Chapter 886 Still feels weird

However, what happened next made Li Chen feel more at ease.

When those two guys conducted the security check on the three women, their hands and feet were relatively clean, their movements were relatively standard, and they were considered relatively civilized.

However, Li Chen still noticed a small detail, that is, the skinny guy still wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the three women, but he was stopped by the bearded man.

After a while, the three women boarded the boat one by one.

After boarding the boat, the three women hurriedly squatted next to Li Chen...

In short, this still a bit weird.

The three women were not too relieved of those three guys.

What made the three women even more inappropriate was that the four of them failed to bring anything aboard.

The food and drink in the two rattan back pockets were all required to be discarded.

In other words, the four of them now have nothing to worry about.

No more guns, no bullets, no more hatchets and tree branches.

And none of those canned luncheon meats, and a few bottles of whiskey...

To be honest, it was difficult for the four of them to adapt to this sudden feeling.

Maybe it's because they have been in the ocean for too long, they have always been self-rescue and self-protection, and they are self-sufficient in everything. Now that they have nothing, they don't feel so at ease in their hearts.

This is like a beggar on the street. If he is suddenly asked to change his clothes, he no longer needs to beg, but he will feel uncomfortable, and he will always feel that he is not himself.

Frankly speaking, the four of them don't know right now... have they returned to their normal lives?
I always feel that this kind of feeling of asking for help... doesn't seem to be very pleasant?
Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help whispering in Li Chen's ear: "Uh, Brother Li Chen, why do I always feel...these guys are weird? That skinny guy just wanted to touch my chest .However, I was stopped by that bearded uncle."

Suddenly hearing Linna talking in such a low voice, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but whispered: "That guy also wanted to touch me just now. He was also stopped by that beard."

Only Quan Hye Kyo kept silent, she was just subconsciously approaching Li Chen...

Seeing the three women like this, Li Chen was inexplicably stunned, and then said in a low voice: "Ask for help... That's it. Anyway, I still want to thank them for willing to take us on board."

Unexpectedly, Katerina was worried: "What if it is a thief ship?"

Li Chen hurriedly gave her a look, and then whispered: "You think too much, sister. What about the big cruise ship?"

Immediately, Quan Hye Kyo said in a low voice: "Yes. Just wait until we get on the cruise ship."

Then, Quan Hye Kyo whispered again: "The cruise ship must be full of tourists, so... it should be fine?"


In fact, to be honest, what will happen next, Li Chen has no idea and doesn't know?
Moreover, he doesn't know where the cruise ship departs from and where it is going?
I just know... Next, when I board this cruise ship, maybe my fate will be in the hands of others?
To say something bad, you have to act according to the face of others.

I hope... people will be kind!


But if you want to talk about regrets and the like, you can't talk about it.

After all, the four of them still wanted to leave the island and board their cruise ship.

What's more, it's pretty good for them to let the four of them board this cruise ship.


Afterwards, after the boat approached the cruise ship, under the guidance of the three guys on the boat, Li Chen and the other four began to climb up the ladder on the side of the boat...

After going up to the boat corridor on the first floor, after the blond curly guy also came up, he gestured for the four of them to stay in a corner of the boat corridor first.

So, Li Chen and the other four approached the corner of the boat corridor.

As far as this moment is concerned, the four of them are really a bit like four poor worms.

It seems that all the heroism in self-rescue has disappeared.

Fortunately, Li Chen allowed him to take the two packs of cigarettes in his pocket on the boat.

The zippo lighter he was carrying was also allowed on board.

At this moment, leaning on the boat corridor, he had no choice but to light a cigarette in depression...

Afterwards, looking at Ito Chuanxiang, he whispered: "Uh, Chuanxiang, you can ask that blond curly-haired guy later if he can make a distress call for us? You just say that you are calling for Huaguo .”

Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help being startled, and then hurriedly said: "Here... in the ocean, there should be no signal, right?"

Li Chen said: "Generally, there is an Internet room on the cruise ship. As long as they are willing to help us, they can use the computer in the Internet room to contact the outside world. Maybe the mobile phone has no signal?"

But then, he hurriedly said: "Forget it. Just ask them if they would like to call for help. If not, then forget it. Because we can also enter the Internet room. Because there There is a fee. The price is clearly marked."

Just hearing what he said suddenly, the three women were a little confused: "???"

Immediately, Katerina couldn't help but said: "Uh, brother Li Chen, where is the Internet room on the cruise ship? Why don't I know? Before... when I was on a cruise ship, I didn't even know there was this room!"

Li Chen said: "Ordinary tourists seldom use it. So they don't pay attention to it. Besides, when they take a cruise ship, they are all out for sightseeing. The pictures are the natural scenery on the sea or in the ocean. Who would pay attention to it?" Do you care about that?"

Then, he said again: "Okay. Let's talk about it later depending on the situation. It's night now, so it's useless to think so much. Take your time and talk about it in the daytime."

As he spoke, he suddenly turned to face the ocean...

After flicking the cigarette butt in hand into the ocean, with the sea breeze blowing, I still felt some inexplicable refreshment.

At least now I'm on a big cruise ship anyway.

After a while, Quan Huiqiao couldn't help but approached him, and then whispered in his ear: "Uh, Li Chen...why do I always feel...something is wrong?"

Li Chen said in her ear: "Didn't I just say it? It's useless to think about it for a while. If you are sleepy, you can find a place to sleep on this boat gallery. Actually... stay It also feels good on this boat gallery. It’s better than staying on a desert island.”

Quan Huiqiao curled her lips inexplicably, and then whispered in his ear: "At this moment... just came up, how can I sleep?"

The four of them were talking, when suddenly, the blond curly-haired man walked over...

At this moment, under the light of the ship's gallery, I saw this curly blond... dressed in a sailor's costume, he was quite handsome.

This guy... probably in his 30s?

It should be a small boss on this cruise ship or something?
(End of this chapter)

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