Chapter 889 Want Two?
Next, I saw these four people really looked like country bumpkins who had never seen the world, cheering and jumping for joy, running wildly along the boat corridor, cheering and excitedly running towards the bow of the boat...

"Ah—the sea—here we come—we can go home at last—"

Seeing the three women suddenly screaming in a sharp voice, Li Chen still reminded him: "Hey, keep your voice down!"

In fact, he knew very well that in the middle of the night, some so-called upper-class people were sleeping soundly on board, and if they woke them up, they would complain.

Now, the four of them are nothing but pitiful worms in the eyes of others. Although they have boarded the cruise ship, they are not yet eligible to enter the ship.

This is equivalent to the fact that the four of them can only wander outside the star hotel for the time being.


In fact, the luxury of a cruise ship is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Although it was already midnight, there were still a group of local tyrants and gamblers fighting at night in the club.

Especially those girls who were accompanying her, they were all on time.

Absolutely unified standard of lordosis and kyphosis.

And those girls...all know how to cater to them from time to time, or pretend to be a showman, so as to stir up the hormones of these local tyrants and gamblers all the time.

The beautiful croupier who deals the cards is wearing that revealing {b}, it really saves a lot of fabric.

It seems that this group of local tyrants gambled all night and didn't see every hand clearly. The only thing they saw clearly was the pair of proud things of the beautiful dealer.


As for the bars on the cruise ship, there are still many lonely rich wives getting drunk alone.

Of course, there are also some boring men who are looking for the taste of their prey.

As for the bar staff, all the male waiters are handsome and tall.

It makes those rich wives who get drunk so greedy.

As for the waitresses, all of them are youthful and very beautiful.

It makes many wealthy animals look at it with greed.


What's more, in the restaurant on the cruise ship, there are some couples enjoying supper.

Chatting about some topics that Nini murmured.


In the entertainment department, there are still midnight shows, various song and dance performances, some are elegant and some are vulgar.

Many men and women were watching and cheering.


As for the guest room department, some tourists still have regular schedules, and they have already fallen asleep in their respective rooms.

But there are also many rooms where there are women's "uh" or "ah" sounds from time to time.

About these... I won't describe them one by one.


At this moment, in the darkness, at the bow of the ship.

It was Li Chen and the other four who were enjoying themselves...

In short, on this huge cruise ship, the rich have the fun of the rich, and the poor have the fun of the poor.

For Li Chen and the other four, although they can't enter the interior of the cruise ship yet, they are already very happy.

After all, at least there is hope to go home.

Just looking at the vast ocean under the night, the four of them still sighed a little...

At least at this moment, in Li Chen's mind, the past scenes are constantly flashing back...

And the beauty writer in Dongyang suddenly praised sincerely: "Wow--all this is really beautiful--"

The Russian girl Katerina said: "Yes! The cruise ship is super enjoyable! Otherwise... how could Simon say that he would travel around the world on a cruise ship!"

Just hearing this Russian girl mentioning her deceased boyfriend, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but startled slightly: "???"

Afterwards, she hurriedly turned her head and looked back at the super cruise ship under the night. Layer after layer, it looked quite huge, but she was suddenly worried that this cruise ship would not be able to move in the ocean. Shen?

As for this moment, Li Chen suddenly lit a cigarette, turned around and walked towards the side of the bow...

Quan Hye Kyo turned her head to look, and could not help but approached silently...

After standing on the railing, Quan Hye Kyo turned to look at him, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Uh, right now... what are you thinking?"

Li Chen frowned inexplicably, then took another puff of cigarette, and finally replied with a half-smile: "I didn't think about anything."

Seeing him like this suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but smile with inexplicable interest: "Uh, yes, the two of us... also go to the bow of the boat to learn from Jack and Ruth?"

However, Li Chen frowned inexplicably: "No way? The final ending of Jack and Ruth...doesn't seem so good?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, the H country actress was indeed taken aback for a moment: "???"

Then, I suddenly thought of the ending of that movie, in order for Ruth to live, Jack himself died...

Thinking of this, the H country actress suddenly felt a little heavy in her heart...

So, she said: "Forget it then. Don't do it. Don't learn from Jack and Ruth. I'm still me, a girl from country H, hehe!"

Seeing her self-deprecating smile suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but smile...

Immediately, he couldn't help but said: "Five days later... we can disembark in country T, are you happy?"

Hearing what he said suddenly, she was suddenly as happy as a child, but Quan Hye Kyo looked at him inexplicably sour...

It seemed that she had just seen his cute side.

In fact, she never wanted to see him fight so ferociously for these women on the desert island.

So, suddenly, she whispered in his ear: "I like to see you happy like a boy."

Hearing what she said suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but give a wicked smile...

Then, he whispered in her ear: "How about a boy? If...the two of us don't take precautions...I should be a father, right?"

Quan Huiqiao couldn't help but look like a charming daughter-in-law, pretending to be angry and whitening him...

"Damn it, you!"

However, just after finishing speaking, she couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "Uh, to be honest, do you want a boy or a girl?"

Li Chen couldn't help but smile again: "Girl. As beautiful as you."

The H country actress pouted inexplicably: "Huh! But I want a boy! Be as brave as you!"

Li Chen couldn't help smiling again: "Then the two of us... How about we want two later? One boy and one girl, how about it?"

The H country actress looked at him inexplicably, and then said: "But... Chuanxiang told me that when giving birth, women will be very painful! I don't want to be so painful!"

Unexpectedly, just after saying this, she couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "But... as long as you like it, I'm willing to give you two."

Li Chen said, "It's your child too, okay?"

Immediately, he added another sentence: "The two of us... are just two cooperative manufacturers, and then jointly produce, okay?"

"Hmph! Then I won't give birth!"

"Don't, don't, don't! Isn't this... Are we discussing friendship? We can negotiate terms!"


(End of this chapter)

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