Chapter 903 Who?

At this moment, in one of the rooms on the second floor of the cruise ship, the former security manager Xiao Jie is gathering a group of security brothers, and is also preparing to make trouble tonight.

Obviously, the title of manager was suddenly rolled out, so he naturally refused to accept it.

Besides, as the boss of Zeng's security department, there are still some buddies who support him as always.

At this moment, those security brothers who have always been loyal to him are all aggrieved...

Even secretly cursing and questioning...

For example: Apart from kneeling and licking, what else can Kerry do?What makes Kerry a security manager?Is that old man Lost insane? Fuck——

Xiao Jie calmed down their anger first, and then planned and conspired, what to do tonight?

Obviously, there must be an entry point for doing things.

In the end, it was agreed that this incident was all caused by that Hua country boy...

It means... I am going to start with that kid from Huaguo.

Some even said that they would sell the three women who were protected by the boy Hua Guo.


From this point of view, the former Captain Li Chen still had a keen sense of smell.

Because he already had a premonition that this cruise ship might not be calm in this ocean tonight?

After all, he knew very well that on this cruise ship, there were a lot of fish and dragons, and there were all kinds of goods.

And her celebrity daughter-in-law from Country H... is indeed stealing the limelight.


After a while, in the casino, that American guy is also ready to make trouble.

This American guy is spending money to buy some bold waiters, preparing to call a group of people temporarily, and then do things too.

In this society, no matter where you are, there will always be some people who are willing to work hard for money.

Moreover, no matter where, as long as there are people, there will be rivers and lakes...

Since there are rivers and lakes, there are naturally some intrigues and struggles.

The very angry American guy first pointed the finger at Kerry, the new manager of the security department...

She has already threatened that she must make that scumbag look good!
In order to show her coquettish prestige as an American guy, and at the same time planning, she must sleep that little H country actress in front of Kerry...

The American wants to let Kerry know who is more noble?

Wait a minute, Room 527.

Li Chen is dimming the lights in the room because the Russian girl and the oriental beauty writer are asleep.

Right now, Jeon Hye Kyo has already washed his clothes for him.

After finishing her work, Quan Hye Kyo went to bed again, got into the bed, and lay down.

She just turned her head to see that Li Chen was still standing in front of the window smoking a cigarette, while Quan Huiqiao couldn't help but whispered angrily like a charming daughter-in-law: "Hey, come to bed soon! Stop smoking!"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen continued to smoke, then turned to look at her...

Suddenly seeing her like that, he couldn't help but smile like a hippie: "Wait a minute, daughter-in-law. I'll be fine soon."

After the cigarette butt was hot and took two tight bites, he snuffed out the cigarette butt, and he couldn't help turning around and walking towards the bed...

"Daughter-in-law, I'm here!"

Frankly speaking, at this moment, I am really a little inexplicably excited.

After all, this is the first time in history, the young couple can squeeze together in a warm bed at night...

However, just as he got into the bed with some excitement and was about to lie down, unexpectedly, the landline phone on the bedside table next to him suddenly rang...

Suddenly hearing the sound of 'Ring Ling Ling', Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help being stunned for a while: "???"

Immediately, she hurriedly turned her head to look at Li Chen beside her, and asked, "Who is it?"

Li Chen was also a little confused, shaking his head: "I don't know?"

After Quan Huiqiao was stunned for a while, she whispered in his ear: "Then you pick it up quickly. Don't wait...I woke up Linna and Chuanxiang."

Suddenly hearing what his daughter-in-law said, Li Chen hastily stretched out his hand and picked up the phone: "Holl..."

Then, I only heard Carrie's voice on the phone...

On the phone, Kerry reminded him in a low voice, which meant that he should be more cautious tonight and not leave the room.No matter who looks for it, don't leave the room.

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was startled secretly, and after expressing his thanks, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Li Chen pretended nothing happened and lay down on the bed.

But Quan Hye Kyo beside him was still looking at him in a daze, and couldn't help but ask, "Who is it?"

Suddenly seeing her like that, Li Chen smiled, then turned towards her, couldn't help but hugged her into his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Sleep, wife. It's okay."

In order to dispel her doubts, he still did not forget to explain: "It's Kerry. He said good night to us."

However, as soon as the words were finished, unexpectedly, the landline phone on the bedside table rang again...

This made the two people hugging each other in the bed stunned: "???"

The two looked at me and at you, and then, Quan Huiqiao felt a little annoyed and frowned: "Hmph, who is it again? It's so annoying! We can't let us both sleep together for a while ?”

Seeing her like this, Li Chen could only smile sadly...

Then, he had no choice but to let go of her, turned around again, and reached out to pick up the phone: "Holl..."

However, this time, it was an unfamiliar voice...

The voice said on the phone, meaning: Mr. Li, can you please bring your wife to the bar for a drink?
Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was furious, who was he thinking about Nitama?

Appreciate Ni's numb face?

Do I know you?
Fuck Mr. Ni!
He was very annoyed, and finally replied in English in a very gentlemanly manner, meaning: Can you tell me who you are?
The guy on the other side replied: One of your friends from the United States.

After Li Chen said 'Oh', he said: Can you tell me what booth you are in now?
The American guy on the other side replied: I will wait for you and your wife at booth No. 9!
Li Chen said: "Okay, my wife and I will be there later."

But as soon as the phone was hung up, Li Chen immediately dialed a number...

But it was a call to complain to the cruise ship.

It means that the guest at booth 9 in the bar just made a nuisance call to our room.


In a moment, inside the bar.

That American guy was sitting in booth No. 9 waiting. Unexpectedly, suddenly, Kerry led more than ten brothers from the security department in...

The American guy glanced at it, and then frowned in a strange way... Fuck! ?
Why is it this annoying guy again! ?

And Kerry led the brothers from the security department to surround him, looked at the American guy, and said with a blank face, meaning: Sorry, sir!A guest just complained about your nuisance calls!
"???" The American guy was stunned, Fuck, what the hell!
That brat from Huaguo... pissed me off! ?

Oh...Fuck...Damn Huaguo boy...

(End of this chapter)

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