Chapter 902
But right now, in the casino on the cruise ship, two well-known bosses are also having a different kind of gamble...

One of the famous bigwigs is from the United States.

The other is from Yingguo.

These two bosses are betting to see who can win the celebrity girlfriend of the kid from Huaguo?
Obviously, these two bigwigs have secretly done their homework...

As we all know, the girlfriend of the Hua country boy is an actress from H country.

In fact, for such a beautiful oriental-looking woman, these bosses are also salivating.

I always feel... such a woman will have a different moan when she gets on the bed.

Maybe this is a common problem of bigwigs from all over the world?
It is also called the evil taste of the rich.

It seems that apart from women, they don't know what to pursue?

However, the boss of Ying country is still reminding that that kid from Hua country is not easy to mess with.

The boss of the United States is naturally very conceited, and said arrogantly: What is a kid from Huaguo?In my eyes, China is nothing.

Yingguo said: This is a bit big.Captain Rochester... is not a vegetarian either!

The American guy said, "Captain Luo Shide?"To hell!But you know, on this cruise ship, we are God!They're just there to serve us, what captain and no captain, go to hell!

As for now, room 527 in the housekeeping department.

The sleeping Russian girl and the oriental beauty writer have no idea what the other world on the cruise ship is like.

And Li Chen and his star daughter-in-law from country H, who are in the bathroom at the moment, don't know that there is another world on the cruise ship.

The two of them at this moment are only crazily enjoying their two-person world.

Li Chen, who was behind the rain cloud, showed a very satisfied smile, looking at this H country celebrity daughter-in-law inexplicably and ambiguously...

And this celebrity daughter-in-law from Country a typical sweet daughter-in-law.

She still looked at Li Chen with an inexplicable blushing, and then whispered pretending to be annoyed: "Huh! You'd better go out! You are here... so that people can't wash their clothes well!"

Li Chen smiled like an inexplicable hippie: "Don't you still want a boy?"

Quan Hye Kyo stomped her feet shyly: "I hate you, you! Do you still want to have twins? Hmph!"

Immediately, she changed the topic: "It's all right. You go to sleep first. I'll help you wash your clothes, and I'll be here."

"No. I'm going to be here watching you wash your clothes."

"Then you are not allowed to smoke!"


After a while, inside the casino.

The American guy snapped his fingers and called the waiter.

When the waiter came over, when the American guy whispered a few words in his ear, the waiter was panicked: "???"

Then, no way, the waiter had no choice but to tell him, meaning: Xiao Jie is no longer the manager of the security department.The current manager is Kerry.

Suddenly hearing this, the American guy was also a little surprised: "Fuck...!?"

After thinking about it, it didn't matter, the American guy finally had to say, meaning: Then go and call Kerry.


After waiting for a while, when Kerry came to the casino, the American guy was busy waving: Hey, Kerry!

However, when Kerry suddenly saw that it was the American guy, he was stunned for a moment. It seemed that he also realized that there must be nothing good.

Sure enough, when he came to the American guy, the American guy whispered a lot of whispers to him...

This made sense, and knowing that this American guy also fell in love with Miss Quan Huiqiao, the actress from H country, Kerry couldn't help being stunned again: "???"

After thinking about it, Kerry had no choice but to reply, meaning: Sorry, sir!Miss Jeon Hye Kyo is now a VIP on our cruise ship just like you!As crew members, we all have to respect you!So this... I can't do it!Also, we're just crew members, not pimps!So... so sorry!
Hearing this suddenly, the American guy got anxious: Fuck?What did you say?
Seeing it, Kerry suddenly became a little sullen: Please keep your mouth clean!I suggest you go brush your teeth!Don't you Americans never brush your teeth?
As a former soldier, he naturally has a temper.

Besides, now that he has been promoted to the security manager, there are so many brothers under him.

Besides, the current location is on a cruise ship.

I'm so impatient, what can I do if I throw this American guy to feed the sharks?

Suddenly, Kerry was also in a hurry, and the American guy was a little surprised: "???"

At the same time, the American guy is also a little embarrassed...

After all, what a loss of face on this occasion!

Therefore, next, the American guy said: Kerry, say it again!
However, Kerry is also a smart person, so he changed his words: Sorry, sir!We will not obey your request!Have fun!Good night!

After finishing speaking, Kerry was about to turn around and leave...

Seeing this, the American guy got angry: Wait, Kerry!

Kerry turned around and asked, "Is there anything else, sir?"

Unexpectedly, the American guy suddenly rushed over angrily, and punched Kerry on the forehead...

With a sudden 'tom' sound, Kerry was a little confused: "???"

After Kerry reacted, he also became angry. He said, "I'm going to the god of the gods", and suddenly punched the American guy...

'Tom! '

With such a bang, the American guy staggered and almost bumped into the chair beside him...

All of a sudden, the Ying Guo guy saw this and came to dissuade him in a hurry: Oh! No!calm!Calm down!
The downgraded American guy suddenly felt embarrassed, and asked Kerry angrily: Do you know which country I am a citizen of?
Unexpectedly, Kerry said: Sorry, I don't want to know!I just want to tell you that we only provide normal and legal services that should be on our cruise ships!Other than that, we can't do it!

The American guy is really embarrassing now...

It seems that the advantages of the United States cannot be reflected here.

Then, Kerry said: Even God is the same, we are mutual and equal!

This embarrasses the Ying countryman:? ? ?

In desperation, Yingguo said: "What's your name?"I will sue you!
Kerry said: My name is Kerry, please feel free to complain!

Then, he said again: If there is nothing else, I will excuse you first, goodbye!

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left.

The American guy is stupid now: Fuck? This... What?

However, the Ying Guo guy looked at it, and could only shrug his shoulders helplessly: I, don't, know. This... What?
What Yingguo meant was: I don't know either, this... what?
American guy: ...? ? ?
But the Ying Guo guy suddenly said: Are you sure our bet will continue?


(End of this chapter)

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