.

It should be a pretty regular cruise ship.

One of them is a very energetic guy, with blond curly hair and some beard stubble...

The guy frowned slightly, and then he spoke in English, meaning: Why are you here?

Ito Chuanxiang's English level seems to be a little bit strong.

Therefore, next, Ito Chuanxiang is talking to that guy...

I feel that the other party is quite kind, so Ito Chuanxiang also roughly talked about the situation.

The guy was very surprised after hearing this, and asked with an incredulous expression, meaning: Survivors on HX714! ?

Finally, after some more general communication, suddenly, two guys got off the boat...

The blond curly-haired man still stayed on the boat, but he was telling them that he wanted the four of them to be a little more patient, and they needed to come one by one for disinfection and security checks.

In this regard, Li Chen and the others expressed their understanding.

After all, it is also necessary to ensure the safety of the lives of the crew.

One of them with beards stepped forward, pointing with a blank expression, meaning: You, come forward.

Seeing it, Li Chen was the first to go forward...

As soon as he stepped forward, he suddenly bared and was sprayed with disinfectant on his face, and then his whole body was sprayed once.

Finally, two guys started doing a security check on him to see if he was carrying dangerous items or firearms or anything like that.

Then, I looked at the rattan back pocket on his back. Suddenly, one of the guys asked him to take it off and lost it, which meant that it couldn't be brought on board.

However, the guy still explained that they would provide food.

After all, there is no way to seek help from others, and Li Chen also has no temper, so he can only follow his request.

After he did as required, finally, the guy with the beard gave a signal, meaning: You, you can get on the boat.

Therefore, Li Chen boarded the boat first.

Next, the three women were disinfected and checked one by one...

Li Chen, who was already on the boat, kept staring blankly, still a little afraid that these guys would take advantage of the opportunity...

(End of this chapter)

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