The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 896 Brother Li Chen, are you satisfied?

Chapter 896 Brother Li Chen, are you satisfied?
Seeing the captain suddenly burst into thunder, Kai Rui and other crew members were also frightened and timid, but then they were taken aback: "???"

It seems that I didn't understand what was going on for a while?
The originally seemingly insignificant boy from Huaguo was instantly respected and respected by these top big shots.

It seems that they don't understand what the origin of this Hua country boy is?
According to the current popular son-in-law routine on the Internet... Does this kid from Huaguo still have a big background! ?

Young or old of a certain international group! ?

It turns out that this kid... has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger! ?
In fact, even Jeon Hye Kyo and the other three women were thinking, could it be that Li Chenopa's not simple! ?

Suddenly, the well-known Mr. Ma En from Country Y seemed to realize something...

So, he panicked and knelt down on both knees with a 'plop'...

Then I saw the core figure of country Y, the mafia, kowtow and apologize in a panic...

Sorry, Mr. Li!excuse me!

This sudden scene stunned the onlookers on the cruise ship: "???"

Oh... my god... what kind of bloody plot is this?

And Ryder saw that Mr. Ma En suddenly looked like a clown at the moment, so he asked Li Chen, and he asked: "How is it, Brother Li Chen? Are you satisfied?"

Unexpectedly, Li Chen actually said: "I will be satisfied if I let your men sleep with his wife later."

Ryder laughed, and couldn't help but look at his followers, and asked: Do you understand?

However, those six or seven attendants were stunned for a while: "???"

Everyone shook their heads, meaning they couldn't understand Chinese?
So, Ryder also told them in English with a smile: My Huaguo brother said, I will let you sleep with Mr. Man's wife later.

Suddenly hearing that it was such a thing, I saw that the six or seven attendants were all happy: OK!


In the end, after Marne and his group were escorted away by Kerry and other crew members, Ryder looked at the captain and couldn't help but ask: "Captain Roth, do you know my Huaguo brother?"

Suddenly hearing this matter mentioned, Captain Luo Shide replied excitedly: Of course!Thank you China, Li for helping me!Chinese people are great!Huaguo soldiers are also great!That time a few years ago...if it wasn't for China, Li's rescue, I might have died in the ocean that night!

After hearing such a story suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo and the three women suddenly understood that it was no wonder Li Chen Ouba was respected by the captain. It turned out...he had provided rescue to the captain when he was a soldier.

Seemingly in an instant, the stalwart image of this Huaguo man was once again magnified.

At the same time, it also magnifies the great image of Huaguo.

As an important power on the international stage, Huaguo seems to have been recognized by more and more people.

And in the military and other fields, it increasingly reflects Hua's determination to maintain world peace.

In particular, Hua Guo's responsibility seems to have been vividly reflected in this Hua Guo man.

Next, taking advantage of this opportunity, the captain couldn't help having a brief chat with Li Chen...

It meant to ask about Li Chen's recent situation.

When Li Chen said that he was discharged from the army, the captain was very surprised, saying how could such an excellent soldier be discharged?
Then when Li Chen said that he was a survivor on HX714, the captain was even more surprised: "???"


Li Chen nodded with a calm smile.

After being surprised for a while, the captain suddenly said: "Let's go!"Afternoon tea, please!And Mr. Ryder, with us!

Next, when I suddenly saw the captain personally leading Li Chen and others, including Mr. Ryder, to go to afternoon tea, all of a sudden, those onlookers on the cruise ship were dumbfounded again: "???"

oh my god...

This, is Why! ?
Such a sudden scene really made the onlookers on the cruise ship a little confused?

At this moment, Xiao Jie, the former security manager on the cruise ship, panicked.

Because of the next thing... He really doesn't know what to do?

What he never expected was that that seemingly inconspicuous boy from Hua country was actually the captain's friend?

Fuck...! ?

What...! ?



This afternoon, from country G.

That group of soldiers, some brains, are still meeting in the conference room of the base...

Still discussing, researching, analyzing...

Because according to signs such as the thatched huts on the island, even if there is one man and two women, they should be just unlucky people living on a deserted island. How could it be possible to have that kill nearly twenty pirates?
Also killed two pirate ships?
So, this is the problem now, and the people in the military of country G haven't studied it to understand it.

Finally, after all kinds of heated discussions and debates at the meeting, one of the leaders suddenly said, meaning: I think I should send some more people to the island tomorrow to have a look?I think the one man and two women should still be on the island?
Another little leader said: I think... If there is no rescue, the man and the two women will not be able to leave the island in the center of the ocean.It's possible... Our battle is too big, and they are still frightened?Which cave on the island should I hide at the moment?
And another guy said: The situation on the island is still too complicated, and the area of ​​the island is still too large. If the man and the two women have been hiding, we may not be able to find them?


Obviously, now it seems that this may...will always be an unsolved case in country G?
This group of people from the military of country G may not be able to solve this mystery?

Although it seems to be a bit close to the truth, it is still difficult for them to know what the truth was in the ocean at that time.


In the middle of the afternoon, some guys from the military of country G went to the pier under the John family again...

Originally, I wanted to ask the pirate named Yalu about the situation again, and wanted to ask more detailed questions, but who knew that when I came here again this afternoon, the pirate named Yalu had already choked up and died... …

Why! ?
Suddenly, this group of people in the military of country G was also a little inexplicably annoyed.

Because the death of this guy named Yalu means... all clues are interrupted.

However, there is no way to ask why the John family did this?
Because, after all, this time, the military expenses and so on are all paid by the John family.


In fact, Lord John is a little discouraged now that this matter has progressed to this point.

Feeling... Maybe it's hard to get the truth?
Although a lot of money has been spent on this matter, Lord John suddenly felt... Perhaps it is difficult to conquer such nature with all the power of the country?

What happened in the ocean may remain a mystery forever?

If you continue to toss and search, maybe it will be like that?

It is impossible for his eldest son to be resurrected.

So, when he got upset in the end, Sir John made a gesture, meaning to kill that guy named Yalu and forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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