The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 897: Brother Li Chen Show Yourself!

Chapter 897: Brother Li Chen Show Yourself!

Right now, in the ocean, on a cruise ship.

Inside the tea restaurant.

Perhaps no one on the entire cruise ship thought that the seemingly inconspicuous Chinese kid would end up being the guest of the captain and Mr. Ryder.

At this moment, the three women who ate and drank together were still a little confused...

But suddenly, this feeling of going from hell to heaven is still very exciting and sour.

Especially the Russian girl Katerina was thinking, Brother Li Chen is really awesome!Really domineering!It really embodies the national prestige of Huaguo!
As far as this moment is concerned, the oriental beauty writer Ito Chuanxiang is also looking at Li Chen like a nympho, thinking in her heart, it turns out that Li Chenjun is so powerful, no wonder...he has always believed that we will definitely be able to get out of the ocean of!
As for Quan Hye Kyo right now... her heart is full of happiness.

Because my man is so awesome than the one with lightning, can you not feel happier?
Especially when she thought about how, on the deck of the bow, this man from the Hua Kingdom really dared to risk his life for her. Her heart... was still moved!
As for this Huaguo man, when he used a toothbrush to hate that guy, in the woman's heart, it was really love!
This life is him!
No man can take this man's place!


In fact, this is Li Chen in the over-magnification and imagination of the three women.

But in fact, in Li Chen's own opinion, it was just good luck, pure luck, it happened that on this cruise ship, he met two guys who knew how to be grateful, that's all.

As a former member of the special forces, he has indeed participated in many international special operations.

In these actions, he really shines every time.

Those saved by him can be said to be international friends.

Take this big black man (Mr. Ryder) as an example. He was once trapped in a certain country, and it was inconvenient for the military of their own country to come forward directly. Later, they sent someone to rescue him through the relationship from the country of Hua.

Of course, these are all top-secret operations, and it is inconvenient to disclose too much.

That was the top-secret operation, this Mr. Ryder recognized this Huaguo brother.

In fact, for Li Chen, he knew very well that it was not his personal strength, but that there was a powerful motherland behind him.

Therefore, in his heart, those are the past.

He was just... once a soldier.That's all.

The aura of the past has long been eclipsed, and it is useless to mention it.


At this moment, the atmosphere in the tea restaurant was just right. Suddenly, the guy named Kai Rui came running...

Kerry hurriedly smiled at everyone, then hurriedly ran to the captain's side and said something in the captain's ear.

Kerry was actually telling the captain that the housekeeping department had already vacated a room.

Since the cruise ship is full of tourists, it is really embarrassing to vacate another room.

After hearing this, Captain Luo Shide nodded, expressing his understanding.

They were chatting and laughing at the moment, so Captain Rochester also asked Kerry to go down first.

Later, when Captain Rochester asked Mr. Ryder how he met China, Li, Mr. Ryder was rambling for a while...

Because he secretly has a special identity, it is inconvenient to disclose it, so he can only talk nonsense.

Anyway, he was always smiling, showing his big white teeth, which contrasted sharply with his complexion.

This guy said that when he was in Huaguo, he once found a woman standing on the street, and then he happened to be swept away by the Huaguo police.

Later, Brother Li Chen fished him out, and the two got acquainted.

Hearing this story, Captain Luo Shide burst out laughing...

After it was over, Captain Luo Shide sighed for a while, meaning that he was old, so he couldn't do that.

After a while, the captain's assistant came to look for him suddenly, as if he was in some trouble.

Therefore, Captain Luo Shide also said that he would excuse me first.

At the same time, he called the manager of the tea restaurant and asked him to bring the bill. After he signed the bill, he said that the bill had been settled.

Ryder said he laughed, and said he would like to have a meal next time.


After Captain Roshde left, Ryder would let go.

He first looked at Li Chen with a smile, and then at the three women...

After it was over, Ryder said with a smile: "Brother Li Chen, how about... I will give you a nationality of our country, and then you can marry all three of them legally?"

Then, he said again: "I know your country does not allow it. You can only marry one. At that time... choose one of the three... it should be a headache, right?"

Unexpectedly, before Li Chen could say anything, Katerina hurriedly asked with interest: "Can this be done? Can there be such a magical operation?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly said to Katerina: "Wait, Lina! We still have to ask the genuine opinion first!"

Unexpectedly, Quan Hye Kyo actually said: "Hmph, if Li Chen Oppa has no objection, what can I say?"

"???" Li Chen was a little silly.

Damn... what's going on! ?
Ryder couldn't help laughing: "Brother Li Chen, it seems... okay?"

Unexpectedly, Li Chen frowned suddenly and said, "I can't afford it."

However, the beautiful writer in Dongyang immediately said: "Hmph! Who wants you to raise me? I can continue to write books and make money!"

Katerina said: "Don't worry, Brother Li Chen. I will also find a job by myself."

Jeon Hye Kyo said, "I don't need to raise either."

"???" Suddenly, Ryder also fainted.

"Ou Maiga—Brother Li Chen—you...beautiful—"

While giving Li Chen a thumbs up, Ryder looked at the three women and said, "You three really like my brother Li Chen?"

Jeon Hye Kyo said: "I was already his wife."

Ito Chuanxiang said: "If Sister Huiqiao has no objection and Li Chenjun is willing, I can become the little one."

Katerina said: "Sister Ito and I have the same idea!"

Suddenly, Li Chen hurriedly said: "It's all right. Don't be led astray by this guy. Let's talk about something else."

Unexpectedly, Katerina hurriedly said: "Brother Li Chen, this is a serious matter! Let's discuss it first?"

Quan Huiqiao said: "I think...someone actually thinks the same in his heart, right? He just doesn't feel ashamed to say it?"

Suddenly seeing these three women like this, and then looking at Li Chen's helpless and distressed face, Ryder couldn't help but burst out laughing...

"Brother Li Chen, express your opinion. I think it's okay. Haha!"


(End of this chapter)

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