Chapter 890 The Six Women's Plan

the next day.Huaguo, Yanjing.

An outdoor store.

I saw that Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other six women have been purchasing a large number of professional equipment for outdoor mountaineering and adventure...

Such as: hiking bags, trekking poles, climbing ropes, tents, protective hats, and so on!

From the looks of it, after the six women arrived in country G, they still planned to go to the ocean.

Because they all firmly believe that the captain must still be alive.

The recent series of actions by the military of country G must have something to do with their captain!
Especially Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er, these two women know the captain best.

All the time, in fact, the two of them are the closest people to the captain.

Especially Tan Jixia, it can be said that the relationship between her and the team leader is not that of a real relationship.

This northern girl who keeps claiming that she is a divorced woman, although she has been emphasizing that she is the captain's sister, in fact, she knows what she thinks in her heart.

There were several times on the island, if she hadn't restrained herself, she would have almost pushed the captain back.

After a while, after coming out of the outdoor goods store, Qin Xiaowan was busy asking, "Uh, Qian'er, over there in country is the matter of leasing the plane?"

Su Qian'er hurriedly said: "I have already contacted another aircraft leasing company. What they mean...we can arrange it according to the situation after we arrive in country G."

Then, Su Qianer said again: "This aircraft leasing company seems to know quite a lot about the ocean. They said that if the helicopter only refuels once, it will never fly to the islands in the center of the ocean. Even the first You can't fly to any island."

Then, she continued: "Actually, I have already studied these. The cruising distance of a civilian helicopter with a full tank of fuel... is about 600 to 800 kilometers. The distance from country G to the first island in the center of the ocean It's between about 1600 kilometers and 1800 kilometers."

Immediately, Tan Jixia couldn't help but said: "Actually, I have also studied it. According to the direction we came out of the ocean at that time, the last island is what we call the first island now. It is called Hukou Island."

Following this topic, Qiong'er couldn't help but said, "I've done some research in my spare time. Hukou Island, also known as the Island of Death."

Suddenly hearing this, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help asking: "By the way, Qiong'er, this time you're going to country G for so long, has your company granted you such a long vacation?"

Liu Caiqiong smiled indifferently: "It's okay. If I don't approve it, I will resign. I will kill it first and then play it. I will look for a job when I come back. I am now... a marketing director like me is still very sought-after."

Suddenly hearing this, the foreign girl Lina couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Oh... that's right! I forgot... Qiong'er should come over and do market development for our Chenguang extracurricular training center!"

Then, the foreign girl Lina said again: "I think...we can completely emulate New Oriental's model. In the end, we will become a large-scale extracurricular training institution or group."

However, Miao Keke couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Okay. That's enough. Let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about our going to country G."

Then, Miao Keke said again: "According to my inference, according to the captain's ability, he has been in the ocean for so long. I think... the captain should have rescued himself to Hukou Island? Or... the first time after Hukou Island?" Two islands?"

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help but look at Miao Keke with an inexplicable smile, and then said, "Okay, little girl! Now it's finally starting to grow melon seeds?"

Miao Keke curled her lips and said, "Hmph! Who said I can only be cute? Cute girl is the nickname you gave me, okay?"

Suddenly, Su Qian'er was worried: "I hope our plan this time...will not conflict with the actions of the military of country G?"

Qin Xiaowan, on the other hand, said anxiously: "By the way, our visa...has not been issued yet, what should we do?"

Su Qian'er said: "It's okay. It should be soon."



On this day, the military of country G has not yet taken any action against the ocean.

This morning, some heads of the military have been meeting and studying.

Because there are really too many islands in the center of the ocean.

What's more, the distance is really a bit far, and it's quite a hassle to go there.


In the afternoon, a group of people from the military of country G went to the pier under the banner of the John family.

I went to the pirate named Yalu and asked some questions again.

As for the guy named Yalu, in that warehouse, he was tossed... he was almost dying.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, this guy named Yalu asked for medical assistance.

Because of the beating and the injuries all over his body, he couldn't bear it without another medical aid.

Seeing that this guy was struggling to speak, the military personnel of country G had no choice but to arrange a temporary medical aid.

After the incident, this guy named Yalu revealed that it means...they saw a man and two women on the beach just south of that island.

Hearing such news suddenly, the group of G country's military was very confused again: "???"

Fuck...! ?

One man and two women! ?
Next, I saw the group of G country military staring at each other for a while, you look at me and I look at you...


It seems unbelievable that only one man and two women can be so powerful! ?
Sure enough, next, these guys started discussing with each other...

But one by one, they all frowned in disbelief...

Then, one of the guys said, meaning: There must be something wrong here!Just one man and two women can't be that powerful!There should be other people on the island!That one man and two women might just be an introduction?
But think about it, with normal logic analysis, it is really impossible for one man and two women to kill so many pirates, isn't it?
Next, looking at the guy named Yalu who was still dying, a rough man in the military couldn't help but went forward to ask questions...

What he meant was: Fuck you!Did you see clearly that there were only one man and two women on the beach at that time?

This time, the guy named Yalu suddenly said pessimistically, meaning: I know I am about to die.But before I die, I still want to see the truth.Because Master Juezhi waited for those people, the real ones were not killed by us pirates.So do you think... can I still lie to you at this time?
Suddenly I heard this guy named Yalu talking like this. To be honest, all of a sudden, this group of people in the military of country G really began to sympathize with him.

He even realized that maybe it was Tamar who caught the wrong person?

But the problem is... just one man and two women can be so powerful! ? fucking complicated...

(End of this chapter)

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