Chapter 904
After midnight, the cruise ship in the ocean became much quieter.

Some tourists with regular schedules have already fallen asleep in their respective rooms.

Let the cruise ship continue to sail in the dark...

However, the entertainment department was still very lively, and now the song and dance performances in the second half of the night started.

Generally speaking, the content of the song and dance performance in the second half of the night is relatively kitsch...

But some men and women just seem to like it.

There were even some young lovers who sneaked in to watch the second half.

Seeing so many pairs of men and women on the stage, just performing hand-to-hand combat and deciphering various postures, although it made those women blush, they would make various exclamations from time to time...

As for those men, it can be seen that...they all had the same smiling expressions, and even shouted and added to the fun.

And in the casino at the moment, some local tyrants and bigwigs are still making various bets.

In the dimly lit bar, the light music is still there, some men and women are still getting drunk, and some even hide in the corner and kiss each other.

In the SPA department, the male and female department, there are still many tourists enjoying the SPA services on this cruise ship...

In short, on such a night, each of them is still intoxicated on this cruise ship.


However, outside the cruise ship, in the ocean under the night sky, it seems that the weather has quietly changed.

Perhaps the people on the cruise ship didn't notice that tonight is a night where you can't see your fingers.

There is no moonlight and no stars.

Some are just the navigation lights of the cruise ship on...

Under the navigation lights, I saw that the waves were becoming more and more intense...

The sea breeze seemed to suddenly feel a bit chilly.

However, as such a huge ship, it is not that fragile in the ocean.

At least it can withstand several typhoons.

Relatively speaking, there is still a factor of safety.


At this moment, at the bottom of the cruise ship, I saw that Ma En and the group had successfully rescued themselves.

The ropes in their hands have been untied.

It's just that now... I can't get out.

The big iron door on the ground floor was closed and locked.

I saw these guys looking for something, ready to break open the iron gate...


And now, the fifth floor of the cruise ship.

I saw Xiao Jie and a group of people sneaking up to the door of Room 527...

They knew that the man and the three women were in this room.

They tried to open the door, but suddenly they felt that the door was locked, and they couldn't help being stunned...


As for now, in the room.

Li Chen and the three women had already fallen asleep.

The Russian girl shared a bed with an oriental beauty writer, and Li Chen naturally shared a bed with his wife, Jeon Hye Kyo.

In history, on the first night, they could be so happily and sweetly huddled together under the quilt, only to see the two of them fell asleep, and they still did not forget to embrace each other tightly.

Frankly speaking, how many young couples in the world will envy such a sleeping position?
However, in the middle of the night, there was a sudden knock on the door...

There was a rattling, and a group of people were trying to pry open the door of Room 527.

It's just that after prying for a long time, it still didn't pry open.

The reason is that not only is it locked, but behind the door, Li Chen blocked it with a tea table.

This awareness of protection is naturally due to living on a desert island for too long.

Therefore, now it always feels... not safe anywhere.

Xiao Jie waited for the group, at the door, obviously felt that the door had been pried open, but it couldn't be pushed, no matter what, so one of them got annoyed and couldn't help being furious: Fuck——

It's just that the sudden outburst of anger scared them all into a daze: "???"

Immediately, Xiao Jie hurriedly said, meaning: Can you keep your voice down?Grass!
But, suddenly, I saw the Russian chick Katerina... It seemed that she was awakened.

After the girl woke up, she raised her head in a daze, and when she suddenly saw someone pushing the door, she couldn't help but panicked: "???"

Immediately, the girl couldn't help getting up lightly...

With this girl's eccentric personality and courage, she naturally wouldn't yell at first.

However, just when the girl was about to tiptoe to the door to find out, unexpectedly, there was a loud bang...

Accompanied by this loud noise, the entire cruise ship trembled...

Then, it was obvious that the cruise ship was drifting, as if the vehicle was drifting...

Katerina suddenly became unsteady, and fell down with a 'poof'...


At this moment, first of all, many women's exclamations of "Ahhh" came from the entertainment department...

Immediately afterwards, the siren on the cruise ship sounded...

In the casino, those local tyrants and bosses who suddenly fell down were panicked in all kinds of anger and abuse...

Such as: Fuck!What broken cruise ship?

Some are yelling, such as: My card! 9:[-]!Grass, what the hell?Do you want to take the opportunity to change cards and cheat?

But at this moment, all the personnel in the deck department panicked, panicking, running, shouting...

Such as: Captain, the broadcasting system is down, what should I do?Captain, the ship seems to be sinking?
At this moment, Captain Luo Shide's face was dark...


At this moment, the bottom of the cruise ship.

Everyone in Ma En's group suddenly fell in front of the iron gate...

One of the guys was hit on the head by an iron rod.

The guy named Man was furious: Fuck——

However, all of a sudden, the boy who was left in the corner suddenly yelled loudly, meaning: ah—oh—Mr. Man—the water—has entered the water—

Before the voice fell, I saw that the water was getting more and more turbulent...

Suddenly, this Mr. Marne was dumbfounded, his eyes suddenly widened in shock...

Subconsciously, just as he was about to finish speaking, a rush of water suddenly poured towards him. After a whirring sound, he felt that he could not hear anything in his ears, only the buzzing sound...


As for the door of room 527 at this moment.

After Xiao Jie waited for the group to fall suddenly, he realized that something was wrong...

Suddenly, a guy yelled, meaning: Boss!run!The ship is sinking!The cruise ship is sinking!
"...???" After Xiao Jie was stunned for a while, suddenly, it seemed that there was no hatred at all.

After he stood up suddenly, he hurriedly said: Run!quick!Go be the first to put on your life jackets!

As for Katerina in the room, she got up with a shudder: "Hey—brother Li Chen—sister Huiqiao—sister Ito—woke up—the cruise ship seems to be sinking—"

Li Chen, who suddenly sat up in a jerk, hurriedly asked, "What's the matter!?"

However, just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard that the corridor outside had become a mess...

All kinds of running sounds, cries for help, cries, screams of women...

(End of this chapter)

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