The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 898 I don't want the truth anymore!

Chapter 898 I don't want the truth anymore!

Right now, Country G.

A big man from the military is on the phone with Lord John...

Hearing Lord John suddenly say that this is the end of the matter, this military boss looked confused: What! ?
To tell you the truth, the sudden announcement of the termination of this matter has really caused some headaches and inexplicable annoyance to the military.

It even made the military feel a little bit stuck.

Because what is it called Tamar?

However, the military leader of country G seems to be aware of... the evil capital system!

The ferment of the incident was Sir John, who suddenly announced the termination, and it was also Sir John.

Rich people... are so self-willed! ?

Thinking about this matter again, the military leader of country G is really very angry!
After all, before and after, the military is indeed working very hard.

Moreover, now that I am getting closer and closer to the truth, it is quite irritating to suddenly give up like this!

If this news gets out, people will think that the military of country G is not capable!
Next, no way, the military boss of Country G had no choice but to try to lobby Sir John...

After all, it's not good to be stiff.

Because in the future, in terms of military expenditure, I still count on the support of Sir John.

Country G's capital system is like this. In terms of some expenses, it still depends on the faces of these capital tycoons.

However, despite the lobbying of the country G military boss, Lord John said, meaning: sorry!I'm getting older, and I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for the truth?Moreover, this matter... I have already figured it out, maybe we will never get the truth about what happened in the ocean?
Then, Lord John asked again: You keep saying that you are getting closer and closer to the truth, but can you tell me...there are so many helicopters and so many personnel I sent, how did they disappear?
Then, Lord John said again: All the messages I have received so far are explained by the word 'lost contact'.lost contact?mean what?Can you tell me?

Afterwards, Lord John couldn't help but said: Lost contact?I'm going to Tamar's lost contact!Robo lost contact!Then even Charlie lost contact!Don't you think it's all too scary?Are we conquering those islands in the ocean?Or are the islands in the ocean conquering us?
After hearing Lord John's sudden sobriety, the military boss of country G also had an inexplicable expression on his face...

Because so far, the military has not revealed these truths.

The only thing we know now is that Master Jue Zhi really died in the ocean.

Others... There are so many people, all of whom have been lost, not even a bone of Tamar.

What's more... of the helicopters sent by the John family, only one can be found at the mouth of the next valley, and the other helicopters... have all disappeared.

All of a sudden, the military boss of country G was also thinking about it in various ways, and felt a little powerless...

Because it is really impossible to answer Sir John's questions now.

In the end, after saying good wishes, the military boss had no choice but to hang up the phone helplessly.

Because there is no point in lobbying any longer.

John, the old man... is stubborn.

What's more, if you continue to lobby, it feels like you are slapping the military in the face.

At least the big guy in country G's military already felt his face was hot.

As soon as the phone was hung up, he had no choice but to be inexplicably annoyed: Fuck! ?
Everything in the ocean... to hell!
The dead young master hell!
That stubborn old man hell too!
At this moment, a subordinate opened the door and came in, asking about tomorrow's battle plan against the ocean...

The big guy was even more annoyed: Fuck—to hell with those battle plans—


This subordinate was suddenly stunned.

It seems that I still don't understand what's going on for a while?
Finally, looking at his subordinates, the boss said: It's over!everything is over!Old John doesn't need the truth anymore!What are we holding on to?

Hearing this suddenly, the subordinate was dumbfounded again:? ? ?
However, afterward, he still did not forget to remind: Then... what if the small tribe on the island is still alive... What should I do?
The boss said: If there is one, let it be!What do we do?For us, without funds, everything is useless!

Then, he said: Remember, this is their personal business, and they cannot use our treasury's military expenditure, understand?
And the subordinate said again: Haven't we already found a man and two women?
But the boss said: Fuck!Let the man and the two women go to hell!


In the end, this matter, I guess it will be over like this?

What happened in the ocean is still a mystery.

Perhaps... no one will ever know?



Right now, in the middle of the ocean, on that cruise ship, in the tea restaurant.

Seeing that it was already the hour of remnant red, all of a sudden, the three women couldn't help but ran towards the French windows with inexplicable joy...

It seems that in this tea restaurant, admiring the remnant red, there is a different view, and a different mood...

"Wow - so beautiful -"

"Hee hee... This cruise ship is really luxurious——"


Only Jeon Hye Kyo didn't say anything, just feeling all this quietly.

Suddenly, this feeling... It seems that there is a kind of bitterness and reward.

But, in the final analysis, I have to thank... that Li Chen Ouba!
Because he was the one who brought the three women together to endure hardships...


Regarding this moment, Li Chen was still talking and laughing happily with that guy Ryder at the tea table...

After turning his head to look at the three women in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Ryder couldn't help but smile at Li Chen again: "Brother Li Chen, these three little girls... are really nice! You are really lucky!"

However, thinking back on the past, Li Chen still can't seem to be happy...

I saw him frowning in distress, then looked at Ryder again, and suddenly said: "Dahei, let's talk about something else?"

Hearing what he said suddenly, Ryder looked at him with a half-smile but sincerely. Then, he suddenly said: "I hire you?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Li Chen looked at him in a daze...

Ryder smiled, and then said: "I'm not joking with you. Really. In the future... shall we be together?"

Then, Ryder said again: "Anyway, haven't you already retired? Do you have any scruples?"

However, after Li Chen frowned suddenly, he said, "Don't talk about it. I have always been a Chinese. Veterans are also soldiers."

Immediately, he said again: "Besides, your job is too dangerous. I don't want to live that kind of life now. I've been in the ocean for almost a year, and I've had enough of it!"

Ryder smiled inexplicably and distressedly: "Could it be that in the really just want to enjoy these three women?"


(End of this chapter)

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