Chapter 895 The Captain Appears!
Right now, inside the cruise ship.

The captain is already asking the security manager Xiao Jie.

The captain was very angry about this incident.

Annoyed in the middle of a bout of anger, it means: I'm going to Nima's Xiao Jie!Can you explain what the heck is going on now?We... Mir, is this how you keep the peace?

Seeing the captain suddenly angry, Xiao Jie, the security manager, was trembling with a little timidity at the moment...

Obviously, he didn't seem to expect that the situation would eventually become such an unmanageable situation.

After all, it is an international cruise ship, which ultimately reflects the reputation of Country Y.

Although most of the cruise ships were citizens of country Y nationality, there were also many citizens from different countries.

So this kind of malicious incident on the cruise ship will eventually damage the reputation of Country Y.

Seeing that Xiao Jie was trembling, not daring to speak out, the captain was even more furious, and cursed again and again...

After cursing, the captain asked again, meaning: Do you know what humanitarian aid is?
Xiao Jie: "...???"

Then, the captain asked again: "The four people trapped on the island who were rescued by us, why haven't you settled them down for such a long time?"Why let the four of them hang around on the deck of the bow?

Then, the captain said again: They are not poor people, understand?Since we decided to extend a helping hand, it means that we have to bear certain obligations, understand?Now, they're... like our tourists, they're gods, you know?
Fortunately, after a meal of anger, the captain finally said angrily: Xiao Jie, this matter... can't just pass like this, just wait!


Right now, the bow, on the deck.

I saw Ryder's six or seven attendants still kicking the guy named Marne angrily...

For this Mr. Mann, this time it is really a big show.

And Ryder looked at it with a half-smile, and then said to Li Chen: "Brother Li Chen, when you are satisfied, just tell me. If they keep kicking like this, their feet will be very tired."


Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women couldn't help but laugh...

I suddenly felt that the big black man was too funny.

Let's take a look at Li Chen again... The three women are once again in admiration!

And the more you look at it, the more the three of them feel that they don't understand this Huaguo man...

They were even thinking, is this still the Li Chenjun we know?
Why does he still have such a great friend?
And it happens to be on this cruise ship?

He... Who the hell is he?
Think about it too, either it is too low-key, or it will surprise the whole cruise ship!
This reversal of the plot made the onlookers on the cruise ship very happy...

Many people even booed that Mr. Marne...

Such as: hit harder!Beat that country Y scum to death!Throw that bastard from Country Y to feed the sharks!
Ryder listened, and couldn't help but look at Li Chen inexplicably, and then said: "Hey, Brother Li Chen, listen to... public opinion! We seem to be doing harm to the people?"

Seeing this big black man again suddenly, the three women couldn't help but want to laugh...

And Li Chen said: "By the way, since we haven't seen each other for so long, isn't there a little greeting?"

Ryder gave another unscrupulous smile: "Yes. Of course. Cigars, do you want to smoke?"

Li Chen said, "You should keep that cigar for yourself."

Ryder laughed again, and then took out a box of Chinese cigarettes...

"How about this, Brother Li Chen?"


At this moment, accompanied by several crew members, an old man in his fifties appeared...

That old man was the captain—Captain Loschester.

Ryder turned his head to look, and suddenly saw the captain coming out, he was still smiling like that, showing his white teeth...

Then, I saw Ryder asking loudly with a hearty voice: Captain Loschester, are you sure that this is a veritable international cruise ship?

The old man was a little embarrassed and had to smile apologetically: Oh!I'm so sorry, Mr. Ryder!Made you laugh!I also think all this is too absurd!
Taking advantage of the opportunity, at this moment, Kerry hurriedly approached Captain Luo Shide, and then whispered in Captain Luo Shide's ear...

He told Captain Luo Shide all the whole story of this matter.

After hearing this all of a sudden, the captain looked at Kerry with pleasure, and said something, meaning: Kerry, I now announce that you will be the security manager of this cruise ship from now on!
Suddenly hearing this, Kerry was startled in surprise: "???"

It's like I can't believe it!

Then, Captain Loschet expressed some disgust, glanced at Marne and the others roughly, and said to Kerry: Kerry, such tourists are not welcome on our cruise ship, you can figure it out!
The captain was angry, which was not a good thing.

It can be said that in this ocean, he is the highest officer.

What's more, in this ocean, if the captain really wants to mess with someone, he has a thousand ways.

Kerry was taken aback for a moment, and after he understood what the captain meant, he immediately ordered his brothers to take Marn and the others away...

It's just that the guy named Marne was about to be escorted away, but unexpectedly, Ryder hurriedly said, meaning: Wait a minute!
Kerry couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly turned to look at the captain's face...

The captain said, meaning: Then, what else can Mr. Ryder do?

Ryder smiled, and replied: "It's nothing, it's just... the well-known Mr. Ma En from country Y still owes my brother from Hua country an apology!"
"???" Now, seeing the guy named Ma En, he was completely embarrassed.

At this moment, when the captain suddenly saw Li Chen's entire appearance, the captain was also stunned: Oh!God!It turned out to be... China, Li! ?
Immediately, I saw the captain was excited, stepped forward in a panic, hugged Li Chen, and said: Sorry, China, Li!My dearest friend from China! sorry!
"???" Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo and the three women were dumbfounded again.

I saw these three women...Suddenly, their eyes widened in shock: "???"

It seems that the three of them are even more incomprehensible to this Huaguo man...

The captain of this cruise ship suddenly became so excited!

Can an old man in his fifties be so excited and loved?
Immediately, I saw the captain of Loschete turned his head and looked at Kerry a little angrily, and then cursed, meaning: Fuck!How do you all do things?How is humanitarian assistance implemented?This matter...your security department...all of you will be severely sanctioned! Fuck——

(End of this chapter)

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