Chapter 888

After a while, the four of them who were still a little inexplicably excited stayed at the corner of the ship's corridor at the end of the cruise ship. It still felt a bit boring, so suddenly, Katerina couldn't help coming up with a ghostly idea. ...

This girl is somewhat playful, so she couldn't help but smiled and said: "Uh, brother Li Chen, how about... let's go to the bow deck for a while?"

Suddenly hearing this, the eyes of Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but suddenly brighten up——

Obviously, for a woman, suddenly on such a cruise ship, her love for the bow deck naturally arises spontaneously.

Especially "Titanic", which once caused a sensation all over the world, in this film, the interpretation of the scenery on the bow deck is incisive and vivid.

The scene of Jack and Ruth at the bow can be said to hit the hearts of thousands of women directly...

Against the backdrop of the three beauties, Li Chen at this moment is more or less like the poor boy who got on this cruise ship.

Frankly speaking, as far as his heart is concerned, Li Chen is also a little inexplicably fidgety right now...

But thinking about it, in the end, he still couldn't help but said: "Okay. Don't make any trouble. They told us to stay here honestly, just stay."

Then, he couldn't help but added: "After all, we are all people who didn't buy a boat ticket. Now they are just doing humanitarian aid to us. If there is more chaos, it will be unreasonable."

Suddenly hearing what he said, in desperation, the three women had no choice but to be depressed, frowned their beautiful eyes, and even curled their lips...

But they still understood in their hearts and realized that what the Hua country man said was right.

After all, we are not on a desert island now, and we can no longer be so unrestrained.

Their respective behaviors...more or less still have to take into account the feelings of more people.

At the same time, the three women also realized that they seem to have returned to that seemingly free and civilized era, but in fact... there are still many invisible rules and regulations.

After a while, I saw that guy named Kerry walking towards them again...

However, this guy named Kerry... business literacy is still okay.

At least he keeps a civilized smile all the time.

In order to get acquainted with each other, suddenly, the former Captain Li Chen also started to play...

Although his English is not very good and his speech is very awkward, he can barely speak a few words.

Seeing the guy named Kerry approaching, he passed a cigarette first...

It's just that Kerry smiled gratefully, and then said something, which means: Thank you, I don't smoke!

Seeing this, Li Chen gave an awkward smile, and then said something in English, which meant: Wouldn't it be boring to stay in the ocean for so long without smoking?
While talking, he had no choice but to put the cigarette in his mouth and light it...

It's just... suddenly, Kerry was a little surprised, and couldn't help but stare blankly at this Chinese man, as if he didn't expect that he could communicate with him in English.

In fact, at this moment, the three women were also very surprised, and they were also staring at this Hua country man inexplicably...

They seemed to realize that this guy was actually hiding something?
Especially Ito Chuanxiang is thinking, he can speak English! ?
As far as Kerry is concerned, he doesn't really dislike this Huaguo man, but he doesn't really like him either.

However, as the topic unfolded, this guy named Kerry talked about it roughly, meaning that he used to smoke in the army, but after becoming a crew member of this cruise ship, he quit.

Hearing what this guy said, he also had the experience of being a soldier, so Li Chen instantly found the starting point of the topic.

Immediately, he was busy talking about some of his experiences as a soldier.

This actually made Kerry really have some interest in this Huaguo man.

Ever since...the two started chatting inexplicably...

While chatting, Kerry also suddenly became curious, so he couldn't help but ask, meaning: How did you spend the nearly a year in the ocean?
Hearing this suddenly, before Li Chen could say anything, Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly started talking...

Unexpectedly, this H country actress's English skills are not bad.

What she meant was: We three women all want to thank Li Chen, he has always been protecting us and protecting us.He has also been the one who keeps looking for food for us.

After hearing what this lady said, suddenly, this guy named Kerry also looked at Li Chen with some inexplicable admiration...

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang also said, meaning: My life now belongs to Li Chenjun.If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead.

Hearing this again, Kerry smiled at Li Chen respectfully, and then said something, meaning: Li Chen, you are doing well!We are worthy of being soldiers!
After this enthusiasm, Li Chen also asked, meaning: Can we go to the deck at the bow to stay for a while?
This guy named Kerry shrugged his shoulders in an inexplicably good mood, meaning: Of course.

But then, he still emphasized, meaning that the four of them can only move around on the first floor gallery and bow deck at present, and don't leave this area.

In fact, Li Chen also expressed his understanding of this.

After all, this cruise ship has several floors, which is equivalent to a star hotel moving in the ocean. If the four of them are scurrying around on this cruise ship, looking back, it will be really difficult for this guy named Kerry to find them for a while. .

Afterwards, the guy named Kerry spoke roughly to Li Chen again, meaning: Don't pay attention to that arrogant guy in the medical department, he can't represent our captain, nor our crew.

Then, the guy named Kerry said again, meaning: there are too many people, some situations are naturally complicated, and there will always be some mouse shit.I believe that our Country Y and Hua Country have always been two countries of friendship.

After hearing what Kai Rui said, Li Chen hurriedly expressed his gratitude...

Suddenly, the hearts of the three women felt much more comfortable.

At the same time, the three women also realized that it was this Hua country man who knew how to endure humiliation. Before he found out the whole situation, he had always kept a low profile like pretending to be a grandson.

It doesn't appear that he has the slightest edge.

After a while, when the guy named Kerry explained a few more words, he turned around and left again.

Ever since... the three women suddenly burst into joy...

"Oye—give permission now—we can go on the bow deck—ha—"

Unexpectedly, suddenly, the former Captain Li Chen said: "Then let's go! Why are you still jumping? Wait until the bow deck and jump again! Let's, go—"


(End of this chapter)

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