The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 906 Brother Li Chen, Good Morning

Chapter 906 Brother Li Chen, Good Morning
In fact, Li Chen and the other four didn't know anything about the cruise ship breaking apart suddenly and sliding down the ship corridor to the ocean in an instant.

Although I heard someone crying, someone cursing, and someone shouting the names of their wives and children, the four of them couldn't help at this moment.

To put it bluntly, in this case, it would be good if the four of them could take care of themselves.

Moreover, for Li Chen, except for these three women, those other people... have nothing to do with him.

The so-called heroes... are divided into occasions, places, and things.

In this situation of Tamar, no one will be the savior.

After leading the three women to swim aside for a certain distance, he had no choice but to stop suddenly.

Because in this kind of pitch-black night where you can't see your fingers, Li Chen was also in a daze for a while, and couldn't tell the difference between east, west, and north.

I don't even know where there is an island?Or a place to dock?
Therefore, I can only wait for the dawn in this ocean...

I turned around to see something, but I still couldn't see anything.

What can be seen is still only the dark night...

At this moment, Li Chen didn't know where he swam with the three women?
Or where in the ocean?
It just feels like... at this moment... that cruise ship should have sunk completely?
But now, how many people have been rescued?They don't know either?

In other words... I don't know how many people are floating in this ocean right now?
It's just a feeling... There should have been many people sinking with the cruise ship?


However, from the beginning to the end, the three women following Li Chen were very quiet.

Also very calm.

Maybe... After all, this is not the first time I have experienced this kind of thing, right?
Anyway... After struggling for so long, the four of them still couldn't get out of the ocean, and they were getting used to it.

It seems that there is nothing like the four of them still being together.

As long as the four of them are still safe and sound, then everything is not that important.

Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help asking: "Brother Li Chen, when will the sky be bright?"

However, Li Chen could only reply in a daze: "I don't know?"

Afterwards, it was Ito Chuan who complained, "Why are we so unlucky?"

After a while, Quan Hye Kyo suddenly said: "Li Chen...the sea so cold!"

Hearing this sound suddenly, he felt something was wrong with Quan Huiqiao's voice, so Li Chen hurriedly said, "Huiqiao, what's wrong with you? Where are you?"


At this moment, in the distant sea, a woman who looked like Huaguo suddenly cried: "Jerui—I want to go home—I want to go back to Huaguo—"


Then, in the dark ocean, it gradually became quiet...

However, vaguely, the sound of someone swimming can still be heard.

It seems that the instinct of desire to survive, some people are still struggling...

At this moment, with a whoosh, a gust of cold wind swept in...

After a while, it felt like it was starting to rain.

The waves seemed to be getting more and more intense.


"Brother Li Chen, it's raining! What should we do?"

"If it rains, we can only wait for dawn. There is no other way now."

"Li Chenjun... I suddenly feel that the sea water is so cold!"

"Chuan Xiang, you... just keep going!"


Under the dark night sky, only such conversations could be heard.


The rain, pattering down for a while, then stopped again.

It's just that the sea breeze suddenly became stronger...

"Brother Li Chen! Is there a typhoon coming?"

"Probably not? Because the rain stopped. It should be fine after a while?"


It seems to have begun to enter the darkness before dawn.

After a while, sure enough, the sky began to turn pale...

"Brother Li Chen! Look! It seems to be dawn?"

At this time, Li Chen was already looking around...

But at this moment, nothing can be seen.

After a while, finally, there began to be a dim light...

Suddenly, Li Chen turned his head to look, and finally saw, about two or three nautical miles away, there was a huge black shadow...

That was obviously an island.

Just when he was excited and was about to take the three women to swim there, suddenly, the voice of the big black man (Ryder) was heard...

"Hey—brother Li Chen—good morning—"

Li Chen turned his head in a daze, and saw Ryder, who was wearing an orange lifejacket, swimming towards him with a smile...

However, looking at that guy, still looking funny, Li Chen was very depressed, shit, Mr. Ni, it's still early?Uncle Sunny?

Suddenly seeing the big black man, the three women suddenly couldn't laugh or cry...

I was just thinking, this guy... can still laugh?

After Ryder swam close, he still didn't forget to bring up a bag in hand, and flaunted: "I have food here, Brother Li Chen, do you want to form a team with me?"

Li Chen was so upset: "Fuck, Mr. Ni! You can't be the one who sank the cruise ship, right?"

Suddenly hearing this, Ryder couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Hey hey hey! Brother Li Chen, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately! We are called fate! In the words of your country... If you die, you will be blessed, OK?"

As he said that, he still did not forget to look at Li Chen with a smile, and said, "Brother Li Chen, I knew you would be fine. Because... Liu told me that you have nine lives, haha!"

Li Chen was really that helpless, and said: "Don't be so funny, can you? Anyway, you are also a person with status, right?"

However, Ryder still laughed like that: "Hey, brother Li Chen, I'm not funny. I'm... the secret of health preservation that your Huaguo doctor taught me. I will live happily ever after."


Quan Hye Kyo and the other three women suddenly couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

So, Ryder said: "Look! Brother Li Chen, your women are all happy, aren't they?"

In desperation, there was nothing left to do, so Li Chen had no choice but to say: "It's all right. Stop talking so much nonsense. Tell me first, do you know where we are now?"

Ryder shrugged and said, "Ocean."

Li Chen: "..."

"Hey, what's the matter, brother Li Chen? Am I wrong?"

"I'm going to Mr. Ni!"

"Oh, sorry! Brother Li Chen, you should know that I don't have a master!"


Quan Hye Kyo and the three women couldn't hold back, and laughed again.

I always feel that this big black man is really too funny.

However, before they knew it, as the sky had brightened up, and they suddenly looked around, the three women couldn't help feeling sad...

Because at this moment, in the ocean, there are not many people floating on the water.

In the cruise ship with thousands of people, in the end, only a few dozen people are still floating on the water...

(End of this chapter)

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